Emoji Evolution

Emoji Evolution

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Zyro Dec 12, 2020 @ 10:41am
reviews are bots
lets be real. all positive reviews are over a few dozen hours playtime.

you beat it within an hour.
if you are not using the recipi menu the game doesn't make sense, people wouldnt be positive about it.

this game is lie. the reviews are a lie.
how do we inform Steam that this is happening on their platform?
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
SharkInASuit Jan 8, 2021 @ 6:53am 
I reviewed it positively and am not a bot
Zyro Jan 8, 2021 @ 10:42am 
Originally posted by SharkInASuit:
I reviewed it positively and am not a bot
i find it hard to believe that someone who has played the game would have positive thoughts about it. were you writing your honest thoughts or just joking around? or are you getting payed to leave a good score? either way, i learned my lesson and not to trust any review score. its either rigged like crazy ( most likely bots) or we hit a new rock bottom of what we consider ''good quality games''.
Pilot YELDAH Feb 2, 2021 @ 3:45pm 
it's just a free mobile game concept from 4+years ago but buggy and with a price tag lmao
easytarget Feb 8, 2021 @ 1:31pm 
Originally posted by SharkInASuit:
I reviewed it positively and am not a bot
You could have at least taken a stab at responding with a sentence that sounded like it was created by a human then.

Oh, and FYI dev, the whole world is on to your game now it would appear:


And as pointed out in the article, your company name makes it transparently obvious what you're up to while at the same time being hilarious in how blatant it is.
CrumbleCat Feb 13, 2021 @ 1:09pm 
Originally posted by SharkInASuit:
I reviewed it positively and am not a bot
Link? I'm not seeing it on your account.
RyM Feb 27, 2021 @ 8:44pm 
I actually liked this game
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