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arsgoetiagames  [developer] May 26, 2022 @ 1:27am
Versions and update log
I'll keep this post updated with all corrections and updated versions.

V 1.4, hotfix

- "Assassin" passive is now functional
- Some demons were not gaining the right amount of life/mana when reaching new level
- You can now purchase more crafting items at merchants
- The "momentum reset" perks doesn't bug anymore
- Shadow of Baal can now be repeated without limit, but dodge bonus is only 55%


Hi everyone, I'm glad to announce this new update, that is balancing, clarifying and correcting all the powers in HellSlave, thanks to your numerous feedbacks.
Almost every powers and spells, both passive and active, have been redesigned to be more useful.
Along with this, I balanced several items that were useless, so they can now get a second life.
A lot of bugs have been corrected also, indeed.
You can also consider playing on normal and hard mode now, the enemies will really hit hard. Very hard will be for true challenge and theorycrafters.

Here is the list of the modifications:
- Execution of Bifrons : Now gives you 20% of your max life and rage when successful.
- Bleeding of Berith : Now reloads when you kill an enemy.
- Infernal distress : Now triggers under 30%. Reloads when you almost die (1 pv survival mode).
- Vapors of Belial : Now heals 16 to 20, +2 points for each of your level.
- Expiation now heals also 20% of your max life, and reloads when you kill an enemy.
- Skull-crasher of lucifer can now reduce armor until -25%
- Interruption now adds fatigue on the aim. It adds twice as much fatigue when the aim is going to attack soon.
- Light pavise now gives additional 3 fatigue when you get attacked.
- Seal of Decarabia and Phenex now gives 10% of max life and mana instead of 5%, and you can use it again when you almost die (1 pv survival mode).
- Shell of Purson now reloads when you almost die.
- Luciferian fire can be used once again when you almost die.
- Unholy light now deals 3 times your magical damage to all enemies, then heals you as much as your magical damage. It reloads when you change into demon.
- Wound aggravation is now capped, you can't add more than your maximum mana amount. It reloads when you change into demon.
- Mirror of Zagan reloads when you almost die.
- Flash attack is now "Asmodean unleashing" : during the next 15 seconds, the fatigue on your melee attacks is reduced by 60%. Reloads when you change into demon.
- Shadow of Baal now reloads only when you kill an enemy.
- Venom of Limbo now adds 0.5 poison points on each of your attacks, and this buff can be played again whenever you kill an enemy.
- All demonic form have been a little bit boosted.
- Absorption of Orias now reloads when you almost die.
- Burst of rage now gives 25% of your maximum rage and reloads when you almost die.
- Burst of concentration now gives 20% of your max mana and reloads when you almost die.
- Burst of faith also reloads when you almost die.
- Infernal howl reloads only when you kill an enemy.
- Temporal torsion now reloads when you almost die.
- Asmodean succion is now a spell that leeches 10% of every enemy life, and heals you with the amount leeched. It reloads when you change into demon.
- Spores of sabnock is now adding 8 poison + your current level.
- Infection is now capped, you can't add more than the double of your max mana.
- Satanic bomb has been removed for now, and will be reworked for a later update.
- Blaze of the idles now deals damage each 10 seconds equals to the max magical damage of your weapon.
- Aspiration of humours now reloads when you almost die.
- Last judgment now deals as much as your maximum mana point.
- Resurrection now consume all of your rage and mana, and you heal of X, where X is the amount of life healed with healing spell since the beginning of the fight.
- Perfection now relaods when you almost die.
- Destruction now deals +30% damage, + 20% for each critical dealt since the beginning of the fight, and reloads when you kill an enemy.
- Extermination now deals +75% magical damage, and you get 15% of your max mana if you kill the aim with this power. Reloads when you kill an enemy.
- Concentration now reloads when you change into demon.
- Wisdom of Dantalion heals now 25% of your max mana and life, and reloads when you change into demon.
- Apocalyptic choregrapy now triggers 2 normal attacks on each enemy (no random). It reloads when you kill a demon.
- Pulsion of lucidity now reloads when you almost die.
- Pulsion of adrenaline now reloads when you almost die.
- Appeasement now reloads when you almost die.
- Mammonic drain now reloads when you kill an enemy.
- Satanic power now reloads when you change into demon.
- Support explosion do not reduce the fatigue of the aim to 0 anymore, and reloads when you change into demon.
- Decay now adds 5 fatigue seconds on the aim, and 8 if the aim is under 30% of max life, and reloads when you almost die


