The protectors of Deya

The protectors of Deya

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NotSoBoring  [developer] Jun 22, 2020 @ 4:26pm
The protectors of Deya - General Info about the game
Press ESC to open the menu. Characters have MP (Magic Point) to cast spell and TP (Techical Point) to cast special skill. You will have access to new spell and skill by level up your characters or after you learned the skill on the weapon / armour you are wearing. Every weapon and armour have different skill, you can learn this skill when you maximize the JP necessary. The skill will remain bond on your characters when you learned, even if you remove the equipment.

The characters fights in rows. Each side of the battle (enemy and players) is divided in 3 rows. On the differents rows characters and enemy gain some bonus and malus: Front row: Hp recovery +2%, Counterattack +5%, Physical Armor Reduction: -1%(Malus, lose 1% armor everytime the characters is targeted by physical skill/attack until the end of the combat), Magic Def -5% (Malus) Mid row: No bonus or Debuff Back row: Magic Def+5%, Mp recovery+2%, Attack Speed+11, Evasion+1%, Magical Armor Reduction: -1%(Malus, lose 1% magic armor everytime the characters is targeted by magical skill/attack until the end of the combat), Def-2% (Malus)

You can choose how to setup your party in battle on the menu by clicking ROW.


The in game clock show what time is it. Night and day affect globally the game. Example some shop open only at night, others open only on the weekend, you can meet some monsters or npc only at night, and so on. 12 different months of the year, with 4 different season. Winter, Spring, Autumn and Summer. With every season you will have access at some in game event you can complete only in summer, only in winter and so on. A special npc in Deya Accademy can help you to change time or months. You have required to have a special item called Time Seed. Talk with him for have more info in game.


The long characters interact each others by fighting together, the more friend point they will gain. Unlock special skill by reach some friend level with a specific character. Use healing spell and potion will improve more fast the friendship bar between them.