These Doomed Isles

These Doomed Isles

Are there plans for more gods in the future?
In addition, will the level cap be increased from 8/ 7 for Inari? As it stands now, I've pretty much maxed out the unlockables and whatnot.

The game itself is absolutely fantastic and well worth the price. 40-some hours in and I'm still regularly finding out new things or different combos.
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
76561199560039710  [developer] May 28 @ 2:57am 
Hey there, thankyou for your message!

Currently there are no plans to extend the level cap for Inari.

There are currently no more gods planned on the run up to 1.0 - The full launch of the game will be when we take a look and see if there is any room for additional gods.

We really appreciate your kind words about our game <3
Last edited by damian; May 28 @ 2:59am
Originally posted by damian:
Hey there, thankyou for your message!

Currently there are no plans to extend the level cap for Inari.

There are currently no more gods planned on the run up to 1.0 - The full launch of the game will be when we take a look and see if there is any room for additional gods.

We really appreciate your kind words about our game <3
Thanks for taking the time to reply, I appreciate it. A little over 58 hours in, pretty much explored all there is, I'm still having fun. Goes to show you and your team have made one magnificent game. I'm super excited to see what These Doomed Isles has in store for the future!

I have noticed that Inari has a really rough early game, personally I chalk it up to my lack of skill and there are no lumber felling buildings, relying on the citizen mechanic for wood gathering can be stifling early game when resources such as wood are at the highest premium.
Also, those accursed Itsumade feel a little bit overtuned for how early they tend to appear. 9HP is gums up the works since the only way to combat them, at least early, is to spam god powers and hope the musketeer isn't on cooldown.

Again, thanks for the reply. Y'all are MVPs.
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