Uncharted Waters Origin

Uncharted Waters Origin

9 tips for beginners
I wrote this on Guide tap, but somehow it stays 'friends only' for 24 hours, so I'm writing it here.

1. If you don't like combat, keep Title Perk max 3
When the beginner buff disappears, the NPCs begin to attack. At this time, if there is a difference between the fleet level and the admiral's combat level, you will constantly be assaulted. However, if the title is below level 3, ther will be no assault at all. If you don't want to use a red gem for a shield, keep your rank to max 3.

2. Combat is best for very early leveling
The adventure in this game is still incomplete. It is recommended to raise the adventure level through long-distance voyages later.
Trading content is attractive, but it is more efficient to do it after leveling up and boarding a bigger ship. When you start trading for leveling, buying Pasta & Pickled Herring and sell it at Major Trend (Festival or Flood) is recommendable.
The fastest way to level up in the beginning is to receive quests and do in-sea battles. It's the fastest to level up by opening a one-week quest slot and receive two quests -'Fight Pirates' & 'Perfect Victory' - from the combat quests, but a lot of gems go into receiving the quests. (It is recommended to change the Company Focus to combat)

3. What is Trend?
Among the early trade quests, there is a quest to sell trending items. Trends can be found in cities with yellow marks on the world map. (sometimes, there is no trend at all) When trend occurs, specific category goods gets expensive. You can make much more money than usual by selling trended category goods in that city. There are two kinds of trend - random trend & Major trend. We can’t predict random ones, but Major Trends are periodical. On the website UWOTREND. INFO , you will know which Major Trend will occur when.

4. Peak season & Low season
During the peak season, the purchase amount is 1.5 times the usual amount, and during the off-season, it is half. For this reason, if you mainly trade, it is good to know the seasonal peak items. There are also items that have the same amount each season, such as Western Cannons. You can find Peak Seasons in UWOTREND. INFO also.

5. Join any guild, right now!
When you join a guild, you receive guild points based on your daily activities. With these guild points, you can buy many things, such as acceleration tickets, blueprints, and materials. There is only a 24-hour non-rejoining penalty for changing guilds, so enter any guild first.

6. Do not empty the ship building slot
Even if you buy a ships later, you can change cabins by building the ship once. Cabin modifications are required to use 100% of the mate's abilities and increase loading and purchase bonuses. Increase the building slot one more and build steadily.

7. Only combat ability is summed up by ship
Only combat stats & skills are summed by ship, the rest is summed up by fleet. For buy and sell bonuses, you can place them comfortably.

8. Keep Aide's Cabin & Accounting Room in Flagship
Having an Aide's Cabin on a flagship prevents disasters during the voyage. (Tools are used, so be sure to carry enough)
If the Flagship does not have an Accounting Room, negotiations do not appear during trade.

9. Where can I go by level
Below is map in Korean information site UWO INVEN. The Texts in the picture is as follows. (you can get more info from UWO INVEN, but KOR only.)
INVEN. CO. KR / BOARD / UWO /5714/225
>sorry they delete all links. just get rid of spaces

내파: Seaworthiness
돌파: Momentum
쇄빙: Ice Breaking
조력: Rowing
(The above four stats are the average of all ships in the fleet.)
Last edited by AmiTheCat; Mar 11, 2023 @ 12:35am
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
mauro.jrs Mar 11, 2023 @ 12:06pm 
koclak13 Mar 13, 2023 @ 8:17am 
and for mates requirement before they spawned, u can check at korean website


just use auto google translate ^^, but mate hunting using ducat should be done later , after we open at least India , they need lots lots of ducat , but can be gained easily later
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Date Posted: Mar 10, 2023 @ 11:49pm
Posts: 2