Blood West

Blood West

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OsaX Nymloth  [Entwickler] 17. Feb. 2022 um 5:51
Howdy, fellow gunslingers!

It's simple. Here we publish list of known issues and bugs that we will try to fix - with time. Please note that this list may not include every single bug out there for various reasons, but if something bugged out for you and you see it here, know we're working on it.

As for bugs NOT on the list: feel free to report them. Some small chupacabras may still be roaming around and we would love to catch them all. Who knows, maybe they at least taste good, eh?

If you found a bug feel free to email it over to us! Attach save file + log files as well, so we can investigate:

Location of saves and logs: C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\HyperStrange\Blood West\

Updated: 28.03.2024

These are the issues that we've confirmed and are working on a fix.

- NPC can wander inside player's collider when trading
- Whetstone buff icon may remain on screen and as an effect after all charges has been used
- Rare instance of enemies stopping moving under certain circumstances
- Very rare crashes on Chapter 3 for some players
- shooting a shotgun instantly after switching weapon may result in both barrels being emptied instead of one
- Pawn artifact and boosted values can reset on save & load

In 3.1.1

- Fixed issue with disappearing NPCs after player’s death
- - Affected saves should be “fixed” after the update has been applied
- - Resting in beds may work to “force” the fix
- Fixed an issue where Wraiths could not be damaged outside of headshots
- Fixed an issue related to audio sliders not updating the proper values
- Fixed an issue when canceling options would still save them

In 3.1.0

- Fixed an issue that prevented players from leaving the Settings menu without changing their language first. This time for good
- Fixed a problem regarding Nitro ammo causing it to not deal the intended damage
- Fixed an issue where the final cinematics didn’t play and end correctly

In 3.0.4

- Emerald Eyes can be taken off without dying or using Purple Revival
- Removing Occult Mask without full HP allows to remove the mask without removing the effect
- Player may not be able to move after teleporting back to the Safe Zone
- Negative Stamina regeneration
- Inability to save & exit the game via pause menu for some players - workaround for some players exist in the form of resting in a bed
- Certain item combination may result in random increases to player’s HP
- Very rare error when accessing player’s stash that results in items being lost
- Rare case when one of the NPC doesn’t update correctly and softlocks player when trying to talk to them

In 3.0.3 hotfix

- Skills and skill points missing or badly re-distributed after loading an older save on 3.0.2 - we're investigating this issue and are aiming to release a fix as soon as possible. Temporary workaround: drink a respec potion (New Dawn Tincture)
- some sound effects may be too loud (level up, main character's grunts/barks)

In 3.0.2 [Full Release]

mouse sensitivity seems to be changing on the fly for some users, investigating
- DE translation for certain objects is not updated yet
- certain players have issues with saving in the Settings options - swapping language seems to be a temporary workaround
- Rare case of a Sack of Money remaining visible on the Ground in inventory screen
- disappearing artifacts when replaced with other certain artifacts
- Opening Map via inventory button can disable tooltips - saving and loading game fixes this issue as a temporary workaround
- Keybinds for numeric keypad may not display correctly in quick access UI
- a visual glitch that may cause delivered quest items for the Undead to be invisible - it's only visuals, items are actually there and affected players can continue the game as normal
Zuletzt bearbeitet von OsaX Nymloth; 28. März um 4:12
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Beiträge 115 von 495
k9 17. Feb. 2022 um 6:43 
what happend to me a few times with birdmen:

they are chasing me, i climb up ladder and wait. I come back - birdman completly dissapeared. its just gone (its also not at its spawnpoint)

other than that I encounterd no bugs.

