No Rest for the Wicked

No Rest for the Wicked

Jamnik Pucek Apr 18 @ 12:31pm
Why the price in Poland is the highest in the world?
This is not the first case where the price on the Polish market is the highest in the world. I am frankly fed up with this situation. We are a country where the minimum salary (which many people receive) is EUR 745, yet we pay more for games than rich Western countries. Why is it that prices for the South American market or neighbouring Ukraine can be adequately tailored and ours cannot?
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Showing 1-15 of 57 comments
Jerklesirc Apr 18 @ 12:35pm 
What is the price for this game in Poland? I can compare with price here in Norway.
Macwin Apr 18 @ 12:38pm 
Leave NATO prices will go down.
Botaniq Apr 18 @ 12:39pm 
Originally posted by Jamnik Pucek:
This is not the first case where the price on the Polish market is the highest in the world. I am frankly fed up with this situation. We are a country where the minimum salary (which many people receive) is EUR 745, yet we pay more for games than rich Western countries. Why is it that prices for the South American market or neighbouring Ukraine can be adequately tailored and ours cannot?
Bo jesteśmy w EU. I nas traktują tak samo jak inne kraje EU, a to, że płaca u nas jest jaka jest nikogo nie interesuje.
Jamnik Pucek Apr 18 @ 12:43pm 
It's 161,10zł (37,16 EUR).

Yes, I know it's a small difference to the official €35.99, but the trend in mispricing is clearly evident for many titles. The more expensive the game, the greater the difference to our disadvantage - look at Starfield for example

The official 'conversion rate' table was updated at the time of the currency crisis caused by the war in the neighbouring country. This was understandable, but now the Polish Zloty has returned to a strong level and there is no change in the conversion rate....
Bo jesteśmy w EU. I nas traktują tak samo jak inne kraje EU, a to, że płaca u nas jest jaka jest nikogo nie interesuje.

Szkoda, że nie działa to na ceny elektroniki, która w Hiszpanii albo Niemczech bywa znacząco tańsza niż u nas (chociaż w drugim przypadku to po części kwestia niższego VAT).

Nie oczekuję cen ukraińskich, ale jednak przydałoby się przywrócić korzystniejszy przelicznik, bo teraz dość mocno dostajemy po czterech literach.
Crashdown Apr 18 @ 12:47pm 
Originally posted by Jerklesirc:
What is the price for this game in Poland? I can compare with price here in Norway.
It's 161,10 zloty = 31,16 EU
V3VJUUR Apr 19 @ 3:19am 
Polish gdp per capita is very close to Uruguay. in Uruguay the price of the game is $25.56, but in Poland it is $39.56, i.e. 55% more
Jade Apr 19 @ 3:29am 
You wanna buy 10 games for 10$ and live in eu at the same time? nope thats not how it works.
Simplex May 13 @ 6:34am 
Originally posted by Jade:
You wanna buy 10 games for 10$ and live in eu at the same time? nope thats not how it works.
You are comically missing the point. The price of this game in Poland is HIGHER than in all other EU countries. So thank you for admitting you have no idea how it works.
161 POL to USD is exactly what it costs in the US, 40$.
I have bought this game in EA cause Ori series was brilliant but still is over 20PLN more expensive than others more wealth countires in EU.
erni1400 May 13 @ 8:42am 
Widzę że standardowo Polacy jadą po innych że walczą o uczciwe ceny.
Because devs are lazy and doesn't care about 10th market by population on steam
Sgt.JESUS May 13 @ 10:12am 
No, devs did localize their prizes here in Brasil, i paid only 20 dollars when the EA came out, with 10% off, now its 25 i think, so way lower than Polland, complain on their foruns, people are saying they dont watch steam, but its only fair that devs localize prices accordingly.
Last edited by Sgt.JESUS; May 13 @ 10:12am
Simplex May 13 @ 11:16am 
Originally posted by Omence072:
161 POL to USD is exactly what it costs in the US, 40$.
Game is currently 36$, which is 143 PLN. Yet in Poland the game costs 161 PLN. This is a big difference.

The price of this game in Poland is currently the HIGHEST IN THE WORLD. Nobody pays for this game on steam more than the Poles. This is unacceptable!
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Date Posted: Apr 18 @ 12:31pm
Posts: 57