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Tall Guy Productions  [developer] Jan 27, 2022 @ 8:55am
Streamers / Reviewers
Since it's an audio-only game, your screen is free to do what you want ;
get the camera to show your emotions / expressions more than you normally would, you can try blindfolding (some people have gone as far as ducktaping their eyes, which I do NOT recommend).

You could also stream this game without loss of content via podcast ; )

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While having a completely empty screen can be an interesting shock to a player, it may cause confusion over streams.

You can toggle the Promo screen built into the game by holding down F1 + pressing P.

(Promo Screen)
"If you can see this, close your eyes..
.. and put on some stereo headphones"
+ the logo at the bottom left

At that point it may make sense to also enable Subtitles (F1 + S), as your viewers will most likely be watching and not just listening with their eyes closed.

Also, here's some graphical assets to enhance your presentation

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If you're commenting over your videos , the game's audio can be annoying. If you alt tab (so the window loses focus) the game will pause, you will hear a "game paused", a little ambience for 7 seconds, and then silence 🤐

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(Restarting the game / Playing from a specific segment)

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Reach out to me if you have any questions / feature requests and I'll be happy to see what I can do.
Last edited by Tall Guy Productions; May 16, 2022 @ 10:30am