How much would u pay for this game
Just say your price how much it is worth to u
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Показані коментарі 115 із 383

i dont want it in my brain, i dont want the nausea and vomity feeling in my stomach, why put myself in pain and why pay for that pain
i played it and finished it on ps5... i just threw it out because i couldn't even find anyone to buy the copy

its probably worth a romp for about the 20 - 30 mark though i would say
Автор останньої редакції: Sem56; 19 берез. 2023 о 22:56
waiting for it to be about $20 or $30. Probably wont take too long at this rate.
50€ is ok. Once you are past the tutorial the game is ok.
I'll just wait for it to be part of game pass/ps plus/some humble bundle.
I got it during the sale for $49ish, and i have been going back and forth if it was worth it, The story sucks but the gameplay is great
Square would have to pay me to play it.
Цитата допису punchedmango422:
I got it during the sale for $49ish, and i have been going back and forth if it was worth it, The story sucks but the gameplay is great

Damn they already have it on sale for $49?

Won't be long till it's half that price by the sound of it.
Автор останньої редакції: wasabi™; 20 берез. 2023 о 8:59
They have to pay me just to have this in my library
I paid $42 for this game and I don't regret it.
I paid $49 for it, and refunded 38 minutes later. I would pay $0 for this game.
Honestly I don't think I'd even try it if it were free. Even the slightest amount of wear it'd put on my SSD doesn't seem worth it.
Цитата допису ZERO:
They have to pay me just to have this in my library
This. It would be embarrassing.
It is really not that bad honestly.
it is worth like 40-50 bucks in my book after performance patches.
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Показані коментарі 115 із 383
На сторінку: 1530 50

Опубліковано: 19 берез. 2023 о 20:45
Дописів: 383