Northern Journey

Northern Journey

vodkins 23 set. 2021 às 5:19
Mouse Y invert, FOV & small bug
Cool game from the first look! But why in hell here is no mouse Y invert option? How it even possible in FPS game?:steamfacepalm: I can't adequately play with non-inverted mouse... Please add this option. Also that current FOV gives me slight headache. I need it less wide (80-85). Please add FOV slider too. Also found small keybindings bug - you can't reassign some actions to mouse buttons from the scratch. You need to remap that action to some other keyboard key first, then you at last can assign mouse button to that action. Not a big deal, but someone may not find such a solution. Thank you!
P.S. In case someone starts giving "invaluable" advice here - third-party mouse invert programs do nothing in the game (only in menu and OS, but i don't need it of course).
Última alteração por vodkins; 23 set. 2021 às 5:36
Originalmente postado por Slid Studio:
Hi there, I have added an invert mouse option in the main menu settings in the new update.
It uses pretty much the same solution you suggest, but it also saves your choice for the next time.
That was the easy bit.

The FOV is a bit more tricky. As you have probably seen, the weapons are all to the right side of the screen, and the size of them are also adapted to the slight fisheye effect a large FOV creates. If I reduce the FOV, every weapon and animation looks wrong, and the weapon sights are not aligned anymore. I made them all to fit that specific FOV you see.
So.. to change the FOV, I would have to dive into a heavy change of the game.
At least for now, I think I will let the system be as it is, although I have noted it down as a possible fix for later.

Now, regarding the key-reassign. Yeah, you are correct. I have not implemented any check-system regarding double key assignement and removal of keys added to different functions.
When I made it, I just wanted the option to change keys, and not spend much time to make it 'professional' so to speak, as it is only me devving. I am sorry about that, it is just one of those things I did to actually be able to release the game in less time.
Having sayed that, I should probably at least write a little explanation in the menu about it!

Thank you for the feedback, and I am sorry I could not fix all the items you mention.
But, as I said earlier, I have noted them down for a possible future fix.
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A mostrar 1-7 de 7 comentários
vodkins 23 set. 2021 às 5:49 
Here is a very fast solution how to make mouse Y invert using some key (I in that example):
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Slid Studio  [developer] 23 set. 2021 às 15:04 
Hi there, I have added an invert mouse option in the main menu settings in the new update.
It uses pretty much the same solution you suggest, but it also saves your choice for the next time.
That was the easy bit.

The FOV is a bit more tricky. As you have probably seen, the weapons are all to the right side of the screen, and the size of them are also adapted to the slight fisheye effect a large FOV creates. If I reduce the FOV, every weapon and animation looks wrong, and the weapon sights are not aligned anymore. I made them all to fit that specific FOV you see.
So.. to change the FOV, I would have to dive into a heavy change of the game.
At least for now, I think I will let the system be as it is, although I have noted it down as a possible fix for later.

Now, regarding the key-reassign. Yeah, you are correct. I have not implemented any check-system regarding double key assignement and removal of keys added to different functions.
When I made it, I just wanted the option to change keys, and not spend much time to make it 'professional' so to speak, as it is only me devving. I am sorry about that, it is just one of those things I did to actually be able to release the game in less time.
Having sayed that, I should probably at least write a little explanation in the menu about it!

Thank you for the feedback, and I am sorry I could not fix all the items you mention.
But, as I said earlier, I have noted them down for a possible future fix.
Última alteração por Slid Studio; 23 set. 2021 às 15:27
vodkins 23 set. 2021 às 15:37 
Oh, thank you so much for such quick response and fix! As you see in my example i already have that save-to-ini node there (i just not use it in my game because i save all settings in .sav, but not in .ini file). Yes, it simple - toggle that Invert value via menu item and save it:)

About FOV - i know how it can affects other things. But how about that severed hands alone in the air when you shoot from some weapons (with lesser FOV we will not see such "effect")? I think they don't looks prettier than possible hidden parts of the weapons... Also as i learned from my experience so far - FOV do not affects the point where you shoot. Crosshair remains in the same center of the screen. So this is all about visaul aspect. So no gameplay issue. For example i have very wide range of FOV (55 to 125) and i always shoot and hit where i want. But as you wish, if this can cause some unnecessary problems - forget about that until you really want and/or know how to solve that correct way.

