Twin Stones: The Journey of Bukka

Twin Stones: The Journey of Bukka

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Soland Feb 20, 2022 @ 10:47pm
OS: Windows 10
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.5GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 1050 TI
RAM: 16 GB

Bugreport #1

Description: Passing through walls and objects.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Start the game;
2. Jump on an obstacle or on a wall;
3. Automatically fall through the texture;

Result: The character is half in the texture (obstacle or wall)

Bugreport #2

Description: Menu can’t be closed
Pre Conditions: When you are in the keyboard control settings menu, if you press the mouse cursor on any control key, then the pointer will disappear.
When you press the ESC button, the game process resumes, but the menu plate remains on the screen.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Start a new game or a saved one;
2. Go to the menu and select "option" tab;
3. Go to the keyboard tab;
4. Use mouse cursor to press any key that displays some in-game action;
5. Press the ESC button to exit the menu.

Result: The game process resumes, but the menu plate remains on the screen.
Expected result: The menu will be closed and stop being displayed without interfering with the gameplay.

Bugreport #3

Description: When falling into the water, the character falls through the texture of the water.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Start the game;
2. Jump into the water;
3.We fall under the texture of water and do not die.

Result: We run under water like on land and can't get out.

Bugreport #4

Description: The enemy don’t inflict damage.
Pre Conditions: If you catch the moment, you can approach to the jumping purple enemies and block them from jumping, then they won’t inflict damage.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Find small jumping enemies;
2. Get close to one of them before it has time to pounce on the character;

Result: The enemy will try to jump, but because the character is standing too close, it will not be able to do this and will stand still without dealing damage or pushing the player.
Expected result: The enemy pushes the player away and inflict damage.
(File name on google.disk "Баг2")

Bugreport #5

Description: The game crashes and throws an error at any action.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Start the game;
2. At any moment of the game we get an error.

Result: Saves are reset and when the game starts again, 0 coins are on the account.
(Fatal error!

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000020f147798cc

0x00007ff75ec14772 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!FNiagaraDataBuffer::KillInstance() []
0x00007ff75ec82a5d Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!FNiagaraSystemSimulation::RemoveInstance() []
0x00007ff75ec6ff9c Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!FNiagaraSystemInstance::Complete() []
0x00007ff75eb30c45 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!UNiagaraComponent::OnUnregister() []
0x00007ff7606c29e0 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!UActorComponent::UnregisterComponent() []
0x00007ff7605a8d6f Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!AActor::UnregisterAllComponents() []
0x00007ff7608cb1d1 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!UWorld::DestroyActor() []
0x00007ff76058f65c Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!AActor::Destroy() []
0x00007ff75f062d26 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!AEnemyBullet::execOnHitSomething() [C:\Users\revie\Perforce\martinezgu_casa\Platformer3D\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4\Inc\Platformer3D\EnemyBullet.gen.cpp:56]
0x00007ff75f2443c9 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!UFunction::Invoke() []
0x00007ff75f3920a5 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!UObject::ProcessEvent() []
0x00007ff7605a18bb Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!AActor::ProcessEvent() []
0x00007ff75e9b7a9e Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!TMulticastScriptDelegate<FWeakObjectPtr>::ProcessMulticastDelegate<UObject>() []
0x00007ff760585cd0 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!TSparseDynamicDelegate<FActorHitSignature_MCSignature,AActor,FActorHitSignatureInfoGetter>::Broadcast<AActor * __ptr64,AActor * __ptr64,FVector,FHitResult>() []
0x00007ff7605907c5 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!AActor::DispatchBlockingHit() []
0x00007ff760708664 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!UPrimitiveComponent::MoveComponentImpl() []
0x00007ff760733370 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!USceneComponent::SetRelativeLocationAndRotation() []
0x00007ff760734a14 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!USceneComponent::SetWorldLocation() []
0x00007ff76071c7a4 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!USceneComponent::AddWorldOffset() []
0x00007ff76058bc8f Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!AActor::AddActorWorldOffset() []
0x00007ff75f0098c8 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!AEnemyBullet::Tick() [C:\Users\revie\Perforce\martinezgu_casa\Platformer3D\Source\Platformer3D\Private\Characters\EnemyBullet.cpp:46]
0x00007ff7605a8c74 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!AActor::TickActor() []
0x00007ff760593bd5 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!FActorTickFunction::ExecuteTick() []
0x00007ff760bbd0f0 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!TGraphTask<FTickFunctionTask>::ExecuteTask() []
0x00007ff75f08afeb Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit() []
0x00007ff75f08f3c7 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!FTaskGraphImplementation::WaitUntilTasksComplete() []
0x00007ff760bc4350 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!FTickTaskSequencer::ReleaseTickGroup() []
0x00007ff760bc5f77 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!FTickTaskManager::RunTickGroup() []
0x00007ff7608db350 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!UWorld::Tick() []
0x00007ff7607f5f9e Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!UGameEngine::Tick() []
0x00007ff75e9a3885 Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!FEngineLoop::Tick() []
0x00007ff75e9a9d8c Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!GuardedMain() []
0x00007ff75e9a9dfa Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!GuardedMainWrapper() []
0x00007ff75e9b409f Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!WinMain() []
0x00007ff7614a1a3e Platformer3D-Win64-Shipping.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() [d:\agent\_work\63\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288]
0x00007ff8ee9f7034 KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ff8eeee2651 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction [])

Bugreport #6

Description: Sliding under rocks in a non-straight line can block the player.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Find an area on the map where a stone is blocking your path and you need to slip under it;
2. Start sliding not in a straight line, but at a slight angle towards a nearby wall.

Result: The character will stuck under it and next will be thrown out back.
Expected result: The character will reach the other side anyway by sliding along the adjacent wall.
(File name on google.disk "Баг3")

Bugreport #7

Description: Calling the menu won’t stop the dialogue.
Pre Conditions: If you call the menu during the dialogue, the voice of currently speaking character won’t be stopped.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Wait for the beginning of the dialogue or the monologue;
2. Press the ESC button to call the menu;
3. Listen to part of the phrase while the menu is open;
4. Exit the menu and wait until the subtitles of one phrase finish to being displayed on the screen;
5. While starting the printing of a new phrase, call the menu again.

Result: The voice track of currently speaking character won’t be stopped, at the same time the subtitles won’t be printed.
Thus, when exiting the menu, the player waits for the subtitles finish to displaying one phrase, and only after that the next phrase starts playing.
Expected result: When you call the menu, the audio track stops playing, as well as subtitles, and it continues to play when you exit the menu, not at the end of the phrase.

Bugreport #8

Description: High-sized textures that make it impossible to go further.
Pre Conditions: During the first level, when you reach a passage blocked by crystals, you need to collect two charges for the dragon to clear the path. The path to one of the charges passes through the rocks, which you need to climb on, but it’s impossible or very difficult because the characters doesn’t jump so high.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Reach the previously described moment in the game;

Result: It is impossible to jump onto rocks, preventing further progress in the game.
Expected result: You can jump onto the rocks without any difficulties and without looking for some alternative ways.
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2022 @ 10:47pm
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