Grit Paintball

Grit Paintball

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DrunkPunk Jun 21, 2020 @ 4:11am
Feedback and feature suggestions!
If you have an idea or suggestion for a feature you'd like to see, leave it here!
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
Shupershuff Jun 21, 2020 @ 5:44am 
Game Settings - Ability to type in numerical values rather than spamming the +- buttons.
Game Settings - FPS option for guns in the menu (eg 260 to 298)
Game Settings - Gun Consistency settings (eg +- 7 FPS)
Game Settings - Paint Quality (Perfect Circle -> Egg shaped)
Game Settings - Advanced Ramp options
Field Editor - Picture Mode to save PNG's (without HUD) from Birds Eye as well as a Free Roam Camera.
Field Editor - Ability to name bunkers for birds eye map layouts
Field Editor - Field editor should show Grid Measurement for scale reference. Countries still in the dark ages may want imperial measurements in addition to glorious metric.
Field Editor - Bunker Sets for bunkers used in previous years. This or just have an "Other Bunkers" for historical bunkers like the W wall, rocket, "M" bunker, "A" bunker, U bunker, wings, carwash etc etc. This could give field owners the ability to create a bunker set and design fields with the bunkers they currently own.
Field Editor - Field save location to be shown in game.
In Game - Ability to see name bunkers above bunker (or label on bunker) when field walking).
In Game (VR) - Breakout drill (randomly timed buzzer)
Steam Workshop - Ability for fields to be uploaded to steam workshop and subscribed to by others who want to walk the field. Note this could just be done via the steam website, this is not something you would implement in the game menu.
S@D S@CK Sep 28, 2021 @ 7:22am 
Game settings
  1. Paintball Fill colors
  2. Crono adjustments (higher speeds cause paint to fly different
  3. Paint quality maybe based on percentage and causes paint to not always fly straight
  4. VR controller mapping

Field Editor
  1. Save the layouts as pictures
  2. Name laid out bunkers and save as pictures too
  3. Custom field sizes to implementing 10 man layouts or even 3v3
  4. add Hyperball or mounds
  5. add moving targets

In game
  1. be able to hold gun with 2 hands
  2. pull pod from side or back (no auto filling)
  3. add clipping to bunkers so you dont go through them
  4. add locomotion on top of TPing
  5. Add snap rotations
  6. Add time limits to games

  1. implement steam workshop if possible to add more variety (people can upload custom maps and gun skins)
  2. work on MP or local MP (this may bring in more teams so they can practice even when they are away if needed or can work finding good lanes during tournaments. the more pro teams that use it the more money for you probably :steamthumbsup: )

love the concept and cant wait to use this with my team when we go to tournaments to get a bit more practice time in and get the guys used to the layout. hope the game isnt dead either. This could be a big thing if work is put into it.
DrunkPunk Oct 6, 2021 @ 11:22pm 
Originally posted by S@D S@CK:
love the concept and cant wait to use this with my team when we go to tournaments to get a bit more practice time in and get the guys used to the layout. hope the game isnt dead either. This could be a big thing if work is put into it.

Hey mate! Appreciate the work you've put into this list. Here's a response to everything haha!
Game settings
1 - Should be easy enough to implement, haven't done it as tournament paint is basically always yellow fill. At some point I'm probably gunna redo the UI so probably look into it then but it won't be a priority.
2 - The current paint quality setting adjusts both FPS and accuracy - Field Paint quality shoots randomly between 282 and 300 fps for each shot, getting more accurate up to Perfect will shoot at 290fps every time. Makes sense to lump them together to me as it makes the scripting a bit easier as well as meaning there a lot less things to adjust.
3 - Paint Quality setting should already cause a pretty noticeable change in accuracy between settings.
4 - You should be able to accomplish this in SteamVR settings by creating your own control scheme.

Field Editor
1 - Already implemented! When you save your layout, multiple pictures get saved to My Documents\Grit Paintball\Exportsed Layouts\*Your Layout Name*
Name laid out bunkers and save as pictures too - bunker naming ability is literally the first thing on my to do list!
2 - Could be done but would be a pretty big rebuild as field dimensions were the first thing I set up (when I had zero idea what I was doing) and it's all hardcoded. Going smaller would be a lot easier but going to a 10 man field is gunna be a fight. I know of a few people who have designed 3v3 fields by leaving the first set of grid squares around the outside empty and building it to that smaller area. Won't be good when MP happens but it's a workaround for now.
3 - Hyperball bunkers is a good idea! Added to the list
4s - I've been working on bots and AI - it's pretty damn hard but I might get there one day!

