These Doomed Isles

These Doomed Isles

True Endless Run
Managed to make it into endless on a low ascension level. Build is awesome: Surplus to Demand and Donations meant that generating massive amounts of food solved my gold and faith issues as well.

However, after getting into endless, my population exploded - 1.5x growth every year. I'm now generating -8k food per year because I have such a high population and wildly insufficient resource generation. I can't even afford cards at harvest.

Intuitively, I feel like I should be losing, but only 10-15 people are dying to starvation each year in comparison to literally thousands being born. I can only house 5% of my population, but my happiness is still increasing by 500% a year. Enemies are also barely scaling - the biggest threat I've faced so far was when negative food generation tanked my gold stores and made my mercs turn on me.

Is this behavior intended? I feel like I broke something and have a true endless run as a result. I'm not sure if I could lose if I tried.

I'm not sure if/how I can attach a screenshot, but can provide them if need be.
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sean.campbell  [developer] Apr 4 @ 9:32am 
We have just uploaded a fix for the population issues as part of the Inari Update! So population growth should make much more sense now! :)
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