Forgotten Realms: The Archives - Collection One

Forgotten Realms: The Archives - Collection One

How may I see spells on a list? Need some explaining
I need to know what mage/cleric spells can do before memorize it into my spellbook?
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for example, what does "aid" cleric spell do? flame blade, duration? so on...
Um, I used to able to see map i've explored areas.... now, the map is gone. How do I see map?
Longhaul 2023年12月13日 22時42分 
Emperor Swords の投稿を引用:
for example, what does "aid" cleric spell do? flame blade, duration? so on...
Descriptions for all spells can be found in the Rule Book.
Not many spells are useful.
Generally Useful: Haste, Neutralise Poison, Create Food, Remove Paralysis

In EotB I: Stoneskin
in EotB III: Heroes Feast, Water Breathing, Spiritual Weapon

For the Clerics, best load up with heal spells
Bunches of thanks!!
Emperor Swords の投稿を引用:
Um, I used to able to see map i've explored areas.... now, the map is gone. How do I see map?

I think in the startup Forgotten realms box, where you select the game you want to play and other options, there is a box to see all. Try clicking that box before clicking the play button. I have mine selected and I see the map. However, beware. Many times when I load a save the map shows blank - as if I had not explored that level yet. When this happens I try to go to a prior level where that map regenerates, then back to the level I was on. The map then regenerates for that level.
Emperor Swords の投稿を引用:
for example, what does "aid" cleric spell do? flame blade, duration? so on...
Again, when the game first starts at the forgotten realms box there are small boxes inside to view the cluebook and the manual. Make sure you select the correct game first, as there are 3 different games and thus 3 different manuals. The manual contains a description of the spells. I find that cleric prayer and protection from evil 10' help.
Yes, it worked. All I had to was change game, not fullscreen or else i couldn't see the maze map. Solved, not a problem. Thanks anyway,

Though, I got one more question. How do I change my formation, the party order? See, i got Taghor.... I would like to put him in my 2nd front line. How, eh?
Emperor Swords の投稿を引用:
Yes, it worked. All I had to was change game, not fullscreen or else i couldn't see the maze map. Solved, not a problem. Thanks anyway,

Though, I got one more question. How do I change my formation, the party order? See, i got Taghor.... I would like to put him in my 2nd front line. How, eh?
You can change the party Order from the Encamp menu.

Encamp --> Alter --> Order.
What do you mean, encamp? On my camp menu, there's "Rest party, memorize spells, pray spells, scribe scrolls, preferences, and game options" and that is it. Still, couldnt find a way to change my party order. Please help me out :)
jkrame2 2023年12月20日 15時25分 
Emperor Swords の投稿を引用:
What do you mean, encamp? On my camp menu, there's "Rest party, memorize spells, pray spells, scribe scrolls, preferences, and game options" and that is it. Still, couldnt find a way to change my party order. Please help me out :)
Right click on the one person you want to switch, then right click on the other person. They will switch.
I tried to do that, still nothing change. So, um, is it buggy?

I don't see "Alter" on my camp menu, do do?
jkrame2 2023年12月20日 18時42分 
Emperor Swords の投稿を引用:
I tried to do that, still nothing change. So, um, is it buggy?

I don't see "Alter" on my camp menu, do do?

If you read the manual that you can access as I indicated for review of spells, it tells you to right click on the names of the characters you wish to switch positions. This has always worked for me. If you left click the names, it adds those players to the "all combat" button. You may need to be out of the camp menu to make the switch.

You are correct that there is no ALter in the camp menu. The only way I know to switch positions is to right click on the names of the two players you want to switch positions.
Finally, it worked!! That's the part you didn't mention till just that "click on names to switch" so I got it!~

Bunches of gratitude!!
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