In game
1 - The game is designed to work with only the one controller so it can be used with a Vive Tracker on a gun setup.
2 - Unfortunately this would also require 2 controllers which isn't the path I'm going down sorry!
3 - Huge issue for every VR game out there. I looked into the best fix for this and a few people have implemented a 'Fade To Black' option when you clip through an object. Without tactile feedback its really the only nice way to prevent seeing through bunkers without weird motion sickness issues. More solutions may have popped up in the last year but I haven't been looking into it. Will do another check
4 - Second thing on my list!
5 - I'm guessing you mean snap around so you can orient yourself better in your playspace depending on which way you're facing?
6 - Time limits and training modes will be introduced at the same time as bots. Not much point without anything shooting back :D

1 - Steam Workshop integration is legitimately just super hard and confusing. I looked through the documentation and I'm pretty sure I understood 3 words. If it was easier I would have added it ages ago! Maybe if I manage to make enough money to employ people I'll get them to do it haha.

2 -(this may bring in more teams so they can practice even when they are away if needed or can work finding good lanes during tournaments. the more pro teams that use it the more money for you probably :steamthumbsup: ) - Yet another thing which is way above my skill level unfortunately. I spent 5 weeks in lockdown learning and designing the game, and then looked at netcode stuff later on and realised it'd be like starting from scratch, but without the 5 weeks of free time. Again, something I'll hopefully get to if I can employ someone down the track.

Really appreciate your input! I know there's still a lot of work that can be done but my initial goal was to make it a useable field designer, walker and training sim and I think it's at least hit that mark. As mentioned a few times above, I'm hoping to find someone who has actually studied game design to get on board an help me move this further on, and having people interested helps to remind me that I need to do more!
S@D S@CK Oct 7, 2021 @ 4:12am 
Originally posted by DrunkPunk:
Originally posted by S@D S@CK:
love the concept and cant wait to use this with my team when we go to tournaments to get a bit more practice time in and get the guys used to the layout. hope the game isnt dead either. This could be a big thing if work is put into it.

Hey mate! Appreciate the work you've put into this list. Here's a response to everything haha!
Game settings
1 - Should be easy enough to implement, haven't done it as tournament paint is basically always yellow fill. At some point I'm probably gunna redo the UI so probably look into it then but it won't be a priority.
2 - The current paint quality setting adjusts both FPS and accuracy - Field Paint quality shoots randomly between 282 and 300 fps for each shot, getting more accurate up to Perfect will shoot at 290fps every time. Makes sense to lump them together to me as it makes the scripting a bit easier as well as meaning there a lot less things to adjust.
3 - Paint Quality setting should already cause a pretty noticeable change in accuracy between settings.
4 - You should be able to accomplish this in SteamVR settings by creating your own control scheme.

Field Editor
1 - Already implemented! When you save your layout, multiple pictures get saved to My Documents\Grit Paintball\Exportsed Layouts\*Your Layout Name*
Name laid out bunkers and save as pictures too - bunker naming ability is literally the first thing on my to do list!
2 - Could be done but would be a pretty big rebuild as field dimensions were the first thing I set up (when I had zero idea what I was doing) and it's all hardcoded. Going smaller would be a lot easier but going to a 10 man field is gunna be a fight. I know of a few people who have designed 3v3 fields by leaving the first set of grid squares around the outside empty and building it to that smaller area. Won't be good when MP happens but it's a workaround for now.
3 - Hyperball bunkers is a good idea! Added to the list
4s - I've been working on bots and AI - it's pretty damn hard but I might get there one day!

In game
1 - The game is designed to work with only the one controller so it can be used with a Vive Tracker on a gun setup.
2 - Unfortunately this would also require 2 controllers which isn't the path I'm going down sorry!
3 - Huge issue for every VR game out there. I looked into the best fix for this and a few people have implemented a 'Fade To Black' option when you clip through an object. Without tactile feedback its really the only nice way to prevent seeing through bunkers without weird motion sickness issues. More solutions may have popped up in the last year but I haven't been looking into it. Will do another check
4 - Second thing on my list!
5 - I'm guessing you mean snap around so you can orient yourself better in your playspace depending on which way you're facing?
6 - Time limits and training modes will be introduced at the same time as bots. Not much point without anything shooting back :D

1 - Steam Workshop integration is legitimately just super hard and confusing. I looked through the documentation and I'm pretty sure I understood 3 words. If it was easier I would have added it ages ago! Maybe if I manage to make enough money to employ people I'll get them to do it haha.

2 -(this may bring in more teams so they can practice even when they are away if needed or can work finding good lanes during tournaments. the more pro teams that use it the more money for you probably :steamthumbsup: ) - Yet another thing which is way above my skill level unfortunately. I spent 5 weeks in lockdown learning and designing the game, and then looked at netcode stuff later on and realised it'd be like starting from scratch, but without the 5 weeks of free time. Again, something I'll hopefully get to if I can employ someone down the track.

