Shattered Pixel Dungeon

Shattered Pixel Dungeon

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Dec 1, 2022 @ 10:40am
Coming Soon to Shattered: A New Hero!
While there are a few other odds and ends in v2.0.0, the major focus is a brand new hero!

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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
YOOO Its Shatter'n time
Pinky Dec 1, 2022 @ 3:24pm 
My daughter loves playing this on her phone, she is super stoked for a new hero.
-Aya Dec 1, 2022 @ 8:05pm 
dualwielding huh
cant wait to have 2 chilling axes because enchant stone keeps giving me chilling and nothing else :VGRUMPY:
Knife'n Berg Dec 2, 2022 @ 2:36am 
It's nice to see that the work is in full swing, but I'm obliged to make a couple of comments about the duelist, because according to the current notes I see only a stronger version of warrior (I don't mean the character's focus on gameplay - patience or attack, but a whim to fight, because if the warrior is all about patience, while the attack is unplayable, the duelist looks like a killing machine that does not need protection at all, it will instantly kill with special techniques). Therefore, I have a question: will it make sense in warrior without buffs if, instead of thinking, I endure the enemy or not, if I can instantly kill him with a special technique and go further?
00-Evan  [developer] Dec 2, 2022 @ 7:55am 
Originally posted by Knife'n Berg:
It's nice to see that the work is in full swing, but I'm obliged to make a couple of comments about the duelist, because according to the current notes I see only a stronger version of warrior (I don't mean the character's focus on gameplay - patience or attack, but a whim to fight, because if the warrior is all about patience, while the attack is unplayable, the duelist looks like a killing machine that does not need protection at all, it will instantly kill with special techniques). Therefore, I have a question: will it make sense in warrior without buffs if, instead of thinking, I endure the enemy or not, if I can instantly kill him with a special technique and go further?

The passive shield from the warrior's seal and healing from his talents is a lot stronger than most people think it is. Currently the Warrior actually has the highest overall winrate among players that have won at least once.

Also the Duelist's weapon powers will be limited by a charging mechanic. Currently in development they charge up a bit more slowly than a regular wand.
LOOKMH Dec 2, 2022 @ 10:32am 
Me, a Shield Lover, seeing the Shield abilitys: Stonks!!!
ScoldExperiment Dec 2, 2022 @ 11:42am 
Equipping two weapons at once seems a bit overkill.

Do you thing there'd be a condition to unlock this hero ? Like maybe finish the game and ascend ?
00-Evan  [developer] Dec 2, 2022 @ 2:47pm 
Originally posted by ScoldExperiment:
Equipping two weapons at once seems a bit overkill.

Do you thing there'd be a condition to unlock this hero ? Like maybe finish the game and ascend ?

Keep in mind that you can't actually attack with both weapons at once, you only get the stats from whichever one is currently your main weapon.
Silfie Dec 3, 2022 @ 7:07pm 
As someone who thinks roguelikes in general need more active abilities, I think the duelist sounds incredibly fun, I'm looking forward to it. I like this direction of giving a melee fighter some fun activated abilities. I'd like to see more of that!

I don't think an array of passive skills is very exciting in most games, it tends to feel samey and, sadly, it's usually applied to weapon/melee characters almost always, while spellcasters get to do the flashy and fun stuff. I find that to be antiquated design philosophy, as someone who fights with a sword has just as much of a right to have fun flashy skills as a mage, it's a fantasy videogame after all!

I'm also a fan of hybrid weapon/magic classes, I guess battlemage exists for that currently, although I haven't gotten to play with it much yet.

Something I'd also like to see, would be a male and female version of each class, even if it's just a sprite swap :)
Keep up the good work, lovely game :cchearts:
Last edited by Silfie; Dec 3, 2022 @ 7:11pm
00-Evan  [developer] Dec 4, 2022 @ 11:48am 
Originally posted by Silfie:
As someone who thinks roguelikes in general need more active abilities, I think the duelist sounds incredibly fun, I'm looking forward to it. I like this direction of giving a melee fighter some fun activated abilities. I'd like to see more of that!

I don't think an array of passive skills is very exciting in most games, it tends to feel samey and, sadly, it's usually applied to weapon/melee characters almost always, while spellcasters get to do the flashy and fun stuff. I find that to be antiquated design philosophy, as someone who fights with a sword has just as much of a right to have fun flashy skills as a mage, it's a fantasy videogame after all!

I'm also a fan of hybrid weapon/magic classes, I guess battlemage exists for that currently, although I haven't gotten to play with it much yet.

Something I'd also like to see, would be a male and female version of each class, even if it's just a sprite swap :)
Keep up the good work, lovely game :cchearts:

Glad to hear that you're excited for the Duelist! I understand why people want more visual character customization, but I'd rather that each of the heroes have their own visual identity, which includes gender. That might not sound very important now, but eventually I want the game to contain more story details centered around the characters.
Greg Dec 13, 2022 @ 12:10pm 
This new duelist class looks great so far, can't wait to try it! But I did want to ask, is there a something like a road-map of the future updates or update ideas?
00-Evan  [developer] Dec 13, 2022 @ 12:18pm 
Originally posted by Greg:
This new duelist class looks great so far, can't wait to try it! But I did want to ask, is there a something like a road-map of the future updates or update ideas?

I try to avoid specific roadmaps, but once a year I do make a post about my general plans for Shattered looking forward. There'll be another one in January.
Tsundere Jan 4, 2023 @ 7:35pm 
So unfathomably based
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