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BlackjackGT Oct 29, 2021 @ 4:21pm
[feedback] Stamina too stingy; where the heck are data disks? :D
My limited feedback so far:
-Clearly the playerbase is maybe single digit number of people and getting a co-op or any kind of MP session seems impossible. Maybe devs can try to host some "play with the dev" events to get some sessions going.

-Why is so stamina so stingy? I feel like I can't move more than 5 feet without gasping for air, which is akin to how I am in real life, but not in a top down shooter where the zombie AI is so aggressive, that being able to run frequently is about the only survival skill.

-Could we get maybe some optional pointers for objectives? I put in like 20 tries on the initial area. I can't find 3 data disks, most of the time I can only find one.

-Maybe make the initial area more expansive. it's not much fun to have the game constantly flashing up a timer and telling you that you have to run back to the limited middle area, even though the damn data disks don't seem to be there anywhere. :p

I like the basic gameplay feel very much but all these things and constantly running out of ammo, and I guess restartiing with no weapons and zero ammo when you die just make the game feel unforgiving and unfun so far. The enemy AI is so aggressive on the easiest mode.
Last edited by BlackjackGT; Oct 29, 2021 @ 4:23pm
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
MightyOdin  [developer] Oct 30, 2021 @ 6:58am 
This is excellent feedback! Player base is indeed small right now. Mostly in EST time in US. We plan to host many dev play sessions and would love to have you! https://discord.gg/gxmr6NbyBb is our discord server if you'd like to coordinate. Also, one of our devs dual streams sessions on steam and twitch of you'd like to check that out and we'll be trying to lay down some helpful tips there.

We wanted there to be a cost/benefit to the dash. However, it might feel more like a dodge than a sprint based on your feedback. I usually use it for a last minute dash backwards to kill zombies, Sprint out of the splash radius of a grenade, or sprint around a corner to take someone out. The silver slayers have a stamina perk, so we might need to look into tuning base speed, or sprinting speeds/stamina time.

The disks are generated in random locations and the map / buildings are random as well. Usually the disks are in a building, but there is a small chance a zombie will drop one. I think we'll need to like into that and change the roll chance on the later part to maybe only happen at higher difficulty.

The map and boundaries are rectangular. If you look at the minimap there will be yellow line indicating the boundary line of the mission zone. We typically use that to orient ourselves and search in somewhat of a grid pattern. Did you get the think outside the box achievement yet? 😁

I know there is some work ongoing to tune the easy mode down a bit. Thanks for the thorough and thoughtful criticism and encouraging words! We'll discuss taking action on some of these points!

MightyOdin  [developer] Oct 30, 2021 @ 6:59am 
Meant to post Axey's twitch: https://m.twitch.tv/axeymcaxestuff
southwatergames  [developer] Oct 30, 2021 @ 11:42am 
Thanks for the feedback!

There will be an update forthcoming today or tomorrow to essentially make easy mode quite a bit easier. A lot of what you've noted makes sense and should hopefully tackled by the update. We'd love to continue to improve and so we love and appreciate this sort of feedback.
Stupid Picker Oct 30, 2021 @ 12:38pm 
For the data disks & other "find the thing" objectives, what about a radial area indicated on the mini map that at least gives the player a hint as to where the disk might be? Several other games do this & it seems like a fair balance between the search & the fun.

For the sprinting, what about some sort of stamina bar & you can toggle sprint on/off? If you fully deplete your stamina, then you're "out of breath" & slow for a few seconds, but if you toggle it off before it runs out, you can turn it back on when you need to. It would replenish slowly over time, but this might allow for better movement management.
Last edited by Stupid Picker; Oct 30, 2021 @ 12:38pm
southwatergames  [developer] Jun 20, 2023 @ 12:18am 
Originally posted by BlackjackGT:
My limited feedback so far:
-Clearly the playerbase is maybe single digit number of people and getting a co-op or any kind of MP session seems impossible. Maybe devs can try to host some "play with the dev" events to get some sessions going.

-Why is so stamina so stingy? I feel like I can't move more than 5 feet without gasping for air, which is akin to how I am in real life, but not in a top down shooter where the zombie AI is so aggressive, that being able to run frequently is about the only survival skill.

-Could we get maybe some optional pointers for objectives? I put in like 20 tries on the initial area. I can't find 3 data disks, most of the time I can only find one.

-Maybe make the initial area more expansive. it's not much fun to have the game constantly flashing up a timer and telling you that you have to run back to the limited middle area, even though the damn data disks don't seem to be there anywhere. :p

I like the basic gameplay feel very much but all these things and constantly running out of ammo, and I guess restartiing with no weapons and zero ammo when you die just make the game feel unforgiving and unfun so far. The enemy AI is so aggressive on the easiest mode.

If you're still around and wanting to give the game another go, we have recently done a massive revamp to the mechanics of the game and have touched on all of the points that you mentioned. We think the game is a lot more fun now, and also Easy mode is much more forgiving. Here's the list of new features and changes to existing features:

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