Deadnaut: Signal Lost

Deadnaut: Signal Lost

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LordBlade Dec 21, 2023 @ 2:26pm
So this is an "on the run" game?
Looking at the description, this sounds like it's one of those games where you're forced to keep moving forward.

How does such a mechanic work in this?
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Vivisector 9999 Dec 21, 2023 @ 3:19pm 
Much like FTL, except you don't have the option of going back to previous nodes to fight the pursuers.
LordBlade Dec 21, 2023 @ 8:07pm 
I guess there's no way to disable this so you can just take your time?
Logan  [developer] Dec 22, 2023 @ 4:56pm 
Hi LordBlade, it is similar to games like FTL and Slay the Spire, in that you do keep moving forwards, however, it might help if I expand on exactly how the mechanic works as it's not as "pressing" as those games:

1) When you visit a sector, you're given a choice of 1-3 locations to investigate. Once you complete one of those locations, the sector is locked off, so you can't visit it again.
2) However, a locked sector does not prevent visiting "side" sectors connected to it. For instance, you can explore and complete any side paths off a sector, regardless of whether it's locked or not. You can still only complete one location per sector through before it becomes too hot.
3) When you progress between tiers (of which there are four), all sectors in the previous tiers become locked. However, it is super clear when you're about to change tiers, and you can choose to completely clear a tier before moving on.

So yes, while you are always moving forwards, we've tried to strike a balance between being able to take your time, but not making the gameplay feel like you need to (for example, needing to grind). Feel free to ask more questions if you'd like more details.
Last edited by Logan; Dec 22, 2023 @ 5:01pm
LordBlade Dec 22, 2023 @ 5:20pm 
Ah, that's good. So you're picking the main zone to clear in an area, but can do the side stuff as well, before moving on.
Logan  [developer] Dec 22, 2023 @ 5:29pm 
Essentially yes. Even when you do have to choose between locations in a sector, it's more about figuring out the best match versus your Deadnaut's strengths and weaknesses, and taking advantage of any special features of the location (for example, a Foundry or Black Market Codes to purchase upgrades and gear, or going against an enemy type you're well prepared for).
LordBlade Dec 22, 2023 @ 5:33pm 
Sounds good.
I like to be super thorough and explore everything when I play stuff. :p

I picked it up, have all your other games too.
Wasn't a huge fan of the first Deadnaut. It felt... cluttered. It was just ungainly to play.
Loved the Zafehouse games though.
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