Shattered Horizon

Shattered Horizon

Menu/Text glitches
I know this is a long shot but I'm hoping someone else may have encountered and solved this issue themselves.

The game had no issues on an older computer with an ATI HD5850, and it performs fine on my current computer, but I do have issues with the 2d graphics disappearing. The text on menu buttons, map descriptions, scoreboards etc disappears but the buttons themselves are still active and respond to mouseovers and everything.

This still occurs after a reformat and clean install of my OS/drivers.

Here's a screenshot of the menu and missing text:

My system:
Windows 8.1 Professional x64
Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti with driver version 337.88
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4 yorumdan 1 ile 4 arası gösteriliyor
I have this problem too, and I am also on windows 8.1. That may be the source of the problems. I am afraid I have no soloution.
Windows 7 here. The menu is glitched right out!

Makes the game completely unplayable really.
An update:

I just bought and installed a GTX 970 and the game is now functioning normally. Apparently the issue I was experiencing earlier was due to the 750Ti.
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4 yorumdan 1 ile 4 arası gösteriliyor
Sayfa başına: 1530 50