Bio Crisis: Evil Hazard

Bio Crisis: Evil Hazard

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Ducat  [developer] May 20, 2021 @ 1:12am
Tell me if you've encountered a bug/glich/rush here
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Showing 1-15 of 22 comments
Nathan May 22, 2021 @ 6:53am 
Pleasant surprise finding this game! Movement, aesthetic, atmosphere, all seem pretty great!
(Love the combination of RE2make controls, and the Dead Space handling of easy back-and-forth melee plus gun aiming!)

Some bugs in my first few minutes (writing this while still playing from my steam overlay)
-My crosshair vanishes from aiming, which feels bad, I have a dot crosshair while not aiming.
(Would love to see RE4 laser dot return...)
-Picking up items is really fiddly. Medkits seem pretty reliable to pick up, the E prompt comes up within a pretty good area, but ammo, the gun, all have needed a very specific spot, angle, where I get the prompt to pick them up.
That's all for now!

Could you consider adding true exclusive fullscreen natively supported?
Unity has a nasty habit of being bad with default fullscreen, it's mostly just borderless windowed.
I have a laptop, and Unity hates laptops, so exclusive fullscreen is the best way to get a massive boost in performance (plus I like the natural crisp pixelation instead of the vaseline washed out blur of borderless)
But, it's not a big deal, the launch command "-window-mode exclusive" seems to work, as long as I also ALT+Enter in the game to make it actually stick for my playsession.
Otherwise 60fps mostly so far in exclusive mode, so it runs well and looks really neat with good lighting/shadowing and stuff!
Last edited by Nathan; May 22, 2021 @ 6:57am
Ducat  [developer] May 22, 2021 @ 9:04am 
Originally posted by Nathan:
-My crosshair vanishes from aiming, which feels bad, I have a dot crosshair while not aiming.
(Would love to see RE4 laser dot return...)
What is your screen resolution? There is a crosshair, but it seems to be too thin for low resolutions... I'll fix that
-Picking up items is really fiddly. Medkits seem pretty reliable to pick up, the E prompt comes up within a pretty good area, but ammo, the gun, all have needed a very specific spot, angle, where I get the prompt to pick them up.
Yep. I' reworking the pickup system right now.

Could you consider adding true exclusive fullscreen natively supported?
I'll see what i can do
Thank you!
Nathan May 22, 2021 @ 9:33am 
Originally posted by Ducat:
Originally posted by Nathan:
-My crosshair vanishes from aiming, which feels bad, I have a dot crosshair while not aiming.
(Would love to see RE4 laser dot return...)
What is your screen resolution? There is a crosshair, but it seems to be too thin for low resolutions... I'll fix that
My resolution is 960x540 (lol :D) Reason is my laptop is 6 years old at this point, i7-4710HQ 2.5GHz quad core, Nvidia 840M 2GB VRAM, 12GB RAM, win10x64bit
Served me well enough, can even play some semi resent AAA games (Prey 2017 at medium settings, Alien Isolation at max, Resident Evil 2 at low with some bells & whistles on, Control & Doom Eternal at low but still 45fps, Dying Light with most high 60fps, and of course a bunch of indie stuff, if it's a custom engine 60fps high settings almost guaranteed, Unity runs worst, UE4 slightly better, mainly because I can in ini files turn most undesirable post processing effects straight off like motion blur, depth of field, lens flares, a lot).
Ducat  [developer] May 22, 2021 @ 9:39am 
Originally posted by Nathan:
Originally posted by Ducat:
What is your screen resolution? There is a crosshair, but it seems to be too thin for low resolutions... I'll fix that
My resolution is 960x540 (lol :D) Reason is my laptop is 6 years old at this point, i7-4710HQ 2.5GHz quad core, Nvidia 840M 2GB VRAM, 12GB RAM, win10x64bit
Served me well enough, can even play some semi resent AAA games (Prey 2017 at medium settings, Alien Isolation at max, Resident Evil 2 at low with some bells & whistles on, Control & Doom Eternal at low but still 45fps, Dying Light with most high 60fps, and of course a bunch of indie stuff, if it's a custom engine 60fps high settings almost guaranteed, Unity runs worst, UE4 slightly better, mainly because I can in ini files turn most undesirable post processing effects straight off like motion blur, depth of field, lens flares, a lot).
Okay i got you
Sven May 30, 2021 @ 3:24pm 
Привет, с последнем патчем произошла беда. В концовке с лифтом не призывается лифт из-за чего нельзя закончить игру на истинную концовку, так же игра начала проседать по fps до 11 кадров в рандомных местах с большим количеством света, видео карта у меня gtx 1050ti проц не загружен.
Ducat  [developer] May 30, 2021 @ 9:27pm 
Originally posted by Sven:
Привет, с последнем патчем произошла беда. В концовке с лифтом не призывается лифт из-за чего нельзя закончить игру на истинную концовку, так же игра начала проседать по fps до 11 кадров в рандомных местах с большим количеством света, видео карта у меня gtx 1050ti проц не загружен.
Ну ёлки-палки... Разберемся
Слушай, да, лифт сломался. Щас починим
Last edited by Ducat; May 30, 2021 @ 10:19pm
Ducat  [developer] May 31, 2021 @ 12:35am 
Originally posted by Sven:
Так, я залил обновление (Ver 0.3.1), где пофиксил не только лифт )
А по поводу фризов - можешь записать видос с демонстрацией?
Nathan May 31, 2021 @ 3:23am 
The ending where you open the basement, go down the elevator to get the helicopter rescue, the elevator is a tiny bit glitchy, as you reach the bottom you see through the walls and don't see the hall in front of you.
For a second I thought I was stuck, but walking forward did work, I didn't fall through the world map or anything, the hall loaded in at that point.
The ending cinematic seems a bit unfinished in the sense that the skybox there looks really out of place. In the city gameplay it looks fine and menacing, but when you see nothing but a flat purple background with no different shades behind that flying chopper, it looks like it hasn't loaded something properly.
Also the camera has some issues with staying at a good distance when the chopper blades are rotating, it seems to "clip" and try to readjust.

