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Great core idea but many fundamental issues
The speed is not the issue, even though it was patched to be more hectic, It's the difficulty.
Throwing more content around the screen isn't going to improve the game.

I have so many requests / suggestions and increasing difficulty without self applied penalties is chief amongst them.

Also do it slower but better! Where is the enemy variation? Combat is so much less fun fighting the same handful of sprites over and over. There needs to be more challenge in how they move and attack. Also where is the impact feedback when enemies are hit? Fighting health bars with no visual or auditory feedback sucks!
Show the enemies being staggered, let us hear the hits, let us see the results and have them be able to tank multiple hits! Don't show health bars but visually show how messed up they are with different sprites. The original Doom got this right with the face next to the health meter. The most recent doom got the enemy hit reactions right, you see hear and really feel it when you hit them.

The sounds carry little weight. Its the difference between a gun going "pew, pew", or the same gun going "bang!" With a meaty feeling and hearing the subtle click of the mechanism.

Also the music is awful, sorry personal opinion there but bloody hell, find open source music libraries and get some beats in there that have more substance to them! Not sounding like retro 8-bit soundtrack.

Also have the default view zoomed out more, a lot more. With better enemy variety and movement patterns it will increase the challenge greatly having more on screen alone!

Barely scratching the surface...

I love the core idea but what wraps around it feels bolted on...