Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

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theoncastillo28 4 Thg05, 2022 @ 7:43pm
More than 90% of players have left Master Duels

Over 90% of players have quit this game. What are some suggestion for Konami to save this game? Given the poor outcome of master duel, can we infer that tcg/ocg card game actual losing a lot of players as well?
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Aldain 4 Thg05, 2022 @ 7:46pm 
"That's fine, casuals bad, F/L list is fine, go play Duel Links if you don't like it"

Let's see how the replies pan out.
electricwizard 4 Thg05, 2022 @ 8:11pm 
That number may be misleading because any game at launch gets A LOT of players and it's only natural that the number will decrease with time.
First look at perspective, not in a void.

Master Duel is still the most played card game on Steam, by around 3-4 times the playercount of the 2nd most played.

Then, people need to understand that Yu-Gi-Oh isn't for everyone, it's not an easy game like CrapStone, and if you suck, you don't get to play.

Notice something? That's the number 1 complaint you constantly see from a lot of yugiboomers and casuals (yes, they are different groups). They leave because it's a zero sum game and they don't see the appeal of it, and that's ok, the game isn't for everyone, nor should it be, it has its own niche and there's people who like it and people who don't.

Also, regarding the TCG, no, that one's gaining players, but the majority of the TCG players I've talked to don't want to play Master Duel due to the different format and different ban list. From all the players at the event I took part last week, around 20, I was the only one playing Master Duel. The reason they give is that due to the different ban list, it would be a waste of time, as they want to improve at the TCG, they want to participate in more events and play with others, but since the banlists are different, that won't happen, as they can't improve their decks or test new decks.

That's a reason why I said Master Duel should use the World's banlist, that way TCG players like that have a reason to play it.
Paulo Ramos 4 Thg05, 2022 @ 8:17pm 
They did not left, They just are not playing all day to get gems. Now only the quests gives a good amount of gems.
Not again
ArtemisHunt 4 Thg05, 2022 @ 8:38pm 
What is this, another video made by a yugiboomer crying about things they cannot change to people that cannot change the things they want changed by misquoting statistics?
QQEQQ 4 Thg05, 2022 @ 8:45pm 
give more gems
LeCroix 4 Thg05, 2022 @ 8:50pm 
Nguyên văn bởi C.C. アヌビス:
First look at perspective, not in a void.

Master Duel is still the most played card game on Steam, by around 3-4 times the playercount of the 2nd most played.

Then, people need to understand that Yu-Gi-Oh isn't for everyone, it's not an easy game like CrapStone, and if you suck, you don't get to play.

Notice something? That's the number 1 complaint you constantly see from a lot of yugiboomers and casuals (yes, they are different groups). They leave because it's a zero sum game and they don't see the appeal of it, and that's ok, the game isn't for everyone, nor should it be, it has its own niche and there's people who like it and people who don't.

Also, regarding the TCG, no, that one's gaining players, but the majority of the TCG players I've talked to don't want to play Master Duel due to the different format and different ban list. From all the players at the event I took part last week, around 20, I was the only one playing Master Duel. The reason they give is that due to the different ban list, it would be a waste of time, as they want to improve at the TCG, they want to participate in more events and play with others, but since the banlists are different, that won't happen, as they can't improve their decks or test new decks.

That's a reason why I said Master Duel should use the World's banlist, that way TCG players like that have a reason to play it.

A bit out of the main thing but, why you seem to dislike hearthstone so much? I seem to see a lot of dislike from yugioh player to that game (kinda like what used to be magic players view of yugioh)
CDI Mario 4 Thg05, 2022 @ 9:29pm 
well yea, Its a free to play game. its a free to play card game that requires alot of prerequesite knowledge or money to be good at. no ♥♥♥♥ its going to lose alot of the new players
angelsenvy228 4 Thg05, 2022 @ 10:20pm 
I wish they had more single player content in this game because it definitely feels a lot better to play than Duel Links. The way duel links asks you every possible time for trap/card activation is pretty oppressive if you play long combos, I don't even use ash blossoms in that game because it constantly pops up asking if I want to negate my own monsters effects twice for every activation lol. But a lot of people just don't want to play in the pvp meta for whatever reason so they quit. That combined with how you get way to much stall time in this game, if your opponent is doing super, super slow combos, in a meta you don't like, I can see why they quit lol. Really just the timer bothers me personally the meta is fine, I'm glad I can play Electromite/Astrograph/Starving Venom which are banned in Duel Links pvp. I wish Double Iris Magician was only semi-limited.
Lần sửa cuối bởi angelsenvy228; 4 Thg05, 2022 @ 10:21pm
Ewwchy 4 Thg05, 2022 @ 10:32pm 
I dropped the game because I played consecutive matches of people taking their slow ass time just to put down 1 card and end their turn.
Nguyên văn bởi SirCroix:
Nguyên văn bởi C.C. アヌビス:
First look at perspective, not in a void.

Master Duel is still the most played card game on Steam, by around 3-4 times the playercount of the 2nd most played.

Then, people need to understand that Yu-Gi-Oh isn't for everyone, it's not an easy game like CrapStone, and if you suck, you don't get to play.

