Distant Worlds 2

Distant Worlds 2

ERutins  [desarrollador] 12 MAR 2022 a las 7:45 p. m.
Request for Players with AMD GPUs
If you are having issues playing Distant Worlds 2 with an AMD GPU, could you please try the following directions and let us know if they make a difference for you?


Very important: Please turn off Radeon Anti-Lag and AMD FreeSync for DW2 and also see if launching DW2 from the AMD console makes any difference for you.

Please also try this change: Wait for vertical Refresh option -"On unless Application specifies".

If the game does not launch on the first try, please try again a few times and see if anything changes.
Última edición por ERutins; 21 MAR 2022 a las 9:02 a. m.
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Mostrando 1-15 de 50 comentarios
Goranchero 13 MAR 2022 a las 12:08 a. m. 
Updated drivers, turned all settings off, made no change. Whenever a gravillex fires a weapon i get a CTD.
Última edición por Goranchero; 13 MAR 2022 a las 12:08 a. m.
Sabahel-Tep 13 MAR 2022 a las 12:28 a. m. 
Yeah it still crash at battle with the DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED: ??
I use Version
Cupio Minimus 13 MAR 2022 a las 1:31 a. m. 
Not sure what good this is to you, but my event logs are showing two distinct kinds of entry related to DW2 crashing:

Application: DistantWorlds2.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.AccessViolationException
at SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device.CreateTexture2D(SharpDX.Direct3D11.Texture2DDescription ByRef, SharpDX.DataBox[], SharpDX.Direct3D11.Texture2D)
at Xenko.Graphics.Texture.InitializeFromImpl(Xenko.Graphics.DataBox[])
at Xenko.Graphics.Texture.InitializeFrom(Xenko.Graphics.Texture, Xenko.Graphics.TextureDescription, Xenko.Graphics.TextureViewDescription, Xenko.Graphics.DataBox[])
at Xenko.Graphics.Texture.New(Xenko.Graphics.GraphicsDevice, Xenko.Graphics.TextureDescription, Xenko.Graphics.TextureViewDescription, Xenko.Graphics.DataBox[])
at Xenko.Streaming.StreamingTexture.StreamingTask(Int32)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(System.Threading.Tasks.Task ByRef)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntry(Boolean)
at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()


Application: DistantWorlds2.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: SharpDX.SharpDXException
at SharpDX.Result.CheckError()
at Xenko.Graphics.SwapChainGraphicsPresenter.Present()

Exception Info: Xenko.Graphics.GraphicsException
at Xenko.Graphics.SwapChainGraphicsPresenter.Present()
at Xenko.Games.GraphicsDeviceManager.Xenko.Games.IGraphicsDeviceManager.EndDraw(Boolean)
at Xenko.Games.GameBase.EndDraw(Boolean)
at Xenko.Engine.Game.EndDraw(Boolean)
at DistantWorlds2.DWGame.EndDraw(Boolean)
at Xenko.Games.GameBase.TickInternal()
at Xenko.Games.GameBase.Tick()
at Xenko.Games.GamePlatform.Tick()
at Xenko.Games.GamePlatform.OnRunCallback()
at Xenko.Games.WindowsMessageLoop.Run(System.Windows.Forms.Control, RenderCallback, Boolean)
at Xenko.Games.GameWindowWinforms.Run()
at Xenko.Games.GameBase.Run(Xenko.Games.GameContext)
at egC6meMrcNNjauXnhK.JRt68rRgBP4LZk8fMJ.IUAak7B6VAI5TSAYIfc(System.Object, System.Object)
at egC6meMrcNNjauXnhK.JRt68rRgBP4LZk8fMJ.YxQ0mh4xB(System.Object)
at <PrivateImplementationDetails>{5A78CD4D-1659-4AAA-83D0-16DEE58A97F2}.Main(System.String[])

I hope that's of some help.
braineater 13 MAR 2022 a las 1:39 a. m. 
Still CTD during battles.
๔รﻮ_Shadak 13 MAR 2022 a las 3:04 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por ERutins:
If you are having issues playing Distant Worlds 2 with an AMD GPU, could you please try the following directions and let us know if they make a difference for you?


looking at your specs, I can tell you that image sharperning & surface format optimaization is not the problem. I have both active and no crashes. However turning them off changes nothing in terms of performance (still poor on my 6900XT)
Última edición por ๔รﻮ_Shadak; 13 MAR 2022 a las 3:04 a. m.
Lif 13 MAR 2022 a las 3:13 a. m. 
I disabled freesync globally, it made no difference to the black screen bug.

