Dangerous Waters
DW will not work on new comp at all
Just got new comp and whilst setting up I re-load DW Steam edition. This no longer works as win10 keeps closing it down if I try any load other than tutorials. I did the d3d8.dll insertion and the ini file change of ID from 1 to 3 still no DW.
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I'm having the same problem with Windows 10. I run the game, and Windows says that it stopped.
I'm having that problem now. it's definitely a Windows 10 issue. It used to work before.
I have seen from another post that there is a limit on the screen display to around the 1280 limit.
This could be my problem as it also worked on the previous rig but not on this that has a 3840x2160 resolution as the default.
It worked even though I have three monitors. I just had to drop the resolution down and use one. After Windows 10, I can't run some of the games I used to.
DW in Win 10 works if you use custom wrapper (dll). Google it. Use the second version for Win 10. It will crash if you try to change resolution in game. To change resolution use the cfg file in game folder: ModeID. Value 2 is 1024x768. It goes 1,2, or 3.

Edit here it is: use the newest dll.

Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Life Pilgrim; 8 Απρ 2016, 16:23
You can't play 16-bit games on Windows 10 / 8, they don't support it. If you have Windows 7 or XP it will run fine. There is a patch that you can download though, not sure where the link is.
See my post about running DW on Windows 10 Creators Update.
I used the very small patch and it worked a treat on Win 10. Remember you have to extract the dll to the game files, not just copy it.
I went to the game folder and run the Incompatibility check, after that it is working on my new comp with Windows 10 Pro.
Ok. I hate to be that guy, but it's not working for me either. I've tried both versions of the suggested fix, and it's still not working. When I extract the rar and move the file to the game directory, nothing happens, even when I change the from 1 to 2 to 3 to whatever, and when I move the game extension file straight to the game directory, the game doesn't even start to run, with a notice showing up saying that the dll file is incompatible with the game files. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I'm trying to run it on Windows 10, btw.
KillerGestapo - Here is my post on how I got it to work. Try it. If it doesn't work then IDK.

EDIT: You will also have to edit the dangerouswaters.ini file (open with notepad).
Set the "ModeID" to 4
If that doesn't work try 3
then 2
then 1
If if still doesn't work, IDK....
I have mine set to ModeID 4
1600x1200 which is the best resolution DW can handle. Do not try to change the game resolution in game. You will get an immediate CTD. It can only be changed by editing the dangerouswaters.ini file.

I also recommend that you make the dangerouswaters.exe Large Address Aware using this tool.

Another helpful tool is the Explorer Suite from NTCore...
which is a deeper look into the .exe file.

Here is a shortcut to the page which describes how to make the .exe Large Address Aware. It is for Silent Hunter 4 but just navigate to the dangerouswaters.exe instead and the instructions are the same.

In fact, you can make many of your game executables Large Address Aware by following these instructions.

I hope this helps YOU get Dangerous Waters working on your system. While this game is very old, it still holds up very well as a training aid for relative motion simulation.

EDIT: You also have to run the Windows Game Compatibility Tool on the dangerouswaters.exe file.


Τελευταία επεξεργασία από AYBABTU; 6 Ιουλ 2017, 7:37
I really can't tell if I'm doing it right. Are you supposed to take the dll out of the folder and put it straight into the game directory, or do you keep it in the file folder? Also, for whatever reason, I can't get the notepad to save the ModeID. Whenever I change the number and close it, whatever number I set it at, it changes back to 1 whenever I open it again. Any advice? Also, does it have to be windows vista version 2? The game used to work on windows 7 for me.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από KillerGestapo; 6 Ιουλ 2017, 16:05
Killer Gestapo - Yes, the d3d8.dll is unpacked from the zip and placed directly into the DW Main directory. Try using Notepad++ which is free. Search for it. You are "SAVING" the notepad dangerouswaters.ini file before closing it, right? (Click on File, Click on Save before you close the notepad.) Here is the link for Notepad++


Also, you have to run dangerouswaters.exe as an administrator. Right click on the dangerouswaters.exe file then choose properties. then compatibility, Run as compatible with Vista SP2, OVERIDE high DPI scaling behavior, Scaling performed by: (System Enhanced), Run as Administrator. Click OK and try it. Good Luck!

Here is my Graphics Section from the dangerouswaters.ini file.

.PlayerName "Captain"
.Seed 1497105347
.SkipOpening No
.SkipCredits No
.SkipMovies No
.FirstTimeRunning No
.Version 4

.MapStretch No
.ScreenStretchQuality 3
.ParticleMax 500
.ParticleRate 5
.LocalLights Yes
.TransparentWater No
.WantRain Yes
.Disable3D No
.Want3DClouds Yes
.WantVegetation Yes
.AdapterID 0
.DeviceID 0
.ModeID 4
.DetailTextures Yes
.BlendTextures Yes
.Caustics Yes
.WaterParticles Yes
.WaterReflectionQuality 3
.WaterQuality 4
.WaterDrawMethod 1
.CameraFOV 60
.WantShadows Yes
.ModelDetailTex Yes
.RunInWindow No
.Gamma ""
.SoftwareCursor No

Let me know what error messages you are getting.
Good luck!
Ok. The problem I seem to be running into now is that I try to run it, it goes to the error message "S.C.S - Dangerous Waters has stopped working" and closes, and from what I can tell, the dangerouswaters.ini file reverts back to "ModeID 1" at least after everytime I try to run dangerous waters, if not everytime I run it, and yes, I'm pressing save everytime I change it and have even tried to use the notepad program a few times. As far as I can tell, I've done everything else. The way I'm doing the dll file is unpacking it with RAR opener into the danergous waters folder and it's putting it into a folder with the rest of the game folders. Do I have to put the dll program directly alongside the other parts of the game or is keeping it in the unpacked folder ok?
The d3d8.dll should be in the same folder as dangerouswaters.exe and dangerouswaters.ini
It should not be isolated in it's own unpacked folder. Just copy it to the main folder.
Also, once you get it working you cannot change the graphics resolution settings from within the game. You can only change it by editing the dangerouswaters.ini file. It will CTD if you try to change graphics resolution settings within the game. You can, however, change all the rest of the graphics settings from within the game, just not resolution.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από AYBABTU; 6 Ιουλ 2017, 20:07
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