That small bug with bindings is not a big issue. I have a fully functional menu with all possible settings (including rebind feature with conflict checking & etc), so you may ask me about polishing menu if you want. I can sshot my graphs for you in order to save you time:)
Oh, and please do more audio sliders! At least the main volume to adjust not only music...
Slid Studio  [developer] 23 set. 2021 às 16:00 
The save to ini function you mention. Isn't the Invert_Y variable used in your example a custom thing? Will it save using the Save settings?
Yeah, I also have a settings-save thing I use for variables I need to save.

The FOV. Yeah, in a shooter game where you use guns and whatnot you usually linetrace from the middle of the screen, and therefore pop the sights in the middlescreen position.
Then the gunmesh and hands have no other function than visual feedback.

The 'problem', or feature with my weapon system is that it is ballistic. From the weapon, there is an actual projectile released out from the appropiate location. Like in the tennisball-gun in the unreal firstpersonexample. And, the different weapons therefore have different sight positions on the screen, to match that direction.
The sight therefore just traces the ballistic path.
Since it doesn't relate to the middle screen, it moves around in relation to a FOV change.

The main volume thing.. hm. You know, when I made it, my thinking process was to adjust the music, and for sfx volume, the player could just use they're volume knob.
The sfx does not map to a dedicated audio channel, so I have no easy way to control all of them. Again, when I made the game, I was primarily concerned with finishing it, and not doing everything professionally.

But okay, you are also making games in unreal I understand? Do you have some material avaiilable on youtube or something else?
Última alteração por Slid Studio; 23 set. 2021 às 16:51
zwzsg 28 set. 2021 às 10:31 
Thanks for adding mouse Y invert, I needed it too.

Thanks for mentionning the workaround to bind mouse buttons as well, I was about to create yet another AHK entry.
smoils 12 out. 2021 às 6:22 
Originalmente postado por Slid Studio:
Hi there, I have added an invert mouse option in the main menu settings in the new update.
It uses pretty much the same solution you suggest, but it also saves your choice for the next time.
That was the easy bit.

The FOV is a bit more tricky. As you have probably seen, the weapons are all to the right side of the screen, and the size of them are also adapted to the slight fisheye effect a large FOV creates. If I reduce the FOV, every weapon and animation looks wrong, and the weapon sights are not aligned anymore. I made them all to fit that specific FOV you see.
So.. to change the FOV, I would have to dive into a heavy change of the game.
At least for now, I think I will let the system be as it is, although I have noted it down as a possible fix for later.

Now, regarding the key-reassign. Yeah, you are correct. I have not implemented any check-system regarding double key assignement and removal of keys added to different functions.
When I made it, I just wanted the option to change keys, and not spend much time to make it 'professional' so to speak, as it is only me devving. I am sorry about that, it is just one of those things I did to actually be able to release the game in less time.
Having sayed that, I should probably at least write a little explanation in the menu about it!

Thank you for the feedback, and I am sorry I could not fix all the items you mention.
But, as I said earlier, I have noted them down for a possible future fix.

I've finished the game using UUU to set fov to about 120 and did it all in vr(vorpx) . Crosshairs are all wrong sure but you need to get used to guns anyway and once you do you dont really need crosshair to feel where shot would go. I'd make crosshairs even more artistic and not really specifically pointing at anything (especially considering how every enemy movement path and animation is messing wit the player aim already)

All I can say environments are so good looking not having proper high fov just wastes the potential of it all. Looks amazing even without vr on fov past 100.

As for weapon animations, lol. Game style and overla jank on enemy animations make sure any issues with that would feel like a part of game style. Many games dont bother with any of it too, even AAA games. Its player responsibility - if you overdo fov like you are playing on superwide screen on a normal monitor and you see your own neck or missing hands on player model its your own fault.

Not having fov slider in a game, especially fps in 2021 is a federal crime (thank god we have UUU)
Última alteração por smoils; 12 out. 2021 às 6:49
Slid Studio  [developer] 12 out. 2021 às 10:27 
Interesting to hear.
I am one of those people who has not tried VR before, so it wasn't something I concidered during developement.
The FOV is 120. This put the most objects into the screen, without beeing too much fisheye.
Then all the animations for weapons was adjusted to this.
When I later experimented with adjusting the FOV, the animations looked all wrong, and the sights became misaligned.
This is due to the weapons being on the right side of the screen, and the projectiles being actual projectiles, not line-tracers from the middle screen.

I would really like to try the game in VR, as I suspect it could produce high quality images with a high framerate, as the game is very optimized.
As of now, I am not even sure how you made the controls work, so it is fascinating to me.
It is definitely on my wishlist so to speak!
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Postado a: 23 set. 2021 às 5:19
Comentários: 7