Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
"Fuzzle Testing" graphical glitches
The game was running good until this point, but from the start of the level where you control Munch for the first time, menu is black and lots of glitches/stutters ingame (unplayable)... :(
Автор сообщения: Loz:
I am also experiencing this bug. Played it a year or so ago and it workerd fine.

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try reinstall or verify files, then try load in the level again if u can..
I am also getting these exact same graphical glitches. It really makes the game unplayable, since I literally can't see anything.
Автор сообщения: Mr.Badass
try reinstall or verify files, then try load in the level again if u can..

Nope, clean files on a fresh install of Windows 10 22H2, with all dependencies and latest drivers installed ... :(
this worked for me

properties then general then disable steam overlay and desktop game theater. then i validated files and it is working for now
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I am also experiencing this bug. Played it a year or so ago and it workerd fine.

Отредактировано Loz; 17 ноя. 2023 г. в 17:11
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