Game starts in VR Theater mode, but not in full VR and also not without VR
Is it supposed to be a VR sim? For now it is unplayable for me, since the game refuses to start normally and instantly starts steam VR. But the game does not seem to have a VR mode (yet?) and just opens in the Theater mode.

How can I start the game on my non vr screen without having to unplug cables?
Will it be developed to be fully VR? ... that would be awesome!
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Aljav  [developer] Jan 2 @ 7:51am 
There is no VR support and no plans for it.

As to why it is starting in VR mode, I can only guess as I am not familiar with it, but does steam have any parameter which would default apps to starting in VR mode? If unplugging your VR cables solves the issue, this would indicate that steam is flagging all apps to open in VR mode regardless of compatibility.

In some of the top comments here it looks like there is some ways to solve this problem through steam:
For now I did remove the VR cables to be able to start it. Loving the app! :)
Too bad there are no plans for VR support.

Thanks for the links. I will definitely check them out. Other games do not seem to have this issue. I appreciate the quick response! Happy New Year!
Aljav  [developer] Jan 2 @ 8:29am 
happy new year to you as well.

if you try disabling the VR mode directly like shown in those links but it is still a problem, let me know.
Originally posted by Aljav:
happy new year to you as well.

if you try disabling the VR mode directly like shown in those links but it is still a problem, let me know.

Adding the no headset command seems to have done the trick! Thanks again! :thumb:

Still... this sim in VR would be totally awesome :P
Aljav  [developer] Jan 3 @ 8:39am 
awesome, thanks for letting me know.

The only way I could do VR is if the game sold enough that I could hire some help to implement it. It would be a pretty huge deal as optimization becomes difficult compared to a desktop game. I am not sure what a price estimate might be but I'd guess it would get into the hundreds of thousands of dollars because it would require a highly experienced developer and probably a year or more of work.

So there is always a chance but, it's a small chance, lol. Once I get the next update out, I think the game will have a lot more value to a broader group of people, so I'll do my best marketing wise and if we have some luck, expanding the game to new platforms might become more of a possibility. The good news is that the game is steadily selling copies daily and getting a decent amount of wishlist, so the community is growing!
Last edited by Aljav; Jan 3 @ 8:40am
You might be wrong about VR options :) check this out! A UEVR mod has been released which turns a lot of lot of Unreal Engine games into VR games. Got to love the modding community :ghlol:
Aljav  [developer] Jan 5 @ 12:04pm 
awesome I will take a look at that. Thanks!
Thank you "Aljav" and "Ducky goes to War" for that info. 2 things on this post.
1.) To fix the VR theater launch issue:
-left click library tab in STEAM.
-right click "LANDNAV" title on the list to the left of your screen.
-click "properties..."
-Verify you are in the "General" tab in the window that opens.
-in the text box below "LAUNCH OPTIONS" type in "-nohmd" without the ("").

This is the solution that worked for me.

2.) UEVR Question For Dev (I know this is not a supported feature, but a little info may help me with my setup).

After reading Ducky goes to War's post about UEVR I gave it a little test run to see how it'd function. Believe it or not it works fairly well overall "out of the box." Even the compass sight is usable like a real lensatic compass in VR. There are two issues I run into that I am curios about. One is much easier than the other.

1.) In the game when its raining we get these on screen effects which look awesome on a 2d screen, but walking around with rain droplets tattooed on your eyeballs is a fairly unpleasant experience. I noticed there's no options under the graphics tab to disable this effect. I also noticed that the console can still be opened with the "`" key. I was wondering if you had a command that I could use to disable this feature such as "setScreenEffectsOn 0" or something of that nature. I would greatly appreciate the info if you have it. (Side note, if you have a command that allows me to change the weather or time in realtime that'd be awesome for some debugging too).

2.) (This one may be over my head, but I was just curious) When going into the Planning Screen while using UEVR it moves my viewpoint over top the character looking straight down but too far to see any map and usable tools. I was curios as to how the "Planning Screen" is moved in the 2d version so that maybe I could edit the camera settings in UEVR to accommodate for this move. Is the camera moved and a UI covering the screen or is the camera moved to a top down position on a "physical" map that can be used. (If second option I believe I can make it work in VR). Currently I have it to where when I press "SPACE" to enter planning mode it disables the VR and I can use the Planning mode on the regular monitor. Then "SPACE" reactivates VR when going back to gameplay. I am trying to get it to where I can view the Planning screen on a 2d screen in VR so I don't have to remove my headset to use the protractor.

Also big shout out to the dev for creating this. I wish I would've known about this sooner. I think you've done an awesome job on this. I had been looking for something like this for a while to help demonstrate and even practice the use of a protractor, map and compass. This fills that void. Thank you for the time you've taken to create this awesome learning tool as I feel that "game" is not the correct term for this. Maybe LANDNAV Simulator is a better term.
Aljav  [developer] Jan 17 @ 12:22pm 
Originally posted by BlackPathWinding:

Thanks so much for this info!

That's awesome UEVR is working so well right out of the box.

As for disabling the rain drops screen effect, you can try "sg." commands. Once you type in sg. in the console you'll see a list of different quality settings. 0 is off and 5 is usually the highest.
I am guessing but I think the rain drops effect would fall under post process, but you can also try effects quality as well.
In updated version of the game, if I do include this screen effect I'll make it toggle-able.

The planning view moves the camera very high in the sky and sets the FOV to like 1 degree. This is kind of a hacky workaround I did as a way to remove perspective distortion. In update to the game this removed entirely.

If the planning view does not work in VR, you can get the same effect by just looking straight down. When you are plotting points or doing anything that requires precision, just drag the tools so that they are centered on the screen in order to remove perspective distortion. And just be aware that if you are looking at a map dot which is not centered on the screen, it will appear slightly askew from where it actually is on the map. In most cases this would be a negligible amount but just for your own sanity it's something to be aware of.

I am working on some updates for the game which fix these issues.
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