Botany Manor

Botany Manor

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Rieve Jun 11, 2023 @ 12:53pm
Motion Sickness
Just a heads up for anyone who gets seasick/motion sickness/etc - playing this game gave me motion sickness so bad I had to lay down.
Disappointing because it seems very cute and quirky! I'm guessing it's related to the camera movement being tied to the mouse cursor. I might give it another try another day after changing the sensitivity of my mouse so it moves a bit slower.

Figured a heads up might help someone.
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
Rieve Jun 11, 2023 @ 12:58pm 
Can't seem to edit my post but:
Perhaps the ability to control the camera with the arrow keys instead of the mouse might be a solution. (Since currently they don't seem bound to movement.)
Just an idea for the creators in case they see this! (I really want to be able to play.)
RustyOvenproof Jun 12, 2023 @ 10:53am 
using a controller helps a lot. Also changing the settings can help. The FOV to max, 80
Rieve Jun 12, 2023 @ 12:48pm 
Thank you! I'll give it a try.
Ttv.Mizuki Jun 12, 2023 @ 3:13pm 
I had this issue too. I couldn't lower sensitivity enough to help. Idk if its the smoothness of the camera or snappiness of it. But it also made my viewers motion sick too on Twitch.

I had a similar issue with Slime Rancher 1 (I can watch people play it but when I played I got HORRIBLE SICK) yet for some reason rancher 2 is fine xD Something with camera idk

This was the game I was most excited for from the Direct! We are so excited to play it ones the camera gets a little edit! GAME LOOKS SO COOL!
NaturalCon Jun 13, 2023 @ 12:26pm 
I love what I've seen of the demo too, but also had the issue with motion sickness. I'll give it another try after adjusting the settings as people suggested.
Dunecat Jun 14, 2023 @ 6:20am 
In Addition to maxing FOV, you could also try to deactivate camera smoothing and to turn Vsync on/off. Might help :HappyMoonman:
Rieve Jun 14, 2023 @ 1:06pm 
Originally posted by Dunecat:
In Addition to maxing FOV, you could also try to deactivate camera smoothing and to turn Vsync on/off. Might help :HappyMoonman:

I tried those before making my post and smoothing helped, but only slightly.
Casperr Jun 17, 2023 @ 9:02am 
If you're still having issues - did you try vsync on yet? I noticed extremely bad FPS when I first loaded the game up, and according to Steam's overlay it was only 36 - regardless of the in-game FPS setting - which is definitely low enough to potentially give motion sickness if you're susceptible. For some reason, turning vsync *on* removed this 36 FPS cap and instead limited it to be monitor refresh rate which for me was 144 and the game ran a million times smoother and felt a lot better to play after that.

Vsync on *should* be syncing the FPS to monitor refresh rate, however vsync off *should not* instead be limiting FPS to some arbitrary low number.
Me too. I’ve not had a game trigger my motion sickness this badly for years. I played about ten or fifteen minutes but had to stop or I’d have thrown up. Not even exaggerating. It’s a shame because it looked like it would be fun.
Neno Feb 9 @ 6:00am 
The demo has some weirdly unpleasant mouse smoothing/acceleration, I tried adjusting the settings but it never felt good for me at all. I didn't try it with a controller but that's probably the better option right now.
You REALLY need to see a neurologist for this. You're in a danger zone if this is affecting you so badly.
This is not meant to be snarky - it's a serious issue that you need to have checked out medically - now.
i just played the demo on the steam deck and i didnt experience any sickness. and this i coming from someone who cant play vr and got sick from playing hogwarts legacy. handheld seems to ease it, for me at least.
I changed my camera smoothness (or whatever the setting is called) all the way up and the camera movements are still really jittery
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