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May 2, 2022 @ 8:43am
Test your skills & Play Thymesia!
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Showing 1-15 of 28 comments
Ghost_Runner89 May 2, 2022 @ 10:25am 
Very good game for what it is! the only thing i would change is that some of the enemies feel very sponge-y. i hope you all can balance it up nice for the release. love the mechanic to steal a weapon! Bring this in at a nice price point and it could be a great indie souls game.
I really disliked how the enemy knows where you are going to dodge if you do it a split second sooner than you are supposed to. Makes it on the frustrating side of difficult for me.
the demo is full of s h i t .The mechanics of the movements suck, the bounces are very short, the enemy's weapon is longer than several consecutive bounces.Sucks, I'm removing it from the wishlist!
Last edited by ⛧Tag_Playmane⛧; May 2, 2022 @ 12:36pm
.:Jj:. May 2, 2022 @ 12:36pm 
Is it me or this game starts set to chinese language or something? Isn't there a separate Steam client for these people?
Panavision May 2, 2022 @ 1:17pm 
Not a huge fan. The feather parry and dodging mechanics feel extremely inconsistently designed and at times impossible to figure out. I'm saddened and have removed it from my wishlist but I'll look into it at launch and see if the issues have been fixed. God speed.
Rily May 2, 2022 @ 3:40pm 
there are good ideas here like taking enemies weapon moves and deflecting based combat, I'm glad you made available a demo to try it and I respect that, however, the timing needed to defend yourself is very tigh and enemy moves are not so easy to telegraph, so while is hard but not impossible is still not satisfactory to master, you guys have a lot of work ahead to polish this project so I wish you the best luck, but I'm not getting it on launch if this the closest to the final product, also the motion blur is excesive
Jogging Kills May 2, 2022 @ 4:20pm 
It's ok, definitely didn't inspire a day 1 purchase.
Leo K [Rogue] May 2, 2022 @ 6:48pm 
Thymesia needs a LOT of work and tuning. I'm coming here from the perspective of a huge Sekiro/Bloodborne fan played on both console and PC (exc. Bloodborne obvs) so I have a lot of experience with both controllers and keyboards/mice.

No matter your input-method, Thymesia just feels... off.

At no point did I properly feel in control of my gameplay, at no point did I feel like I was making tactical decisions instead of either flailing desperately or playing so safe and so conservative in order to stay alive that it was just exhausting and dull.

Deflecting/Parrying feels awful even once you get used to enemy timings, all of combat is too animation-heavy, as if they tried to make Sekiro but with the animation-commits of Bloodborne, or something. There's an obvious Sekiro influence here where you're meant to stay in an enemy's face and parry their retaliations to your aggression so you can maintain pressure and take down thicker targets like the Sword or Spear Knights in this demo, but it never ends up working out that way. You can't actually cancel into a Parry from your attacks, so if you're already in the middle of one, say goodbye to your health-bar. This disincentivizes aggression because if you can't cancel into a Parry you need to make sure you're not performing an action at the moment an attack is coming your way.

Due to a lack of Stamina bar, dodge-spam is instead curtailed by the dodge iFrames being limited, and "stalling you out" at the end of one so you can't move OR attack too quickly after one.

Claw represents a high-commitment action which, if you manage to land it, should intuitively stagger or hitstun the enemy AT LEAST enough to permit safely pressing them or spacing away from them again. Claw does NOT work this way. Clawing an enemy, at least armored foes doesn't apply enough hitstun on either Long-Claw or Charged Claw (Reave) to keep you safe, which means Clawing an enemy is always a higher-risk action than it should be.

I want to love this game, but it just feels bad to play. I understand that some Skills/Talents will alter certain mechanics, but presumably the Demo features the "default" balanced experience that the player is intended to master as the foundational building-block of their gameplay progression. If this "default" feels THIS bad, I don't have high hopes for the final game.

I'm strongly considering taking this game off my Wishlist, but I do think that with some effort and meaningful tweaks, Thymesia could be something as special as its promise, concept, and aesthetics hint at.
Last edited by Leo K [Rogue]; May 2, 2022 @ 6:49pm
CitizenX3639 May 2, 2022 @ 7:10pm 
Needs some combat tweaks, but the bones are there. Probably hardest demo I have ever played.
EM3ʸᵉᵉᵗ May 2, 2022 @ 9:36pm 
Feather, dodge, and parry times are a bit too tight. The dodge for what it is does not move far enough.
xisephiroth May 2, 2022 @ 11:23pm 
The DNA of a great Soulslike game is here, but there are some tweaks needed. (As a massive fan of the entire Souls series and many other similar games)

1. The timing on dodge and feather is way too tight. It feels like there are practically no i-frames on dodge, and feather has to hit at the exact frame the enemy attacks (which isn't explained too well)
2. Enemy attack animations are basically instant. Enemies seem to hold their sword back like they are about to attack for a second, and then the attack just lands. Almost as if there is no actual swing animation, this makes dodging, parrying, and feathering nearly impossible.
3. Corvus feels a bit too "sticky" for this type of combat. His dodges and attacks come out quick, but he feels overall to slow when doing anything and then trying to follow up with something else.
4. For the love of everything, turn the motion blur WAAAAAAAAAAAAY down.
5. The fog effect that is everywhere for atmosphere should also be turned down a fair bit, it feels too much like it is hiding the environment, when this kind of atmosphere should be enjoyed and shown.
6. Please, PLEASE move the dodge button to O/B instead of X/A.
Last edited by xisephiroth; May 2, 2022 @ 11:24pm
仿生人 May 3, 2022 @ 12:11am 
Super Sonic May 3, 2022 @ 1:47am 
-Good atmosphere.
-Need to polish combat system.
-Feels like the response from pressing the keys is too long. Because of this, evasion often does not save from hits.
-Ordinary opponents (with a sword and a spear) deal too much damage: 80-100, while the Corvus's health is 300.
-The timings of the feather are too short.
I hope there will be changes to the release.
I wish you good luck.
Last edited by Super Sonic; May 3, 2022 @ 1:56am
GRiMtox May 3, 2022 @ 3:31am 
There was already a lot of feedback regarding the fighting system (which definitly needs a lot of work), but I also want to provide some technical feedback: your ultrawide "support" is Vert-, meaning playing in anything wider than 16:9 is reducing your vertical field-of-view immensely. Instead, ultrawide should increase your horizontal FOV, while maintaining the vertical FOV.
Outlaw Mugen May 3, 2022 @ 3:31am 
Originally posted by AFKprotagonist:
I really disliked how the enemy knows where you are going to dodge if you do it a split second sooner than you are supposed to. Makes it on the frustrating side of difficult for me.
its called tracking?
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