But that's it for bugs in that playthrough, might try to get the other endings, never went down the obvious exit door...
Ducat  [developer] May 31, 2021 @ 3:26am 
Originally posted by Nathan:
The ending where you open the basement, go down the elevator to get the helicopter rescue, the elevator is a tiny bit glitchy, as you reach the bottom you see through the walls and don't see the hall in front of you.
For a second I thought I was stuck, but walking forward did work, I didn't fall through the world map or anything, the hall loaded in at that point.
The ending cinematic seems a bit unfinished in the sense that the skybox there looks really out of place. In the city gameplay it looks fine and menacing, but when you see nothing but a flat purple background with no different shades behind that flying chopper, it looks like it hasn't loaded something properly.
Also the camera has some issues with staying at a good distance when the chopper blades are rotating, it seems to "clip" and try to readjust.

But that's it for bugs in that playthrough, might try to get the other endings, never went down the obvious exit door...
Thank you!
Sven May 31, 2021 @ 4:21am 
Originally posted by Ducat:
Originally posted by Sven:
Так, я залил обновление (Ver 0.3.1), где пофиксил не только лифт )
А по поводу фризов - можешь записать видос с демонстрацией?
так ну по поводу фризов походу я что-то при записи не правильно настроил, так же мелкие баги на подобие кнопки взаимодействия которая переворачивается и остающихся звуков шагов в концовке с вертолётом. Добавь пожалуйста ползунки для настройки звука, ещё можно было бы добавить прыжок, убрать пинок и добавить стрельбу от бедра, так как от пинка нет никакого смысла. Так-же если при смерти зажимать любую клавишу взаимодействия то респавн происходит на месте смерти а не в начале игры.
Last edited by Sven; May 31, 2021 @ 9:47am
Nathan Jun 23, 2021 @ 8:15am 
There's a bug where when after a longer period of time I backtrack to some area where I've cleared zombies out, and shot their heads off, I see the bodies now have their head again.
Seems only cosmetic as they haven't gotten up despite having a head model, but still, gave me a fright and is worth looking into for consistency and looking less buggy.
(noticed this when going around picking gas cans, filling it, going back to see if I've missed any kittens etc)

Oh, and there's a bug with when I pause/enter the main menu, the resolution resets from my 960x540 to 1920x1080 (probably borderless), goes back to exclusive fullscreen 960x540 when I from the main pause menu go to settings, can keep it at that if I just esc out, seems to alternate between going through menus.

