Idle Spiral

Idle Spiral

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bot Oct 22, 2023 @ 11:24pm
what does the nuke mode do?
It lowers my attack speed in exchange for the larger progress per attack
this doesn't really helps the progress right?
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
phillip_lynx Oct 23, 2023 @ 12:52am 
It kills many Enemies at once.

If you set it to *1000, every time you defeat it you kill 1000 eneies.
FenrirAdra Oct 23, 2023 @ 2:18am 
It kills X many difficulty waves per completion.

As far as I can tell, the attack speed adjustment assumes you would be 1-hit-killing enemies for the amount of difficulties Nuke Mode is set to skip.

ie: for Gamma with 21 enemies, if you had 0.01 attack speed, and set it to x50 nuke mode, then the math for the attack speed would be 21 * 0.01 * 50.

You're not "gaining" much there, other than simply killing them in bigger chunks at once; it's still the same "time" (as long as you are 1-shotting the enemies). If you aren't 1-shotting enemies, it's still using that same formula (near as I can tell), but it *could be* faster if your crit one-shots them (where it would take a 2nd or more attacks on the same mob with nuke mode off). Same kind of thing if your super crit one-shots them.


The rewards are, near as I can tell, appropriate for doing the skipped waves; I only really notice it with bigger chunks of XP per completion, and if I'm on Gamma with 2 attack speed rolls, I'll notice about 0.001 change in attack speed per completion - but because it's still "all the same" as what you'd get normally, there's no real "need" to use Nuke Mode.
Twilight Sparkle Oct 23, 2023 @ 5:02am 
It's essentially performance mode for people with 0.0002> TTA
crazyabe111 Oct 23, 2023 @ 9:39pm 
Nuke mode is good for 'deep' grinding, where you've gotten to the point where you can't just 1 hit or even 10 hit enemies anymore because it runs on the assumption you're always 1 shotting them, so when you're at the point where you can only get a kill per supercrit(or three Supercrits if you're really Idle)- and are having a bad streak of RNG it allows you to stack the odds and trade 10 - 1000 waves of progress for a proportionate decrease in attack speed.
Draco18s Oct 29, 2023 @ 2:01am 
You don't need to be able to one-hit enemies.

If you grind a single enemy down so that your next hit (or next crit) would kill it, you can activate nuke mode, and after waiting the appropriately increased attack time, skip over all of the difficulty levels as if you had 1-hit all of the skipped enemies.
how to get it
I,Brobot May 15 @ 9:40am 
Originally posted by crazyabe111:
Nuke mode is good for 'deep' grinding, where you've gotten to the point where you can't just 1 hit or even 10 hit enemies anymore because it runs on the assumption you're always 1 shotting them, so when you're at the point where you can only get a kill per supercrit(or three Supercrits if you're really Idle)- and are having a bad streak of RNG it allows you to stack the odds and trade 10 - 1000 waves of progress for a proportionate decrease in attack speed.
I don't see how that makes sense, at least at the level I'm at I guess. If you need to get a supercrit to kill the enemy you're facing and you set nuke mode 100 with a wave size of 21, you need to wait 2100 times longer to get that super crit as opposed to waiting for 2100 super crits to happen at normal speed, which is the same expected wait time. The difference is that you'd be taking more damage in nuke mode because they can get more shots in, so in my experience I can't grind as deep in nuke mode, because enemies kill me that wouldn't otherwise have time to kill me.

The only value of nuke mode that I can see is being able to effectively overcome some lowest-allowed time to attack, if there is one.
I,Brobot May 15 @ 9:51am 
Originally posted by FenrirAdra:
It kills X many difficulty waves per completion.

As far as I can tell, the attack speed adjustment assumes you would be 1-hit-killing enemies for the amount of difficulties Nuke Mode is set to skip.

ie: for Gamma with 21 enemies, if you had 0.01 attack speed, and set it to x50 nuke mode, then the math for the attack speed would be 21 * 0.01 * 50.

You're not "gaining" much there, other than simply killing them in bigger chunks at once; it's still the same "time" (as long as you are 1-shotting the enemies). If you aren't 1-shotting enemies, it's still using that same formula (near as I can tell), but it *could be* faster if your crit one-shots them (where it would take a 2nd or more attacks on the same mob with nuke mode off). Same kind of thing if your super crit one-shots them.
Nuke Mode doesn't behave as though you're 1-shotting enemies, it effectively behaves as though every enemy in a given chunk would have taken the same number of hits as the nuke mode enemy took. And, the nuke mode enemy has the stats of the difficulty you're jumping to. This is actually *slower* on average than turning off nuke mode because it basically artificially increases the difficulty of nearly every enemy you're skipping over.

For example, if you turn on nuke mode 100, and it takes you 20 hits to defeat the enemy. That took the same amount of time as if you took 20 hits to defeat each enemy for all 100 waves. But, you might have been able to 1-shot the first 80 waves, which would have taken much less time.
Mordtziel May 15 @ 10:27am 
For example, if you turn on nuke mode 100, and it takes you 20 hits to defeat the enemy. That took the same amount of time as if you took 20 hits to defeat each enemy for all 100 waves. But, you might have been able to 1-shot the first 80 waves, which would have taken much less time.
You shouldn't be using nuke mode if it takes you multiple hits to kill any enemy other than ∮ or your first kills of Alphabetician in the first place.

Nuke mode is primarily used to boost your reward/loot in the midgame. If you've noticed, as your difficulty increases, so does your reward bonus. You get most of it by 1k and it converges at its limit between 2-3k. If you use a 1k nuke, then every enemy from difficulty 0 up through 1k will be treated as if it was also 1k difficulty for rewards. Overall your time to attack might be slowed down by the same ratio of enemies you've killed, but each early enemy is worth more.

And yes, there is a minimum tta (0.002s). Hitting that point also unlocks scavenger mode which is effectively the same thing but without advancing the difficulty (slower tta, higher reward). Once you get that fast, you use a combination of nuke and scavenger to also slow your tta so that you're utilizing all of your attack speed instead of being capped at 500 attacks/second.
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