thx for the game btw. its awsome in many many ways. a breath of fresh air.
since a long time I had a lot of fun and enjoyment with an videogame again.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von k9; 17. Feb. 2022 um 6:51
Another thing to add to the quests tab would be that sometimes when you do a certain dialogue combination, you'll essentially be locked out of jim's quest, you'll ask him for work and you'll get kicked out of the convo.
Also this might just be a general game issue, i dont think any devs have acknowledged it but the crosshair for some of the weapons is off, like not centered correctly.
OsaX Nymloth  [Entwickler] 18. Feb. 2022 um 4:30 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von KnightSilver:
Another thing to add to the quests tab would be that sometimes when you do a certain dialogue combination, you'll essentially be locked out of jim's quest, you'll ask him for work and you'll get kicked out of the convo.
Can you remember which combination could result in getting kicked out of the conversation?
Ursprünglich geschrieben von OsaX Nymloth:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von KnightSilver:
Another thing to add to the quests tab would be that sometimes when you do a certain dialogue combination, you'll essentially be locked out of jim's quest, you'll ask him for work and you'll get kicked out of the convo.
Can you remember which combination could result in getting kicked out of the conversation?
Cannot exactly remember which combination it is, I believe it has something to do with talking to him, leaving the conversation, and then trying to talk to him when he offers you the job after speaking to him the second time, kinda fuzzy on the details, happened in my first playthrough.
Also another thing i encountered and i've seen in the community tab is that double clicking bandages in your inventory causes them to disappear.
en7my 18. Feb. 2022 um 15:39 
Hello devs. Tonight I've found a quest item with its description apparently missing:

Please investigate. Regards, En7my! :)
OsaX Nymloth  [Entwickler] 21. Feb. 2022 um 4:59 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von En7my:
Hello devs. Tonight I've found a quest item with its description apparently missing:

Please investigate. Regards, En7my! :)

*sweeps the star under the carpet*
Nothing to see here. *whistles*

Seriously tho, I have no idea how this happened, but will be fixed.
Thanks a bunch!
en7my 21. Feb. 2022 um 17:08 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von OsaX Nymloth:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von En7my:
Hello devs. Tonight I've found a quest item with its description apparently missing:

Please investigate. Regards, En7my! :)

*sweeps the star under the carpet*
Nothing to see here. *whistles*

Seriously tho, I have no idea how this happened, but will be fixed.
Thanks a bunch!
hahaha alright!!!:hunted:
Silver 21. Feb. 2022 um 18:19 
so are axes meant to be more powerful then the guns or what because it feels kind of weird been an old west i mean and having fun collecting ammo and can we please have more weird quests
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Silver; 21. Feb. 2022 um 18:34
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Deadpan117:
so are axes meant to be more powerful then the guns or what because it feels kind of weird been an old west i mean and having fun collecting ammo and can we please have more weird quests
Well you see, Axes arent meant and just arent in general more powerful than a gun, if you know how to use the axe right it can be more powerful than a gun you dont know how to use, but in most situations (Besides stealth, and the knife is still better) The axe wont out do a firearm.
antmutant (Ausgeschlossen) 21. Feb. 2022 um 21:34 
(By Caleb's voice) "-Well as forum part "COMPLAINTS" is not exists i will spell that here".
!!!I AM STUCK!!! Behind a wooden chair while tried to hide from vendigo in mines 8(.
You can take my SAVEGAME file or i can make screensoots to show where is that. i really not want to start all from begining. Better to add finally ability of suicide.
Cool performed anyway! i believe some aliens made a time loop on Earth? and now ethernal night and no one dies. Plus aberrations of timeshift in realm mixed orders of parallel worlds with ours. So visitors from hell its a normal thing in those zone.
Who knows probable development of scenario in game? Maybe impress me?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von antmutant; 21. Feb. 2022 um 21:38
I had several times a bug with running. I run without using "Shift" and even when the Stamina is out I could run further. Only sleeping in the save zone helps in this case.
OsaX Nymloth  [Entwickler] 22. Feb. 2022 um 5:05 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Johnny Cliff:
I had several times a bug with running. I run without using "Shift" and even when the Stamina is out I could run further. Only sleeping in the save zone helps in this case.
This sounds odd, mind recording the issue next time it happens? A single frame is worth 1000 words, so a few second clip would be priceless!
I had this issue several times... I tried to recreate it but I can´t. I think this always happends when I did a few things at the same time or fast, shooting, reloading, drink the heal elixir and looting while reloading, just something in this way. So then I realized that I am always in the "run" mode even when the stamina has been to zero. I will write when this happends again, I wish I could recreate this issue to write it here. It seems that I am at the end game now and this issue came just like three times if I remember right...
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Geschrieben am: 17. Feb. 2022 um 5:51
Beiträge: 495