-120+ new items, only blue (magic), yellow (rare) and red-orange (unique)
red-orange can only be found on bosses, if you're lucky
- 15 new momentums, for each demons.
- Game is now playable in Polish :)
- Balanced the passive that was adding 2 seconds on enemies when dealing critical magical attack : now each critical has 50% chances of adding 1 second.
- Triggering "you add poison on all enemies when you cast a spell" only add 100% of the poison point if your attack is a "offensive" spell. Instant or very short spell only add 50% of the amount.
- enemies a little bit more powerful
- less loot, but better quality. Less trash in your inventory.
- Apocalyptic choregraphy was bugged
- Infernal howl is now only one use
- Archon pants visual didn't fit well in the other shoes visuals
- When going in cave, you were sometimes too close to the exit and went back to town unexpectedly
- Invulnerability wasn't working well, you could still get damage
- "Thunder damage" due to orbs is now mitigated with the magical armor of the aim, and diminished if you're doing a AOE attack.
- Fixed polish text file, a lot of old values were written for objects.
- Shadow of baal has now 50% chance of dodging, not 75%


- Enemies are slightly more resistant now.
- I nerfed poison and blood a bit.
- When pressing space in inventory you can now switch the side of the "tooltip" that shows info of items.

- Lowered the chance of meeting random enemies
- Lowered the power of poison

V 1.099
- Spores of Sabnock has now 2 seconds of fatigue.
- Dodge was bugged, some bonus were added 2 times.
- Shadow of Baal now offers a +70% bonus, not 75%.

- Fixed a bug where you could be stuck out of map.

- Fixed achievement and crafting items that didn't work

- Few updates on the chinese texts

- "Critical hit at the start of fight" passive now works
- Diminished amount of loot, enhanced quality of it.
- You now loot yellow objects for sure on bosses and chest, more blue, rarely white, very rarely grey.

- You can now drag'n'drop from the crafting space!

- Now you don't have to fight the ambush in Abbatardes three times.
- You can now right click in inventory objects to add them in crafting space.

- fixed a bug where you can buy and sell food and earn more money this way

- Momentum "instant attack" is trully instant now
- Favor "first attack is instant" is trully instant too
- all power named "instant" are trully instant too now
- made the enemy slightly faster to balance this time won
- You cannot beat lucifer several times anymore

- Third stance wasn't displaying in combat
- Fixed spelling bugs
- Refuge items were sold for free

- Slightly higher chance of looting crafting items
- Light golem no longer flashes white screen

- You can now use right click to put things in chest and to get it back.

- Balanced the crafting items, they're now more powerful!

- fixed a problem with screenshakes setting tick and accessibility tick

- Fights are a little bit faster when it comes to informations, tooltip, timing for powers etc. so it's less sluggish.
- Fixed a bug where you could be stuck at the end of a fight

- Orias power got lowered a bit
- fixed a problem with music level rebooting when launching the game

- Added a huge violet light in the desecrated tomb to indicate that the rest of the story is taking place here.
- Changed the description of some missions to make it clearer
- Added a new difficulty level : Very hard
- Can now erase a power from the tool bar by right clicking on it in the power panel
- Added 8 slots in the chest
- Can now set up all accessibility issues from the main menu (screenshake and no QTE)
- Chinese character fixed

- Fixed a bug when you can quit crafting but it destroys what you were crafting

- Removed the "single reset" power option

- Changed the amount of loot, there is less now and more interesting quality
- Fixed a bug when you could meet Sabnock after killing Lucifer. Anyway, strange story.
- There is now options in the menu!

- Fixed the regen bonus on the rings that you get as a reward (was supposed to be 16, not 3)
- Fixed the display of critical bonus on perfection (35%, not 50%)
- Fixed a problem where Cry of Domination didn't work.
- The crafting recipes are now clearer with some description under the ambiance text.

-Enhanced the price when you sale objects in Inferno mode
-Added a info panel in powers when you hover on powers in the toolbar
-Changed the price of craft objects when you sell them, so that it's more fair
-The critical hit bonus wasn't showing on a yellow sword

-Enhanced the move speed in dungeons and map a little bit
-Balanced the scorpion cape and lowered the poison damage given by half
-Corrected a bug when momentums stopped the fight with some passive that extended their use

Added autosave in town and in Hell

minor fix on a problem about Steamworks.mfx blocking the start of the .exe

Fixed a bug where a support item wasn't throwing a arrow at the start of the fight
Can now calm down the screenshake effect in option menu
Fixed a bug when resetting powers

Fixed a problem when you switched powers and some disappeared.

Fixed a bug where the tutorial erased one of your powers

-Changed a bug where some font didn't display correctly in chinese
-Added some SFX in first cutscenes
-Corrected a FX bug about Amnesia
-Corrected a bug when the shoes visual were under the trousers
-The librarian was giving a visual hint in the lore tab that was on the wrong icon
Last edited by arsgoetiagames; Jul 11, 2022 @ 2:24am