Nuclear Dawn

Nuclear Dawn

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Crazy full servers on ND
Crazy full servers now ND is 75% off. They must have heard me complain
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psychonic  [kehittäjä] 9.11.2012 klo 16.05 
i hope peps buy it in bulk. More peps the better. Im getting some 4 packs :) thxs ND
Enjoy it while it lasts. Cause in a few days it'll be dead again.
Well, the last time we got a huge influx of players, it was a free event, so people who liked the game and would have loved to keep playing but didn't have enough $$$ couldn't stick around. This time, however, the purchase was mandatory (albeit at a very, very cheap price), so if the people who bought the game - the exact same folks who are bringing the player counts up - continue to enjoy it, I don't think the playerbase will level off anytime soon.
it's cheap price and the game looks good, but no sense of buying it if mp is dead most of the time..considering mp is only gameplay option
i got it as a gift but as much as i enjoy the game i cant play it with this amazingly bad lag no matter what server i play, maybe thats why the mps dead most of the time...
Man I need to get back on this game :\
I'm planning on doing a LAN party with the 4 extra copies I got, along with all the friends I've gotten on it.
I'm still working through the halloween games and Dota 2.
AltXeXit lähetti viestin:
Enjoy it while it lasts. Cause in a few days it'll be dead again.
It is funny the dumb butts that make silly kid like comments with little game time. Peps will see how much fun this game is now. A big selling mass was the right thing to do :)
Mr.Briggs lähetti viestin:
i got it as a gift but as much as i enjoy the game i cant play it with this amazingly bad lag no matter what server i play, maybe thats why the mps dead most of the time...
Some servers have bad lag. Try picking a server with low ping. Also if the game has alot of building going on. Like a long game with stuff built every where. Your vid card may be weak also or your net is slow. The list goes on and on.
psychonic  [kehittäjä] 10.11.2012 klo 10.33 
plumbcrazy lähetti viestin:
AltXeXit lähetti viestin:
Enjoy it while it lasts. Cause in a few days it'll be dead again.
It is funny the dumb butts that make silly kid like comments with little game time. Peps will see how much fun this game is now. A big selling mass was the right thing to do :)
As some wise person once said, "haters gonna hate".
732 ppl currently in game!
balek jae lähetti viestin:
732 ppl currently in game!
Wow not even peak game time.
is that right though? that's what is says on on this game hub. that is a lot!
22&B psycho{N}ic lähetti viestin:
plumbcrazy lähetti viestin:
AltXeXit lähetti viestin:
Enjoy it while it lasts. Cause in a few days it'll be dead again.
It is funny the dumb butts that make silly kid like comments with little game time. Peps will see how much fun this game is now. A big selling mass was the right thing to do :)
As some wise person once said, "haters gonna hate".
I think one thats hates should own the game at least. Then speak to me then. No haten ;)
Ratbarf 10.11.2012 klo 21.39 
Actually I'm finding this game to kind of be rather boring, all of the Warzone games I've played have turned into turret walks, infantry is only important in the beginning before fortifying takes over. And skirmish mode is just a giant Clusterf*ck because no one uses team work. I think the only way to get enjoyment out of this is to have friends or a clan to play with... otherwise you either get ganked by the stealths, or run out of ammo/health and die. Medics/Engis are few and far between and the ones there are don't tend to actually stick around to do what they're supposed to.
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 9.11.2012 klo 16.02
Viestejä: 17