Blooming Business: Casino

Blooming Business: Casino

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 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Joul May 23, 2023 @ 2:52am
✨ Welcome to the Steam Discussion of our game, we want to foster a community of open minded people that care about one another. Please read the following rules!✨


1. It is an open and inclusive community based on respect. Any kind of harassment, discrimination, hate speech, threats, abuse or personal attack will not be tolerated. Whether it be based on Age, Religion, Orientation, Gender, Status, Disability, Race, Origins, Record of Offences, etc.

2. Please keep all content (posts, names, etc.) family friendly. No profanity, gore, NSFW, suggestive or sexual content allowed.

3. No spam, excessive self promotion, advertising piracy. Don't over advertise websites, streams or similar things without first confirming with a ♥♥♥♥ Ludens mod.

4. Use common sense. Don't spoil the game in the title of your post, and add "spoiler" in the title of your post if you do in the rest of the message.
We want everyone to feel safe to share their opinions, experiences and/or questions. Don't be mean. Don't insult. No trolling.

5. Be mindful and respect people schedule. We can't always answer as fast as you'd like. As everyone has schedules & work hours, and we're not necessarely in the same timezone as you are, we may not answer right away.

Breaking these rules will result in an appropriate action based on the severity of the offense.
Please respect moderation decisions. If anyone is making you uncomfortable, we encourage you to reach out to us and we will try to find solutions.