Aljav  [developer] Nov 29, 2023 @ 3:46am
Developers Question and Answer
Q - : Where can I get help with landnav?
A -

Q - Is landnav early access? Is the game complete?
A - The current version of landnav is a feature complete training simulation, however some updates are planned. Your support of the game helps me continue updating the game. This includes both bug fixes, new features, and new maps as well.

Q - How should I learn how to do landnav?
A - Youtube is a great resource. There are a lot of different teachers who have made land navigation tutorials. Anything you learn about real life land navigation will apply in the game. Besides that, join the discord and I'll answer any questions you have. Just be patient, even with a lot of training, landnav does take a lot of practice and a lot of very frustrating failure before you'll get good at it.
Last edited by Aljav; Nov 29, 2023 @ 3:46am
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
Jacob_MW Nov 29, 2023 @ 6:59am 
Because there is a mountain ridge with a women runner in the store pictures, even though all of this is not availiable in the game, I wanted to ask if this mountain ridge map or any other mountain map will be included in the game in the future? And because it is a women runner with normal running clothes and no military gear, will this game include the sport of orienteering in the future with a base plate compass or a thumb compass? I would love that because the only other good orienteering game Virtual-O is sadly due to childish behavior of the devs not in development anymore.
Aljav  [developer] Nov 30, 2023 @ 8:35am 
Originally posted by Jacob_MW:
Because there is a mountain ridge with a women runner in the store pictures, even though all of this is not availiable in the game,

Hi Jacob,

Yes the mountain map is one I had been developing, but because development took longer than expected, I needed to sale the game before I was able to finalize that map.

The mountain map is guaranteed to come out at some point - I cannot say exactly when. The third person mode and the female character probably will not be retained.

There are some new game modes more focused on orienteering style which will come with the mountain map. These game modes are not exactly like orienteering but they bring an orienteering style to military navigation in that your points are automatically plotted on the map, so all the focus is just on navigation rather than grid plotting.

I do not have orienteering specific equipment in the game but it is possible.

I do not know the developer of Virtual O but it is likely they have faced similar problems as I do. Games like this are a very large undertaking. In the case of landnav I have worked on it full time for about 3 years and that was 80+ hour work weeks with almost no time off. But the audience for such games is pretty small, so if the game only sales enough to make $5,000, then sadly it just is not worth the time to continue updating, even if there is a small community.

If there was a way to scope down the game so that work can be done more quickly I would do that, but in order to have a useful simulation the world has to be big which increases the workload.

Well, that is all to say, I cannot guarantee anything more than completing the mountain map and the associated orienteering style game modes, but as long as there is about 500 people who are playing the game and support new content by buying some new maps every so often, then I will be able to continue developing the game.

Last edited by Aljav; Nov 30, 2023 @ 8:40am
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