After 6 hours of play. here are my thoughts:

-Poor, low effort maps (such as ones where every available monster is stacked on the spawn) need to be penalized in some way more than a simple 1 star rating. The current system incentivizes lazy mapmaking.

-Unreachable monsters needs to stop being a thing. Too many times have I run a gauntlet with mages, archers, ballista, or mortar that can hit me, but I can't hit in return. It's lazy, low effort, and exploitative. The easiest fix for this is very simple: no area of the map should be allowed to be disconnected, unreachable, or blocked.

-The lootbox situation: Either the price needs to go down, there needs to be more value in each box, or there needs to be more coin rewards from maps. A 30 coin cap per map is ridiculous.

-More weapons, armor, skills, classes, etc would be nice. More variety all around.

-Playing multiple classes needs to be incentivzed. Right now, it's more or less "pick which one you like best, and run with that". It would be nice if there were some sort of overarching benefit to putting in time and effort on each class. Maybe some sort of overall "family" skill tree or something.

-Control refinement. WASD movement would be fantastic. Holding shift and clicking to stand stationary and fire/swing your weapon (such as games like Diablo, PoE, Lost Ark) would be super.

-Directional keys to rotate camera to see better in certain situations would be nice. This is another area of the game that is being abused (stacking tall structures in a tight area, obscuring the view of your character, and filling said area with monsters).

All in all, I don't mean to sound overly critical. Everything that is present (besides allowing players to abuse building mechanics to create near impossible maps) is good. But it could be better.
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Fuhrer_51[RUS] Mar 25, 2023 @ 8:10am 
Calm down. The game hasn't been developed in a long time. -_-
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