Brigandine The Legend of Runersia

Brigandine The Legend of Runersia

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Is this intended?
In every single fight, when you attack an enemy fort, the AI takes their troops and gather them around in the town, not moving out nothing!
You have to move 3 turns to get into range and then surround them to kill one by one !

Therte´s no strategy invoilved - the AI is not cominh out of their towns / cities!
That´s ridiculous!
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Rambit Mar 25 @ 10:25pm 
you should look in the options. sounds like you clicked the difficulty option to make the enemy guard their territory. might be a custom game you are playing or its just a general option. All i know is it is a option that you can turn on or off based on how difficult you want the game.
It's actually more strategic for the AI to stay and guard their castle. It provides a hex that autoheals for 100 health every turn and gives several units castle defense. it forces you to move forward to engage which prevents you from firing off your big skills while they can fire off theirs. They have the defensive advantage, which is good AI strategy.

I have mine set at random, so sometimes they come at me and sometimes they defend. It does suck to move into their range, I totally agree, but I don't turn it off because it is a legit strategy that makes it more challenging (a little).
tvance52 Mar 26 @ 7:05pm 
I play random as well. It is a legit strategy to turtle and defend the castle, as a player you want to do that when defending. You also want to turtle and form a defensive line if the enemy is coming to you. (well, late game you can do what you want once you're strong enough).

You can game the AI when it comes out to meet your troops as well. When they do, a strong defensive position makes can make them weaker than if they just turtled up by their base. Especially depending on the movement range of units, sometimes you can defeat the before some enemy units even get close enough to engage in combat.
Last edited by tvance52; Mar 26 @ 7:08pm
Yea, I understand that all! But it sucks, since the game only consists of battlefields ,where you want to conquer a castle/city ! So it´s ALWAYS them turtlin in!
In addition in 95% you cna´t use the special feat of yourm onsters, which gives them advantages on different grounds. I.e. the water units will never make use of their special ground, since the citiy fights will never happen on water ground......
Cymoric Apr 9 @ 6:57am 
Well in any setting I've ever played with Brigandine games if they are defending you can just set up around 4-5 hexes away and set up a decent defensive line. Then crawl forward slightly if you need to and use a dragon breath. Them taking damage will trigger them to move out of defensive posture and attack you. Then you're basically playing defense anyway and they'll tend to move into positions against your line where you've set all your tanks with angels or mages or other backliners behind them.

Unless things have changed that I'm unaware of, after 200+ hours with this game and tons more with old Brigandine, the AI simply will not keep turtling if they are getting blasted. Cause they don't want to be sitting and taking free hits all day.

If you have the AI on an easy mode I believe it's even simpler cause they just rush you.

And I rarely let the AI attack me because I have priority due to higher value teams, but if they attack you I don't think they ever turtle cause they are on a turn limit.
Last edited by Cymoric; Apr 9 @ 7:00am
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