Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition

Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition

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Moon Daemon May 17, 2021 @ 11:36am
cant speak to Lorik Qui'in (Noveria )
When I walk up to him, Shaperd says "I should let you go" and the conversation ends, how to I finish the mission?
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Moon Daemon May 18, 2021 @ 9:22am 
Originally posted by Zeolot:
Mine is doing the same thing. Anyone know what's going on? It's like it says goodbye for me before any dialog comes up for me to pick.

I did the find Liara mission and the mission with Benezia and then it was gone
SPOILER! I gave the package the Hanar shopkeeper tried to get mes to smuggle to the administrator and he game me a pass. The last time I played I think I ended up breaking into Synthetic Insights offices and eventually wound up with a pass from Lorik, or something similar.
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Date Posted: May 17, 2021 @ 11:36am
Posts: 2