Mata Hari
Written by the same guys who made Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
But is it any good? :)
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This game is an embarassment; for the creators, for Hal Barwood, who may have just given his name to cash in a bit on the side, for adventure gamers, who want quality entertainment, for historians, both professionals and hobbyists, and games in general.

It's not even that there is one aspect that is totally bad, it's just that there was no effort at all to do anything above the bare minimum of delivering something. I'm inclined to say this is a classic Kickstarter cash-grab by otherwise probably competent people.
What has Kickstarter got to do with this? It was made without any KS participation whatsoever.
You seem to be right. I must have confused it with something else. My bad.

Would be interested in other's opinions on the game. Although I wouldn't mind if no one bought it actually.
Ultima modifica da 3lives; 12 ott 2014, ore 15:46
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