Old School RuneScape

Old School RuneScape

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Launch OSRS through Jagex Launcher one-click, and some Legacy Java optimizations
* This Reddit post was key for --launch=osrs

Here's some flags I use for Jagex Launcher:

--disable-gpu --disable-software-rasterizer --single-process --launch=osrs --silent


  • Launches Jagex launcher silently (no "Checking for updates" splash or showing the launcher at all in-focus; it stays open in the taskbar)
  • Disables Hardware/GPU acceleration on Jagex Launcher (not any of the RS game clients)
  • Limits it to a single process (not like 5 processes for handling browser stuff)
  • Launches OSRS instantly after-launch (presumably the last client used; I know it works for Legacy Java)

So now, I can double-click Jagex Launcher's desktop shortcut, and within a few seconds OSRS is on my screen with my Jagex Account logged-in, without any additional clicks!


I use the Legacy Java client today because I found a few days ago the C++ clients (JL and Steam) have the in-game world brighter[realmofespionage.blogspot.com]. This is very noticeable on hard colors with direct comparison (red, purple), and I'd wager this is more important on OLED displays with black colors (blacks are legit black on Java but slightly-gray on C++); totally worth giving up the smooth camera rotate for me, and I don't use any C++ client-specific features.

If you install OSRS without Jagex Launcher (OldSchool.msi), it shows up as a client option in Jagex Launcher.

These are some optimal settings I do in oldschool.prm also:

Edit file:

notepad "%UserProfile%\jagexcache\jagexlauncher\oldschool\oldschool.prm"

Copy all these contents over whatever exists:

-Djava.class.path=jagexappletviewer.jar -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true -Dsun.java2d.accthreshold=0 -Dcom.jagex.config=http://oldschool116.runescape.com/k=3/l=$(Language:0)/jav_config.ws -Xmx512m -Xms256M -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.3 -XX:+UseSerialGC jagexappletviewer


  • -XX:+UseSerialGC is a significant performance improvement
  • -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true smooths camera movement and some animations everywhere (but reports lower average FPS in some areas)
  • -Dsun.java2d.accthreshold=0 is an apparent optimization to *really* use GPU acceleration (something like passes textures direct to the GPU without delay/buffer)
  • The 116 in -Dcom.jagex.config defaults to world 416 and can be set to another world number minus 300 (so 344 is 114)
Last edited by Espionage724; May 12 @ 4:49pm