SpaceBourne 2

SpaceBourne 2

Bounty Hunter Intro mission - Track Xen
Tracked him, no worries....

The fight though.....
I cant lock onto him and he keeps pushing me away from him whilst spawning dummy fighters. There is no way I can kill this dude. He doesnt kill me either....the fight is just a giant stalemate.

I cant hit him and he cant kill me.

Not sure if this is a bug or a feature.....
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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
Geek May 12 @ 6:05am 
Bosses abilities seem random. My own Xen encouter used a beam and acid missiles.
So you can probably reload an earlier save if you are not happy with the results.
Last edited by Geek; May 12 @ 7:43am
I have this same issue on my new save .... my first save i think i had an acid missile dude too, that had endless missiles, when i have a limited number .... regardless i was able to lock on to him and kill him no problem .... this time however it is the same as the O.P. ... if you mouse wheel click to lock on to him, at best, you get the little red cross-hair marker to aim at ... no triangle around ship no red lines, no hold right click to lock on for missiles .... nothing ... and as O.P. he is not powerful enough to strip shields let alone hull so you end up chasing a teleporting ghost that uses some wierd mechanics to push you away whenever you manage to get close enough to land a few shots and also has endless torpedoes or rockets to shoot at you ... i managed to get his shields down to half way with my rails, but then he pushed me away and did his teleport thing and came back with full shields .. after like 20 minutes of me chasing him... at that point i tried warping away only to find my warp drive was offline and no amount of hitting B was going to turn it back on so i had to reload to when i arrived in the system and start another mission... i am not prepared to start again or load a save that is now hours worth of gameplay lost in the hope that i get a different encounter for Xen .... which means i am unable to level up that guild and use the epic terminals etc ...

all that on top of not being able to start using the Power system due to a flaw in its implementation at the very first quest .... i am unable to take over systems or use any of that aspect of the game ... no station building, army building, fleet building etc .... more than half the game is now unplayable to me ....
Kunari May 12 @ 8:33am 
There seems to be a bug with the new boss fighters. They sometimes after using a power on you the player can no longer target them. My alpha squad was still able too but I couldn't see the boss as he was seemingly cloaked but was still firing weapons at me. I always save before warping --old habit from an old bug-- so I had a save just before the fight. I reloaded and the second time the fighter did not bug out.

Bounty Hunter missions were already tedious since you have to fight two battles and warp between systems per-mission. With the new boss ships they are even worse with this boss ships with OP attacks the player can't counter.
You cant lock onto him but you can kill him. my encounter had him spawning a bunch of fighters as he sped back and forth making gun runs on me. the fighters were either bugged or they were holograms cause all it took was one shot to end the fighters. he keeps shooting at you as he speeds around so you can follow his tracers back to his location and i just boosted to him and jousted with his as we came at eachother. he wasnt the mission though. he spawned a black box which took me to another location for the next phase.
To pass that mission I went with my squad, so he can't cloak. After killing all the fighters and all that is remainig is the heavy fighter, issue the command attack position to the squad (F1 and F1), and is much easier to kill him. Also used the multi-missile when I locked him.
For the power problem, you have to complete email missions.
DeLindsay May 12 @ 10:49am 
There are (2) unique Boss Ships that I've encountered so far after dozens of Missions since 4.1 dropped. Here's what I can say about them:

-Xanthean Ship:

  • Super easy fight but don't go head-head as it's guns do TONS of damage.
  • It's faster and more agile than you are, even in an X-M which is hilarious.
  • The Poison "Bombs", they're actually missiles, do very little damage and seem to home in on you forever.
  • Engine Rush or w/e it's called is just a burst straight forward so watch the con trail and follow it's path.
  • Big static bomb thing that spawns on the Ship, just stay away from it and it'll disappear.
  • Duplicates are LvL 1 and more just annoying than anything else.

-Morthra Geran (labelled as Heavy Fighter):

  • This one is hard mode. You can't target him and he's ultra fast.
  • When Stealthed he can still attack you and use Abilities (hopefully a bug). But also it causes a Sensory Deprivation effect on you (HUD & sound gone). DO NOT KILL HIM during this effect, the sound will be gone permanently until you exit the game and restart (bug).
  • Duplicates: disregard them entirely or you will be there forever. Stay on the Boss at all times that he's not Stealthed.
  • The big Laser thing does some damage but honestly I never even try to avoid it.

