Company of Heroes 3

Company of Heroes 3

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Sznajper Jul 14, 2022 @ 2:28am
Well appreciated an option to fully delete the colours on and around vehicles, buildings, territory lines, capture points.
Last edited by Sznajper; Apr 22 @ 6:10am
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
bear Jul 25, 2022 @ 2:12am 
Right idea!
Then how can we distinguish friends and foes, now that recovery of enemy vehicle exist? How can we be sure if the point is captured? How can we be made ready to stand-by for enemy approach? Where can you, at farthest, place field defense like MG nest? You're making these matters worse by removing team colors, at least on thing that could count.
Ash//Fox Jul 26, 2022 @ 6:26pm 
Wait till this guy finds out generals didn't fly around in the sky giving orders psionically commanding individual squads
Boris Guy Jul 27, 2022 @ 12:08pm 
the things you people complain about lol
Originally posted by Kupa Tail InChoco:
this is very simple, not as simple for those, who might not have much idea of video games. As a simple exemple - capture flags
So instead of color, which you can quickly identify unless you're blind, you decide to use the thing that force people to zoom in even farther on a tiny flag when who-know-how-many threads complain about zoom height being too low... Ok, that sound stupid.
Originally posted by Kupa Tail InChoco:
Have a look at Men of War serie.
Of course MoW is mentioned for "realism art". That game is virtually the same thing with as 2004 game, face of war, developed by same developer. They shows virtually NO improvements.
Originally posted by Kupa Tail InChoco:
COH seems to be rather younger cathegory of players (children) based.
Nah, I'd say CoH is more diverse in fanbase than MoW since the attraction of CoH is tactical immersion, so aside from hardcore players, there will be casual players as well.
MoW is simulator attracting only hardcore RTS players.
Originally posted by cT_Gray:
Use coh1/2 colors.. in coh3 those distract a lot
As in how? Colored HP bar? This is too vague for me to get the clear picture. If you can, please enlighten me.
Originally posted by Kupa Tail InChoco:
From what you say - the simplier, the better it is,
Visually, yes. Mechanically, not necessarily.
The biggest deal of decision making is clear visualization. Some details of what you encounter, such as weapons the enemy units are using, the range your units spot and engage them, can't be known by just ears, especially when some weapons overlap in noises like MG42(HMG, LMG and pintle mount). This is to forgo the recovery mechanic, which is controversially returned.
Originally posted by Kupa Tail InChoco:
which implies your laziness because of not doing something that one could easily do.
I bet you didn't see complaints like zoom heights, which I hate for details of cover placements, which may not get rendered at max zoom. So no. I'm for visual clarity, which affect everyone in a more beneficial way, than zoom height, which benefit only those with big screen. That's childish implication from you.
Last edited by Private twinkle toe 1010011; Jul 28, 2022 @ 3:24am
KONZENTRATION Aug 2, 2022 @ 10:51am 
Originally posted by Private twinkle toe 1010011:
Then how can we distinguish friends and foes, now that recovery of enemy vehicle exist? How can we be sure if the point is captured? How can we be made ready to stand-by for enemy approach? Where can you, at farthest, place field defense like MG nest? You're making these matters worse by removing team colors, at least on thing that could count.
Paint German cross on captured Allied vehicles and Paint the American star on captured axis vehicles, problem solved.
Originally posted by häddn:
Paint German cross on captured Allied vehicles and Paint the American star on captured axis vehicles, problem solved.
So you resort on tiny details? I did talk about rapid readability when someone came up with flag-over-point idea, and this is somewhat in the same case.
Rager_Beater Aug 4, 2022 @ 2:34am 
Originally posted by Private twinkle toe 1010011:
Originally posted by Kupa Tail InChoco:
this is very simple, not as simple for those, who might not have much idea of video games. As a simple exemple - capture flags
So instead of color, which you can quickly identify unless you're blind, you decide to use the thing that force people to zoom in even farther on a tiny flag when who-know-how-many threads complain about zoom height being too low... Ok, that sound stupid.
Originally posted by Kupa Tail InChoco:
Have a look at Men of War serie.
Of course MoW is mentioned for "realism art". That game is virtually the same thing with as 2004 game, face of war, developed by same developer. They shows virtually NO improvements.
Originally posted by Kupa Tail InChoco:
COH seems to be rather younger cathegory of players (children) based.
Nah, I'd say CoH is more diverse in fanbase than MoW since the attraction of CoH is tactical immersion, so aside from hardcore players, there will be casual players as well.
MoW is simulator attracting only hardcore RTS players.
Originally posted by cT_Gray:
Use coh1/2 colors.. in coh3 those distract a lot
As in how? Colored HP bar? This is too vague for me to get the clear picture. If you can, please enlighten me.

the OP did state it as an OPTION, so theres no forcing anything..

And its rather easy for people who are history buffs to identify different factions without having to zoom in. uniforms and vehicle aesthetics were quite different from one country to another (mostly)
Originally posted by Rager_Beater:
its rather easy for people who are history buffs to identify different factions without having to zoom in. uniforms and vehicle aesthetics were quite different from one country to another (mostly)
With recovery mechanics(which allow you to recover enemy vehicles) and how high the zoom is(at least to me in 1920:1080 screen), I doubt the aesthetics is enough.
Then there's matter of random team game scenario, where color helps identifying how many players are attacking on one flank.
My guess is, those who want that as options are most likely screenshooters(screenshot makers), who zoomed in for max details of scenes and isn't likely focusing on what's going on.
Originally posted by Rager_Beater:
the OP did state it as an OPTION, so theres no forcing anything..
This could be me overreacting from zoom height shenanigans, so... Yeah, I stand a bit corrected here.
Still, I'd prefer it to stay over removed. Color helps out a lot on defining the side of the play, and it should, to me, stay that way.
DasaKamov Aug 4, 2022 @ 10:54am 
Company of Heroes has *always* been an arcade-y RTS with *very* loose adherence to realism, from the first game onwards. Removing the team colors would be trying to make the game into something it is not.

That said, I guarantee that some of the first mods to be released when the game is complete will be "Remove team colors / outlines", as has been the case with every other CoH game that came before. ;)
coffeemm8 Aug 4, 2022 @ 5:09pm 
Amazing how so many people here don't get COH at all.
Rager_Beater Aug 5, 2022 @ 7:52am 
I would personally like the OPTION to disable the Friendly/Foe ID. kI mean ive been pllaying since the first game was fresh out, but i would still like it.
Nonamebadass Aug 5, 2022 @ 1:50pm 
They had these colours since day one of the series
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Date Posted: Jul 14, 2022 @ 2:28am
Posts: 14