Dark Home

Dark Home

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Dark Home dev  [developer] Jul 23, 2021 @ 8:05am
Addressing some concerns: Part 2, Electric Boogaloo (High GPU usage)
Sorry to say I spent 20 minutes typing this up and accidentally hit the back-button my mouse before finishing so I'm gonna make this quick.

I saw a youtube review of Dark Home and some players suspected that because the high GPU usage from the game, it might be a bitcoin or crypto-miner.

The answer? Absolutely not. Dark Home is not a crypto-miner or bitcoin miner or any other type of miner.
Not only is it probably illegal but it is a definite bannable offense.

I soon as I saw it, I wondered if I would get the same results and I did.
At very-high settings, my GPU maxed out at around 98%, and around 55% at very low settings. I suspected at first that it was the high-resolution textures I used for the game, but I believe that isn't the case anymore.

I'm not sure what the problem is but I'm not the only one with the same problem in their Unreal Engine game. Here is a list of links where others have faced the same issues -




This will be my main focus this weekend, so expect an update Sunday night or Monday morning. Remember, if you suspect that your computer is reacting unnaturally slow, run anti-virus software.
Hitman Pro or Malware bytes seem to do the job well and they both have free trials.

Cheers and have fun, guys!
Date Posted: Jul 23, 2021 @ 8:05am
Posts: 0