Eiyu*Senki Gold - A New Conquest

Eiyu*Senki Gold - A New Conquest

Luwak Apr 11, 2021 @ 6:44pm
Eiyuu Senki WWX (Mobile Game) English Version is already out
eiyuu senki actually have Mobage ( Mobile Game ) called Eiyuu Senki WW , its released on japan , 2019 ago . Finally on 2021 we have english version called Eiyuu Senki WWX , its released a week ago . The game is heavily censored to some CG . while waiting for steam release of eiyuu senki gold , i'd recommend you to play this . as a eiyuu senki fan , the game is really enjoyable for me & there's many new character that you cant find on gold .

you can download the game from Johren Site
Here [www.johren.games]

we actually have facebook group too for the game
FB Group [www.facebook.com]
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Villain Apr 19, 2021 @ 5:15pm 
aza416 Apr 21, 2021 @ 9:29am 
I rage quit after I got my 5th Takeru
Slain087 Apr 24, 2021 @ 12:09am 
It's also on Nutaku[www.nutaku.net] if you're on that instead. There's cross-play between PC and Android versions, too. (I don't see a "download all resources" button on Android, so be careful with your data caps!)

Mosiacs suck, but honestly I expected it. There's way too many H-scenes, paper dolls, and etc. to demosiac everything. (They haven't even translated all the text yet - if you have Qin Shi Huang, her main menu lines are still in Japanese!)
Last edited by Slain087; Apr 24, 2021 @ 12:31am
Villain Apr 24, 2021 @ 1:48am 
It goes beyond mosaics though, WWX global does collage covering up of anything nsfw with sfw parts of the same image. Like putting a picture of my arm over my butt lmao.
Slain087 Apr 26, 2021 @ 11:19pm 
True. I've been a bit too busy farming signatures to clear out the store to really bother with Affection farming to get the H scenes. I honestly don't blame Think & Feel too much (the threat of getting sued because of the visually underage characters is something they do have to consider), though I do wish they'd try to make it less... obvious? Probably not the word I'm looking for, but there you go. (Like, it's kinda weird that they're showing crotches but not breasts in some CGs?)

For people who want more information about the gacha before they try:
The rates are fairly high compared to similar gachas; ~6% for the 4* (1.5% for the banner), ~29% for the 3* (5% for the banner), and ~65% for 2*. The limited banners are all 10-rolls only for 3k currency each (approx. $30 USD per 10-roll, assuming you only buy the 3300-gem package; $25 USD if you buy exclusively the $100 package; if you buy only the monthly subscription, that's $19.80 for ~13 rolls).
The first roll in a limited banner is discounted to 1800 currency. The third 10-roll in a banner guarantees either the 3* or the 4* on the banner (if a 3* exists; otherwise the 4* on the banner has an increased chance of dropping). The fifth 10-roll in a banner guarantees the banner 4*. Further rolls increase the 4* drop chance to 8%.
After 300 total rolls on limited banners, you can pick a 4* of your choice from the store - any non-limited 4*, and the current limited 4*.

While you can eventually get a girl to max with just the one copy, you do need a lot of shards to increase their level cap; to do so, you'll either need to farm dupes or pay a limited currency type to buy more from the store. Assuming the current event's store holds for other events, you can buy one effective copy of a 4* per event.
Last edited by Slain087; Apr 27, 2021 @ 1:30am
Villain Apr 27, 2021 @ 8:43pm 
I would have liked just english subtitles in the options instead of a censored western release. We keep events that way as well.
gob May 4, 2021 @ 5:01pm 
Maxx`` Jun 23, 2021 @ 9:10am 
quick question is the story from wwx and gold the same?
Because I'm aware that the h scenes of wwx is recycled from gold /the og
Last edited by Maxx``; Jun 23, 2021 @ 9:11am
Villain Jun 23, 2021 @ 8:26pm 
Originally posted by Maxx``:
quick question is the story from wwx and gold the same?
Because I'm aware that the h scenes of wwx is recycled from gold /the og
wwx and gold have different stories I believe. But someone made a mod of Gold that imports every wwx girl into it for free and uncensored
Omega_tfi Jan 21, 2023 @ 10:57pm 
Originally posted by Villain:
Originally posted by Maxx``:
quick question is the story from wwx and gold the same?
Because I'm aware that the h scenes of wwx is recycled from gold /the og
wwx and gold have different stories I believe. But someone made a mod of Gold that imports every wwx girl into it for free and uncensored

May I ask where I can find this mod?
Also, does it just include the characters, or the character's bond event dialogue as well?
Villain Jan 22, 2023 @ 4:52am 
I actually don't know where in particular one would find it, but with some googling a couple years ago I found a torrent for it.
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