That being said, my AMD GPU is the chipset one and not the discrete one.
Última edición por Lif; 13 MAR 2022 a las 3:13 a. m.
Cupio Minimus 13 MAR 2022 a las 3:49 a. m. 
I'm suffering the Gravillex(?) crash now, last save is just before an encounter. I've noticed this partially drawn UI element last 3 times, (game hangs before ctd). Could be coincidence, or maybe part of the problem.
Cupio Minimus 13 MAR 2022 a las 5:04 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Cupio Minimus:
I'm suffering the Gravillex(?) crash now, last save is just before an encounter. I've noticed this partially drawn UI element last 3 times, (game hangs before ctd). Could be coincidence, or maybe part of the problem.
Nope, UI element not necessary. I can keep clear of mouse-over events and crash anyway. That's a helluva space monster.
SirKnechtalot 13 MAR 2022 a las 8:42 a. m. 
Stragely enough when i start the game from the AMD console it runs. Otherwise it crashes the driver.
newest driver
Alric Miraborg 13 MAR 2022 a las 9:50 a. m. 
I have a RX 5700 XT, I've noticed the interface is much more responsive with Freesync shut off now. Also there aren't as much graphical distortions, such as planets and objects shimmering like they're on fire. Plus I managed to play for about 2.5 hours with out a crash before I had to take a break.

Worth noting in my AMD crash log it seems like the game crashes as soon as my GPU tries to tame itself by down volting or down clocking.
ERutins  [desarrollador] 13 MAR 2022 a las 10:06 a. m. 
Is that a crash log you could share with us please?
Alric Miraborg 13 MAR 2022 a las 11:19 a. m. 
It seems the AMD software doesn't save them unless you tell it to. If I get another error from AMD I'll gladly share it. So far I haven't had another crash since this morning, or since downloading the patch around noon that was published.
echoeversky 13 MAR 2022 a las 1:23 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Goranchero:
Updated drivers, turned all settings off, made no change. Whenever a gravillex fires a weapon i get a CTD.

Alric Miraborg 14 MAR 2022 a las 7:45 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por ERutins:
Is that a crash log you could share with us please?

Not a single crash in another eight hours of game play, since installing the patch yesterday and disabling AMD Freesync.
Alric Miraborg 14 MAR 2022 a las 1:38 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por ERutins:
Is that a crash log you could share with us please?

Dumping game after fifteen minutes now.

