Terminator: Dark Fate - Defiance

Terminator: Dark Fate - Defiance

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✪Ren Feb 26, 2024 @ 3:24am
Why do you feed, Sgt. Lazlo?
Like, extraction point is 5 meters away, let's escape!
- No, they will pursue us! Better me than you! (They pursued anyway obviously)
Here comes all terminators of all kind from all sides, bomb-drones, nukes, just to be sure you know poor Lazlo is definetly dead xD

- Hey Sgt., we are safe! Do you copy?


Is this how adult people, developers, see "heroic" deaths and demonstrate them like that?
I have a question for you - are you retarded? Couldn't you imagine any truthful situation for this?
The whole mission literally became an exchange of experienced soldier squad for same amount of random... civilians... :BEfear:
< >
Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
zpc Feb 26, 2024 @ 3:41am 
IMHO it's obviously a humorous take on those "heroic B-Movie last stands" - no need to insult the devs. Overdrawn scenes like that aren't in the game afterwards and this one can in fact be seen as easter egg.
μ 'n' I Feb 26, 2024 @ 3:46am 
I actually had to backtrack all my troops from the extraction point to meet the sgt half way, just so he could needlessly sacrifice himself to the enemies that arrived in the meantime - to allow me to escape back to extraction point I had just come from.

And then they pull the same old story telling device again in the very next mission!

Even when spoofing B-movies, simply repeating what they do isn't all that entertaining...

But I agree, no need to insult the devs like that.
FoxFort Feb 26, 2024 @ 4:16am 
Yeah, it was not done correctly. My units were standing right next to them when Lazlo said like "no time we will hold then off" .. Huh Okay?... and then without hurry i walked my units to extraction.

It would make more sense if Lazlo stayed inside of building and then just have Skynet swarm position before he says "no time bla bla." Or have skynet swarm/spam the road while they are still in the building, so it would make sense.
Well lets just say writing a good story is a skill that few people try to cultivate.

The easy solution would have been that you were holding out in a strong building in a zone that is under fire, and in order to pull everyone out he had to stay in the building to hold the line "pull aggro."
HeathenSW Feb 26, 2024 @ 4:41am 
Originally posted by The Seraph of Tomorrow:
Well lets just say writing a good story is a skill that few people try to cultivate.

The easy solution would have been that you were holding out in a strong building in a zone that is under fire, and in order to pull everyone out he had to stay in the building to hold the line "pull aggro."
I guess they wanted to semi-use this in the next mission with the entrance to the base abandoning after a while. But yeah, it would've been nice, I was in the same situation as FoxFort here, with my units all over Lazlo and plenty of time to go.
tylerhendrix80 Mar 3, 2024 @ 6:14pm 
I agree. It wasn't done correctly. For a game to claim that your choices make a difference, they sure didn't give a choice on that one. I had my troops inside the transports so we can leave faster and then Lazlo out of nowhere was like "I'll stay here and draw there fire". I was thinking like why would he even need to do that at this point. Why would he think that they wouldn't pursue us regardless?
< >
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Date Posted: Feb 26, 2024 @ 3:24am
Posts: 6