Risk of Rain Returns

Risk of Rain Returns

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Continues crashing my pc mid-run
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
Klazik Nov 9, 2023 @ 3:34pm 
You gotta give more info than that, unless you made the post just to complain.
Nick Papagiorgio Nov 9, 2023 @ 4:50pm 
Originally posted by Klazik:
You gotta give more info than that, unless you made the post just to complain.
Definitely didn't make it just to complain, that's just all the info I have. Three times my pc has crashed during playing. Not trying to just ♥♥♥♥♥, sorry if it seemed that way.
Nick Papagiorgio Nov 9, 2023 @ 6:03pm 
Make that 5 times now, this last time it was during me clicking shift to try and dodge
Tayo Fox Nov 9, 2023 @ 6:16pm 
sounds like your PC is made out of carrots, or you probably have some driver issue going on, i'd:
1. check the system event log to see whats up
2. verify the game's files
3. run some console commands to potentially fix problems with windows (assuming you're using that)
Pyriana Nov 9, 2023 @ 6:46pm 
Also getting regular crashes, crashed when completing a trial, crashed while in a regular game, and crashed again while in a regular game.
BRONONKULUS Nov 9, 2023 @ 7:13pm 
Originally posted by Pyriana:
Also getting regular crashes, crashed when completing a trial, crashed while in a regular game, and crashed again while in a regular game.
Same, I tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Verified game files. Not sure what the issue is as I have never dealt with games crashing before.
Nick Papagiorgio Nov 10, 2023 @ 4:39am 
Originally posted by Tayo Fox:
sounds like your PC is made out of carrots, or you probably have some driver issue going on, i'd:
1. check the system event log to see whats up
2. verify the game's files
3. run some console commands to potentially fix problems with windows (assuming you're using that)

My pc is not a potato and I have updated my drivers, the sixth time (this morning) it only crashed the game and not my entire pc
YupPup Nov 15, 2023 @ 11:36am 
Originally posted by Tayo Fox:
sounds like your PC is made out of carrots, or you probably have some driver issue going on, i'd:
1. check the system event log to see whats up
2. verify the game's files
3. run some console commands to potentially fix problems with windows (assuming you're using that)

Checking the system log all I found was "The previous system shutdown at 11:01:31 AM on ‎11/‎15/‎2023 was unexpected." And some universal print errors saying the source couldn't be identified. I'm re installing the game now to see if that improves things but IDK what I'm doing
YupPup Nov 15, 2023 @ 10:45pm 
Originally posted by YupPup:
Originally posted by Tayo Fox:
sounds like your PC is made out of carrots, or you probably have some driver issue going on, i'd:
1. check the system event log to see whats up
2. verify the game's files
3. run some console commands to potentially fix problems with windows (assuming you're using that)

Checking the system log all I found was "The previous system shutdown at 11:01:31 AM on ‎11/‎15/‎2023 was unexpected." And some universal print errors saying the source couldn't be identified. I'm re installing the game now to see if that improves things but IDK what I'm doing

re installing didn't help I don't know what to look for :^/
There isn't any new logs under error but there is one under critical noting "The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first."
Nick Papagiorgio Nov 17, 2023 @ 1:51pm 
Originally posted by YupPup:
Originally posted by YupPup:

Checking the system log all I found was "The previous system shutdown at 11:01:31 AM on ‎11/‎15/‎2023 was unexpected." And some universal print errors saying the source couldn't be identified. I'm re installing the game now to see if that improves things but IDK what I'm doing

re installing didn't help I don't know what to look for :^/
There isn't any new logs under error but there is one under critical noting "The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first."
I honestly had to give up on it and get it on another platform it continuously crashes my PC anytime i try to run it
JotaEfinho Nov 23, 2023 @ 5:18pm 
I have the same problem in my pc, i think is this the six time this happen.
Just Crash my pc on the middle of the game. I see a pattern, normally is in the 3º loop, when have a lot of mobs on screen.

ps: My drivers are updates and my pc is agressive haha
Prinny Nov 23, 2023 @ 6:29pm 
computer shut off? verify if your windows has the graphic driver set to "economic"... if so, set it to performance instead. Windows, by default, will always have it set to save energy.
I had this issue and that's how I learned this thing existed... This will mostly fix some of you with that beefy GPU.
Blue screen? check driver. ask an expert for help.
Crash to desktop? then we need more info.

if you're not pausing and then somehow selecting "exit" instead of resume... then try to answer as many of the following questions as possible...

Which character are you using? Which abilities do you have with said character? What difficulty are you playing on? Which setting do you have active? Are you allowing new mobs or event? Which artifact are you using?
What's the last item you picked up? how long was the run? Which item activated? was it a mob of 20+ enemies? teleporter event? Map event? Secret event? Interractible content? Trials? did you abuse a certain item like 50+ hoppo feather? Did you mash a certain skill button? Did you use an equipment? how many flash were active? how many embryo? how many cell did you have? Which map were you on? Do you know which variant it was? What enemies were you fighting?

Are you playing with controller or keyboard? Window mode or fullscreen? Which resolution? What's your computer resolution? What's the zoom level? How long since you booted the game? Which other apps were open? How long were they open and running? Do you have specific keyboard effect or shortcut not like default keyboard? Are you using rapidfire controller? Do you use an antivirus, if so which one?
Are you using cheat engine or any other trainer or cheat program? are any of them running even if not linked to the game? Are you playing online? Are you online but alone? local? Local and alone? are your framework and other redistribuable programm up to date? Did you update your GPU recently? Can you rollback the latest update and test again?
Do you alt-tab a lot? Are you using steam overlay? Are you trying to stream the game? Does the crash show any window or alert? Is there an error code? How old is the oldest part in your computer? how old is the most recent part in your computer? Do you frequent christian website (shocking but that's where malware are the most frequent...). Are you using a vpn at all? Parsec? Any other sharing app? Steam remote play?

they always say "I dunno, it just crashed on its own hurr durr" and never provide ANY relevant information. Never think of telling what they were doing other than "I playing game hurr durr" like that could be helpful to anyone. It's like a kid trying to say the cookie went into their mouth by itself and blaming a ghost, with their hand and face full of crumbs and melted chocolate chips. Did you eat the cookies? Did you play the game or are you the "friend that goes on the forum for someone else"?
LuckyDude Nov 24, 2023 @ 11:57am 
Your PC may not correctly handle switching power mode from low and high performance mode. When you play graphics demanding game, you GPU will mostly stay at high performance mode without switching power mode. When in this game it's possible that GPU may switch periodically form low to high performance mode and vice versa too many times, causing a bug with GPU.

Change your GPU power mode to “Maximum Performance”. NVIDIA Control Panel -> Manage 3D Settings -> Global Settings -> Power Management mode.
Last edited by LuckyDude; Nov 24, 2023 @ 11:59am
Prinny Nov 24, 2023 @ 12:06pm 
what LuckyDude said.
I learned this because Horizon Zero Dawn kept crashing my whole computer everytime.
I'd play for hours, then open the inventory for like 30s and it would crash. Because windows would go back to low energy since the whole screen stopped rendering the game or something.

there's a LOT you can provide as far and information goes. even if it seems mundane, it can be necessary.
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Date Posted: Nov 9, 2023 @ 3:21pm
Posts: 14