Terrain of Magical Expertise

Terrain of Magical Expertise

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Nebula May 4, 2023 @ 5:13pm
Nylocke Softlock
I'm currently near the end of the 4th and final event qualifier in Kinderspirit's domain (where you, Nylocke, Alpha and Kirb need to extinguish some purple flames that have been corrupting players) and after the boss fight, Nylocke gives another triumphant speech and darts away with a hearty "WHOOSH!" Unfortunately, it seems the rest of the party are so enthralled that it stays on that text box and softlocks, and my only option is to reset the game. I've gone through the boss fight 3 times now and it's locked at the same point every time. I'm not sure what to do, I know this game is a couple years old now but I hope someone can help.
Last edited by Nebula; May 4, 2023 @ 5:20pm