Notice something? That's the number 1 complaint you constantly see from a lot of yugiboomers and casuals (yes, they are different groups). They leave because it's a zero sum game and they don't see the appeal of it, and that's ok, the game isn't for everyone, nor should it be, it has its own niche and there's people who like it and people who don't.

Also, regarding the TCG, no, that one's gaining players, but the majority of the TCG players I've talked to don't want to play Master Duel due to the different format and different ban list. From all the players at the event I took part last week, around 20, I was the only one playing Master Duel. The reason they give is that due to the different ban list, it would be a waste of time, as they want to improve at the TCG, they want to participate in more events and play with others, but since the banlists are different, that won't happen, as they can't improve their decks or test new decks.

That's a reason why I said Master Duel should use the World's banlist, that way TCG players like that have a reason to play it.

A bit out of the main thing but, why you seem to dislike hearthstone so much? I seem to see a lot of dislike from yugioh player to that game (kinda like what used to be magic players view of yugioh)

HeartStone is a party game, it's pretty much the complete opposite of how I want to play card games.

I'm a deck loyalist, I play Shaddolls since Duelist Alience, I played Lyrilusc on and off since they were initially released, I played VW ever since I got my first cards from the mega tins, I play Sky Striker since they got released.

While I do try out new stuff once in a while, it's only stuff that peaks my interest, and even from that, very few things get me to a point where I'm like "yea, I'll keep playing that".

Now look at HS, not only does it have set rotation, but the packs are rigged to give you mainly cards for the types you don't play, meaning that if I want to improve a deck I like, I have 3 options:
- give money
- play a deck I don't like to have the algorithm give me cards for the deck I like
- play the starter deck that I like for who knows how long till I get enough dust to start improving it

Neither are fun.

Not to mention how P2W it can get the higher you move up the ladder unless you spend years playing it daily.

I also don't like when the outcome of a game is decided too much by factors out of my control, so while I don't mind some RNG such as starting hand or draw for turn, HS is pretty much Random Number Generator - The Game.

It's an amalgamation of all the things I dislike in card games, taken to 11, and it has no redeemeble qualities.

Some people may like that type of party game, but for me, that thing is the epitome of bad design.
They could also be like me and only play once in a while because the banlist is crappy, the meta is stale and there aren't any new cards. Only so much fun can be had by doing the same stuff over and over.

And I say this as a dude who abuses Rhongo + mass negates 1st turn.
Lần sửa cuối bởi Bad Distraction Carnifex; 4 Thg05, 2022 @ 11:36pm
Dr. Raven 5 Thg05, 2022 @ 1:19am 
1. it's impossible to say if they've quit or not. Cuz this is not a game where people can play all day, you'll run out of things to do.

2. Even if a person were to grant you the silly claim that 90% of the playerbase has quit. This is fairly common for games. Master Duel is still 23rd place on Steam in activity at the moment of me writing this post, and this is in spite of the fact that most people are just hopping on for 10 minutes a day for a single duel. That's extremely successful all things considered.

3. Supposedly ignoring those factors fixing this "problem" would be near impossible. If players are mad at the current banlist and they're fed up enough to leave, they aren't coming back if Konami made a couple choice balances. By that point it's too late. And lots of changes could just stand to piss off even more people in the process.

Not saying radically changing the banlist to appeal to player complaints is a bad thing, I think it's good actually. It's not gonna fix this imaginary problem tho, some portion of yugioh fans will be left unhappy with the choices. I guess they could offer differing "rulesets" to appeal to the most possible people, but that would come at the cost of confusing casual players as well as other factors which would be unappealing.
Lần sửa cuối bởi Dr. Raven; 5 Thg05, 2022 @ 1:23am
Whoatharmage 5 Thg05, 2022 @ 2:11am 
Gonna make the assumption that this is about the following;
The f/l list is trash! Wah wah
Gib us mor gemz! Wah wah
The events suxx! Wah wah

Now then. Not everyone gets the luxury of playing games daily. There are MANY out there that play games only on the weekends, or only on their days off. There's some that even limit themselves as to not get addicted. Just because player count is lower than launch, that does NOT mean that the game is dying already or anything. The game is VERY much alive, unlike many new releases 2-3months after launch the last few years.
This game will live, and will do nothing but grow, so long as Konami doesn't randomy abandon it, which I don't see them doing for at least 3-5 years. The game is essentially printing them money, just like Duel Links has been and will continue to do so.

The f/l list isn't trash. This list is to differ the game from the TCG & the OCG. Otherwise, if it was the same as the TCG, then many would see no point in buying physical cards and would move exclusively to MD, thus cutting into the profits of TCG sales massively, stunting the sizable growth the TCG has been gaining since ~2016/2017. Please don't keep trying to discourage people from playing this game, all that does is put newcomers down and kill whatever hype or expectations they have of this game. If we want this game to become better, then we do so by supporting it, not by non-stop complaining as if this is Zodiac Duelist on Facebook.

The more and more ridiculous arguments I see about these things just drive me to make a video to counteract it all and provide some actual sense for people. This may be a "children's card game," but that does NOT mean we should act like children and whine at every turn. :mog:
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Ngày đăng: 4 Thg05, 2022 @ 7:43pm
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