Incubus Express
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Incubus Express

Any job vacancies opened in Studio Jigli?
Want to get into porno industry and looking for a smooth start

Here is some info on kind of software I am familiar with and which tasks I've been going through

Maya ( animations, rigging, skinning, weight-painting, blendshapes, modelling, setting up tit and balls physics and more)
UE4 ( level editing tools, level sequencer; overall in my experience I actively used UE4 for a cinematics and rarely and painfully got into blueprints)
Photoshop ( gone through billions of textures in my Total War Warhammer modding experience, though at times also used it for a smut content)
Premeire pro ( sound and video editing)
Quixel Mixer ( texturing)
WorldMachine ( landscape generation)

Also could be writer/co-writer or casting agent

I would not say I am perfectly familiar with these tools and know them as good as I do know upcoming hentai games; through under right management I am sure lack of knowledge would not be a problem. In the end there is always a guide on youtube.

Regarding payment I'd like to get 300$/mo first 3 months with an upcoming raise to 500$/mo. Assuming I'd be working on asked tasks 5 days a week, 8 hours a day.

If you find my message interesting feel free to add me to a further discussion, there I'll be able to answer specific questions and show what kind of porn I've made myself ( not the one shot with go pro camera, but a one animated in maya).

And if you're just a forum dweller then who knows maybe you got a friend interested in my offer. Feel free to give one a thread link.
Last edited by I LIVE AGAIN; Apr 7, 2023 @ 7:34am
Date Posted: Apr 7, 2023 @ 7:33am
Posts: 0

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