Distant Worlds 2: Starting Game Session 14-03-2022 16-18-57.290
14-03-2022 16-18-58.322: Configuring Content Streaming
14-03-2022 16-18-58.322: Obtaining Current Adapter:
14-03-2022 16-18-58.335: Could not find adapter
14-03-2022 16-18-58.335: Using default adapter AMD Radeon RX 5700
14-03-2022 16-18-58.335: Selecting Adapter with highest video memory
14-03-2022 16-18-58.336: Adapter selected: AMD Radeon RX 5700
14-03-2022 16-18-58.336: Video Memory Detected: 8547332096
14-03-2022 16-18-58.336: Shared System Memory Detected: 17107767296
14-03-2022 16-18-58.337: Streaming Memory Budget set: 7639Mb
14-03-2022 16-18-58.339: Loading Base Content Bundles
14-03-2022 16-18-58.342: Loading Per-Race Content Bundles
14-03-2022 16-18-58.617: Loading GameSettings file
14-03-2022 16-18-58.622: GameSettings file loaded
14-03-2022 16-18-58.624: Loading GameSettingsOverrides
14-03-2022 16-18-58.626: Auto-detecting resolution using Game Settings
14-03-2022 16-18-58.681: Resolution found: 1920x1080 @165Hz
14-03-2022 16-18-58.681: Obtaining Current Adapter: AMD Radeon RX 5700
14-03-2022 16-18-58.681: Adapter found: AMD Radeon RX 5700
14-03-2022 16-18-58.681: Setting game resolution 1920x1080
14-03-2022 16-18-58.681: Setting Display - Borderless Window
14-03-2022 16-18-58.683: Attempting to set Display to 1820x980
14-03-2022 16-18-58.684: Setting Display Values and Applying Changes
14-03-2022 16-18-58.692: Display Changes Applied
14-03-2022 16-18-58.692: Set Display Complete
14-03-2022 16-18-58.692: Attempting to set Display to 1920x1080
14-03-2022 16-18-58.698: Setting Display Values and Applying Changes
14-03-2022 16-18-58.700: Display Changes Applied
14-03-2022 16-18-58.700: Set Display Complete
14-03-2022 16-18-58.704: Setting Scaling Core: Standard
14-03-2022 16-18-58.711: Initializing Scaled Renderer
14-03-2022 16-18-58.714: Loading prelim assets
14-03-2022 16-18-58.828: Loading particle effects
14-03-2022 16-18-59.065: Loading Sound Effects
14-03-2022 16-19-00.586: Setting up Compositors and Scenes
14-03-2022 16-19-00.647: Compositors and Scenes complete
14-03-2022 16-19-00.647: Obtained Game Window ClientBounds: 1920x1080
14-03-2022 16-19-00.647: Setting up Cameras
14-03-2022 16-19-00.655: Cameras complete
14-03-2022 16-19-00.671: Generating 2D Noise
14-03-2022 16-19-00.725: Loading 3D Noise
14-03-2022 16-19-00.750: Initializing Main Renderers for all view levels
14-03-2022 16-19-00.752: Setting Up Custom Renderer
14-03-2022 16-19-00.758: Setting up Scene Composition
14-03-2022 16-19-00.758: Setting Up Custom Renderer
14-03-2022 16-19-00.758: Setting up Scene Composition
14-03-2022 16-19-00.758: Setting Up Custom Renderer
14-03-2022 16-19-00.759: Setting up Scene Composition
14-03-2022 16-19-00.759: Setting Up Custom Renderer
14-03-2022 16-19-00.759: Setting up Scene Composition
14-03-2022 16-19-00.759: Setting Up Custom Renderer
14-03-2022 16-19-00.759: Setting up Scene Composition
14-03-2022 16-19-00.759: Setting Up Custom Renderer
14-03-2022 16-19-00.759: Setting up Scene Composition
14-03-2022 16-19-00.759: Setting Up Custom Renderer
14-03-2022 16-19-00.760: Setting up Scene Composition
14-03-2022 16-19-00.762: Loading Fonts
14-03-2022 16-19-00.795: Initializing Helpers
14-03-2022 16-19-00.880: Setting Scaling Core: Standard
14-03-2022 16-19-00.886: Loading Icons
14-03-2022 16-19-00.898: Setting up UI Controls
14-03-2022 16-19-00.945: Generating Other Renderers
14-03-2022 16-19-00.946: Setting up Scene Composition
14-03-2022 16-19-00.955: Setting up Scene Composition
14-03-2022 16-19-00.958: Setting up Scene Composition
14-03-2022 16-19-00.967: Applying Map Overlays
14-03-2022 16-19-00.974: Recreating RenderTarget (Count = 0): 1920x1080
14-03-2022 16-19-00.976: Setting Scaling Core: Standard
14-03-2022 16-19-01.039: Generating Menu Scene
14-03-2022 16-19-01.876: Setting up Scene Composition
14-03-2022 16-19-01.876: Setting up Scene Composition
14-03-2022 16-19-01.923: Loading static images
14-03-2022 16-20-19.330: Obtaining Current Adapter: AMD Radeon RX 5700
14-03-2022 16-20-19.330: Adapter found: AMD Radeon RX 5700
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Mostrando 1-15 de 50 comentarios
Por página: 1530 50

Publicado el: 12 MAR 2022 a las 7:45 p. m.
Mensajes: 50