Creatures Docking Station

Creatures Docking Station

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Looking for opinions!
As we work on our next patch, we might sometimes look for community input. We have plenty of ideas to improve the game, but of course we don't know whether most players will always agree with them or not.

As we are planning to fix the grendel and ettin egg layers (they can also lay norn breeds if their name starts with g or e ), another question has come up:

The Grendel mother only creates male Grendels by default. The Ettin egg layer only creates female Ettins.

- Should we change this so the gender of the ettins and grendels is randomized?

Keep in mind, this behavior was likely intentional so the egg layers don't create a pair that will breed, but with the option to disable the egg layers now, this may not be as relevant anymore.

Feel free to let us know your opinion below, whether that is a simple yes or no, or whether you believe there are good reason to do so (or not).
Last edited by Critter Consortium; Jan 24, 2022 @ 6:41am
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Showing 1-15 of 30 comments
SpaceSR Jan 24, 2022 @ 6:47am 
the fix sounds good, the other thing is not something I've ever felt the need of. There could be a use for it, but in 99% of cases I'm already switching the layers off, or putting the eggs in water so they can't hatch.

I suppose it might be interesting functionality... I'd try it out as a mod, but I don't know if it should be default behaviour. Put me down as indifferent, I suppose.
Dragoler Jan 24, 2022 @ 11:29am 
I agree this seems unnecessary, and quite risky if ettins and grendels end up taking up a large portion of the population cap. Wouldn't a better option be to have grendel and ettin eggs available to use from the default egg layers, so the player can chose the gender themselves if they intend to keep these breeds?
Kazooo Jan 24, 2022 @ 2:04pm 
I think fixing them to stop them creating norns is great, however I think making them have box sexes could be problematic.
I think having Desert Ettins and Jungle Grendles appear in the default egglayers would be amazing, much like the Banshee Grendles.
cedkid Jan 24, 2022 @ 2:54pm 
ArchDragon Jan 24, 2022 @ 6:19pm 
Oh man, tough call. Personally I always have male/female Grendels and Ettins. For me personally, 100% on board for the change.
However, I can also acknowledge that's a personal play style choice and a rather dramatic change. It's also relatively easy to work around, so it's not really a necessary change.

If there were a way to make it optional, that would be the best scenario. If it's not optional, then (despite my personal preferences) I'd probably vote no.
Karithina Jan 25, 2022 @ 3:51am 
I think if it's an opt-in toggle of some kind, it's fine, but probably not by default.
Death/Maya Jan 25, 2022 @ 6:52am 
I agree that making them produce both sexes is probably not a good idea, unless you can toggle it, or perhaps make it an agent that has to be injected. I also second adding the Jungle Grendels and Desert Ettins to the default egg layers.
MamaMushroom Jan 25, 2022 @ 9:59am 
I agree on having it as an agent! It might not be for everyone, so I think having it off by default is fine but having the option would be a fun thing, too.
Gummy Jan 25, 2022 @ 10:57am 
I do agree that it should be able to be toggled, probably with the default of it being off, but I think its a fine idea for those who may want it!!
PIXIS Jan 25, 2022 @ 1:52pm 
Just to throw my two cents out there, I agree with the suggestions others have put out there to make it an agent that's packaged with C3, or otherwise a toggle-able option, rather than making it the default.
Pirate-Rob Jan 25, 2022 @ 2:18pm 
Definitely have the random sexes as an agent, having random sexes for the egglayers would be really strange. I assume it was a deliberate design choice since I'm not sure ettins and grendels are even capable of breeding well/at all? My memory is fuzzy but I think it was something like C3 female grendels lose 50% of their life on pregnancy? So they're unable to sustain a population. I don't remember the reason for ettins though, if there is one (though the buggers certainly haven't been co-operative when I tried recently)
zurinsel Jan 26, 2022 @ 11:36am 
The fix for norns not being laid by the grendel mother would be really perfect!
About the question of both sexes can be laid by the grendel and ettin mother, I think the best would be if there was a toggle option for having no eggs being laid, eggs being normally laid (so male grendel, female ettin) and the last toggle option would be both sexes being laid by the grendel or ettin mothers.
Vespidazed Jan 26, 2022 @ 12:03pm 
I honestly could go for a toggle on random sexes or not. My main thing I'd love is the ability to set population caps and breeding caps in creatures 3 like you can in DS, but I'm not sure how hard that might be. I'll prob install and agent for that.
Thank you all so far for your input! We'll keep it in mind as we continue working on the next patch.

Another feature we were thinking of was Muco being able to lay eggs of a random breed.
We have a few options:

1. We could make a "random creature" breed. This would pick from any installed breed at random, and might even result in a surprise Ettin or Grendel for owners of C3.

2. We could further add "random norn", "random ettin" and "random grendel" breeds. This would be useful for people using lots of custom breeds (especially ettins and grendels), but probably not for new players (with only 2 grendel and 1 ettin breeds released officially) so these options would only clutter the breed list and might confuse them.

I'm all for giving more options to players, but one of our concerns is to not unnecessarily complicate things for people who are only now discovering the series as well.
Last edited by Critter Consortium; Jan 28, 2022 @ 2:47am
Wistala Jan 28, 2022 @ 12:36pm 
Originally posted by Critter Consortium:
Thank you all so far for your input! We'll keep it in mind as we continue working on the next patch.

Another feature we were thinking of was Muco being able to lay eggs of a random breed.
We have a few options:

1. We could make a "random creature" breed. This would pick from any installed breed at random, and might even result in a surprise Ettin or Grendel for owners of C3.

2. We could further add "random norn", "random ettin" and "random grendel" breeds. This would be useful for people using lots of custom breeds (especially ettins and grendels), but probably not for new players (with only 2 grendel and 1 ettin breeds released officially) so these options would only clutter the breed list and might confuse them.

I'm all for giving more options to players, but one of our concerns is to not unnecessarily complicate things for people who are only now discovering the series as well.
I didn't even know we could disable the ettin and grendel egg layer, been looking all over and can't seem to find it. Is that a feature coming up or have I missed something?

In terms of the changes to the ettin and Grendel egg layer, I think gender randomization would be the way to go since we have more options now how to control them than we did in the previous versions (I still remember having to have a norn slap the tool boxes in each world to unlock features like holding their hands)

In terms of Muco, I highly recommend taking a look at "Advanced Muco" by Rascii. Basically it's a screen with a list of all the breeds you have installed. So clean and easy to use and not confusing at all. If you want to add to it, you could add a "Random Egg" which would lay a random egg from one of the breeds on the list. You could even add Ettins and Grendels in there, tho I think in that case I prefer to have them only accessible via their respective egg layer as it gives some mystery/difficulty in breeding them etc.
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