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Godstrike  [developer] Apr 6, 2021 @ 1:08pm
Dev Announcement: For Current Profane Owners Update
Hi everyone! As you know we’ve been hard at work preparing to release Godstrike later this month. We genuinely appreciate everyone’s support as we approach this next milestone on what has been at times a bumpy road for our game.

One of the questions that we have seen come up several times already is “What happens if I bought Profane already? Do I have to buy Godstrike to get updates and any new content?”

Well we finally have the answer for these questions!
As we mentioned in our previous community announcement about the Profane Former Owner Program: while Godstrike and Profane share an overwhelming amount of DNA, due to how things have happened over the past year or so, they are considered entirely separate games both in terms of branding and from the perspective of Steam. We don’t have access to the necessary systems to directly provide new updates to owners of Profane, and so Profane remains fully retired in the state it was when that announcement was made last year.

Our Profane Former Owner Program is finally here! If you owned the game previously on Steam, with your help in filling out the form, we will be able to provide you with a key to Godstrike. We want to do right by our fans and we feel like this is the best way for us to do that. Unfortunately, we still have not been able to come up with a way to do this with our former Profane Switch owners. We are still looking for ways to do this, but for now, if you owned on Steam, you will be able to redeem your copy.
If you owned on Steam, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/iL3FCeWw3yQeg23q8

If you have any questions about the program, please email http://support@freedom.gg and we’ll help you however we can!
Also feel free to join our Discord [discord.gg] if you haven’t already. We’ll be doing some exciting challenges over there upon launch!