Here's one BIG tip that makes fighting the Bosses much easier, use Alpha Squad. DBK has considerably improved their AI and at this point they are actually useful. Like so much so that they'll finish the Boss off while you're trying to figure out where tf he even is.

I have an unedited video of me fighting the Morthra Geran if you are interested. I'll have to do some editing and upload it to YT, but can put it as 'Unlisted' then post the link here if it'll help other to see how to fight him. Probably couldn't get it all done until tomorrow though, just let me know.
Last edited by DeLindsay; May 12 @ 10:52am
Dred May 13 @ 7:44am 
Im very early game.... decided ill just go do some other stuff until i have a squad and better ship.
redsidhe May 14 @ 10:35am 
How are you supposed to beat the Morthra Geran if you are early in the game and do not have alpha squad? Is it even doable at all?
Geek May 14 @ 10:42am 
While Alpha squad is useful in most situations, they can not deal with perma-cloaked ships.
It is doable however. You can see the Geran ship shape, even if you can not lock to it. It is insanely fast, make sure to high velocity weapons (railgun, burst).
Last edited by Geek; May 14 @ 10:42am
DeLindsay May 14 @ 10:43am 
Originally posted by redsidhe:
How are you supposed to beat the Morthra Geran if you are early in the game and do not have alpha squad? Is it even doable at all?
Bosses got tuned down today in the Hotfix so maybe try again and see if it's doable for you now? Outside of that, my biggest point on the Morthra Geran Boss is to stay on him and (mostly) disregard the other Ships, if you can. You cannot target him so you have to LoS him which is tough because he's quite agile.
Are we supposed to be able to beat this heavy fighter using the starter ship and being about level 5 ? I can't even come close to destroying his shields - I even have a t2 laser and t3 gatlin gun. I used up 5 shiled repairs and 8 missiles and his shield is full. I can't run away to re-load at station because warp is disabled. If we are not supposed to beat this guy (Xen) so early then doesn't that mean that there are no low level missions for the Bounty Hunter Guild then ?
Geek May 20 @ 10:03pm 
There are no low level bounties, so no reason to attempt the Guild membership early.
Last edited by Geek; May 20 @ 10:03pm
Originally posted by Geek:
There are no low level bounties, so no reason to attempt the Guild membership early.

no reason ??? how about WANTING TO PLAY THE GAME THEIR OWN WAY .... ? ? the fact they wanted to do it or try it says they thought they were close enough in level ... and im pretty sure i had bounties as low as level 11 or 13 ... so not 3 or 4 , but still low level ...

and when there are so many other little things making some of the other content unplayable for some .... WHY WOULDNT they attempt something that sounds as good and as helpful as trying to unlock epic ship systems terminals ??

the whole bounty thing is better now than it was .... but still has its issues ...

thats probably not the "surprise" that'll really get you though :D :D :D

wait until you play for ages and buy other fighters or mining ships or cargo ship to see how they fly and how effective they are at earning money ..... and ignore that huge monstrosity known as Mother Earth ship, especially when every other mention of it on these forums says how bad it it ...... only to find that at end game YOU HAVE TO HAVE THAT MASSIVE SHIP FOR THE STORY ..... and instead of buying it first for 1- 15 million credits .... its now going to cost you 50 - 100 million credits, depending on your pilot level ....

my advice if you want to avoid the disappointment .... buy that massive ship as soon as you can or you will face a massive grind to buy something you dont even want .... or you could do what i decided to do, and stop playing the game in case there are any other giant stealth grinds hidden away in there ..... and hope it gets addressed before launch ...
Geek May 21 @ 1:45am 
It would have been nice to buy the Mothership early, but it requires 5 crew, which you will only get late in the storyline.
Originally posted by Geek:
It would have been nice to buy the Mothership early, but it requires 5 crew, which you will only get late in the storyline.

who cares if you cant fly it yet if you save 30 odd hours of grind and best part of 100 million TY .....

it seems like you either buy it asap after start, or risk finding yourself turned off of the game by the surprise grind like i was ....
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