Did dynamic shadows/lights get an intentional downgrade?
I remember before the last update that when your character walked past a lightsource, a cars headlights for instance, that it cast a long shadow, but it doesn't seem to now, even with the option toggled on.

Otherwise didn't run into any bugs, still plays smooth 60fps and looks great and plays great, got the schoolbus ending now and 100% the kittens :)
Last edited by Nathan; Jun 23, 2021 @ 9:05am
Ducat  [developer] Jun 24, 2021 @ 12:05am 
Originally posted by Nathan:
There's a bug where when after a longer period of time I backtrack to some area where I've cleared zombies out, and shot their heads off, I see the bodies now have their head again.
Seems only cosmetic as they haven't gotten up despite having a head model, but still, gave me a fright and is worth looking into for consistency and looking less buggy.
(noticed this when going around picking gas cans, filling it, going back to see if I've missed any kittens etc)

Oh, and there's a bug with when I pause/enter the main menu, the resolution resets from my 960x540 to 1920x1080 (probably borderless), goes back to exclusive fullscreen 960x540 when I from the main pause menu go to settings, can keep it at that if I just esc out, seems to alternate between going through menus.

Did dynamic shadows/lights get an intentional downgrade?
I remember before the last update that when your character walked past a lightsource, a cars headlights for instance, that it cast a long shadow, but it doesn't seem to now, even with the option toggled on.

Otherwise didn't run into any bugs, still plays smooth 60fps and looks great and plays great, got the schoolbus ending now and 100% the kittens :)

Yep there's a bug when you go back to headless zombies - they appear 50/50, headless and with head.
The resolutions - it doesnt switch you to it, right, only showing the wrong ones?
It's a little issue with saving data, yeah.
The lights were optimized to fit the slower PCs. It looks less impressive now, i agree.
Thank you!
Nathan Jun 24, 2021 @ 9:43am 
Originally posted by Ducat:
Yep there's a bug when you go back to headless zombies - they appear 50/50, headless and with head.
The resolutions - it doesnt switch you to it, right, only showing the wrong ones?
It's a little issue with saving data, yeah.
The lights were optimized to fit the slower PCs. It looks less impressive now, i agree.
Thank you!
With the resolution, let's say I'm playing, all normal, my exclusive fullscreen 960x540p resolution. Then I hit ESC, and the screen goes black for a second as it switches the resolution to borderless (using desktop 1920x1080). Now, I go to settings in the pause menu, and it goes black momentarily again as it switches back to my exclusive fullscreen 960x540p.
It seems like the main thing is the ESC which resets, but after "refreshing" it, reminding it what my actual settings are, it switches to those.
In game it never switches by itself, only by opening the menu.

Do you think you could maybe add the better dynamic lights/shadows back as an option? They were cool :)
(Still worked great on my potato laptop as well!)
Ducat  [developer] Jun 24, 2021 @ 10:08am 
Originally posted by Nathan:
Originally posted by Ducat:
Yep there's a bug when you go back to headless zombies - they appear 50/50, headless and with head.
The resolutions - it doesnt switch you to it, right, only showing the wrong ones?
It's a little issue with saving data, yeah.
The lights were optimized to fit the slower PCs. It looks less impressive now, i agree.
Thank you!
With the resolution, let's say I'm playing, all normal, my exclusive fullscreen 960x540p resolution. Then I hit ESC, and the screen goes black for a second as it switches the resolution to borderless (using desktop 1920x1080). Now, I go to settings in the pause menu, and it goes black momentarily again as it switches back to my exclusive fullscreen 960x540p.
It seems like the main thing is the ESC which resets, but after "refreshing" it, reminding it what my actual settings are, it switches to those.
In game it never switches by itself, only by opening the menu.

Do you think you could maybe add the better dynamic lights/shadows back as an option? They were cool :)
(Still worked great on my potato laptop as well!)
That's wierd :)
I'll experiment with the light. You see most of it are baked. And if i'll make the realtime light affect the enviroment - it would be overbrighted.
But i'll think about it
Last edited by Ducat; Jun 24, 2021 @ 10:09am
LinuxLight Nov 20, 2021 @ 2:57am 
I discovered Bio Crisis on itch, and I want to thank you for the Linux version.
The game is really excellent, I had a lot of fun and I can't wait to see the finished game.

However, I have some problems with the gamepad controls, some buttons don't work, like the shooter.
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