ココロクローバー パート1/Kokoro Clover Part1

ココロクローバー パート1/Kokoro Clover Part1

snake85027 Jul 31, 2020 @ 4:38pm
translated words
so I played the first 2 selections in the story and these are some words I was able to translate.

しんにゆうしやだ= invasion
なぞ= riddle
こう= beg , こう
ほんかん= battleship
のゝて= noru= to get on
ほかんしつ- safe keeping
ほんごく = homecountry
ゆそう = transport
ちゅう= mid air
ならう - to be taught a lesson....naratte
じゃま= obstacle
すれば= if thats so
きがすむ= to find peace of mind.
いた致·し·ま·し·ょ·う= shell we do it? itashimashouka
ついらく= fall/crash
ついらくし= death by falling
ちゃいます- thats wrong
なんとか= one way or another
なったら= to become
せめて = at least
めいちゅう= direct hit
ひだん= being shot
とっしん= charge in\
してきます= i will do
ほんかん= this battleship
かする= to impose
こら= hey
いつ まで ねてる= how long do you sleep?
じいちゃん= grandpa
たび= journey
たび に でたい= I want to go out.
きのう も きた= came yesterday
おととい= day before yesterday
せんしゅう= last week
せんしゅうも= last week too
せんげつ= last month
せんげつ も きいた= i also heard
だいぼうけん= great adventure
なんでもない= nothing
よ.む= read
でたい= want to go out
よみすぎだ= read to much
この もり= forest
しずかで= quitely
せいれい= holy spirit
おまえ= you
ちから= strength
こわがる = to be afraid
たち= us
くらし= living
ちえ= wisdom
み= oneself
つける= wearing
しずか= quitely
にわ= garden
たび= journey
じぶん= myself
その とき= then
ついてきてくれるって= will follow you
ちから= force
むら= village
れんちゅう= gang
きもち= feelign
だけど = however
だからも= therefore
なんだっけ= what was that
じいちゃん= grandfather
こわれる= to come to nothing
いつか= someday
ぼうけん= adventure
せいかいしゃ= person who gives the right answer
けしき= view
しる= to know
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Showing 1-1 of 1 comments
zuligan Jul 31, 2020 @ 6:54pm 
I really want to play the game but I don't understand anything, I don't even know what to do. That which you have made is a good progress I hope that the developers will eventually implement English, it is the universal language, something highly necessary in Steam gaming to open the market.
Not even English is my language, I am Latin American, but English is taught in all schools in different parts of the world.
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