Really appreciate your input! I know there's still a lot of work that can be done but my initial goal was to make it a useable field designer, walker and training sim and I think it's at least hit that mark. As mentioned a few times above, I'm hoping to find someone who has actually studied game design to get on board an help me move this further on, and having people interested helps to remind me that I need to do more!

Thanks for the response!!
I guess there was quite a few things I didnt explore in the game haha
after reading through your response I now know where to look to get most of this information

in regards to
"I'm guessing you mean snap around so you can orient yourself better in your playspace depending on which way you're facing?" --- Yes, while I get 360 area is needed I know some people still got a handy dandy cord coming out of there headset and easily get tangle up in it, I'm thinking that snap rotations will mitigate this.

"Steam Workshop integration is legitimately just super hard and confusing. I looked through the documentation and I'm pretty sure I understood 3 words. If it was easier I would have added it ages ago! Maybe if I manage to make enough money to employ people I'll get them to do it haha." --- I'm not well versed in how that kind of integration works, have you considered opening up the files in git hub where people can access the data so 1) they can help you work on the game if they are interested and 2) create "mods" for the game instead of integrate steam workshop, similar to Fallout and getting mods from nexus

"Yet another thing which is way above my skill level unfortunately. I spent 5 weeks in lockdown learning and designing the game, and then looked at netcode stuff later on and realised it'd be like starting from scratch, but without the 5 weeks of free time. Again, something I'll hopefully get to if I can employ someone down the track." --- kinda falls in line with github, I know there have to be some paintballers out there that work with video game design and are willing to help you out for free? maybe try reaching out on PBnation or reddit to see if anyone would be willing to help on their own pace?

I really hope you the best of luck and Ill be using it this weekend with my team at a local tournament to discuss plays and where the player should lane to when they run off break and when they get to their bunkers. I think this will be a game changer for my team.

Thanks you so much
DrunkPunk Oct 9, 2021 @ 10:48pm 
Originally posted by S@D S@CK:
Originally posted by DrunkPunk:

Thanks for the response!!
I guess there was quite a few things I didnt explore in the game haha
after reading through your response I now know where to look to get most of this information

in regards to
"I'm guessing you mean snap around so you can orient yourself better in your playspace depending on which way you're facing?" --- Yes, while I get 360 area is needed I know some people still got a handy dandy cord coming out of there headset and easily get tangle up in it, I'm thinking that snap rotations will mitigate this.

"Steam Workshop integration is legitimately just super hard and confusing. I looked through the documentation and I'm pretty sure I understood 3 words. If it was easier I would have added it ages ago! Maybe if I manage to make enough money to employ people I'll get them to do it haha." --- I'm not well versed in how that kind of integration works, have you considered opening up the files in git hub where people can access the data so 1) they can help you work on the game if they are interested and 2) create "mods" for the game instead of integrate steam workshop, similar to Fallout and getting mods from nexus

"Yet another thing which is way above my skill level unfortunately. I spent 5 weeks in lockdown learning and designing the game, and then looked at netcode stuff later on and realised it'd be like starting from scratch, but without the 5 weeks of free time. Again, something I'll hopefully get to if I can employ someone down the track." --- kinda falls in line with github, I know there have to be some paintballers out there that work with video game design and are willing to help you out for free? maybe try reaching out on PBnation or reddit to see if anyone would be willing to help on their own pace?

I really hope you the best of luck and Ill be using it this weekend with my team at a local tournament to discuss plays and where the player should lane to when they run off break and when they get to their bunkers. I think this will be a game changer for my team.

Thanks you so much

No worries, thanks for the suggestion and I really hope the software helps you in the state it's currently in, and hopefully it can keep getting better in the future!
I'm currently actively looking for someone local that can help with development, partly for easier communication, partly for easier IP protection - allowing that stuff online can open makes it really hard to protect, and I don't really wanna take it open source yet.
If all else fails I'll start looking into the wider paintball community. I've had a couple of people offer a bunch of their talents already, and it's the people that really made my time in paintball memorable.

Thanks mate, and enjoy!
godzilla Oct 17, 2021 @ 3:42pm 
How much longer do you think until AI/bots are realesed?
DrunkPunk Oct 22, 2021 @ 11:57pm 
Originally posted by justin:
How much longer do you think until AI/bots are realesed?
I have a few meetings with potential devs in the next couple of weeks and this will be one of the main things they'll be focussing on if I pick up some help - obviously it'll still take time but things are in motion. Couldn't give you a timeline of any kind though sorry
hotoku1141 Jun 1, 2022 @ 12:22pm 
Love this game! I just can't state that enough. I only have one question differing from the others you have answered.

Is there a current repository like github that players save the json files to? This would be great for upcoming NXL events or local events.

Thank you again!!!
hotoku1141 Jun 2, 2022 @ 7:34am 
One other item for an update is that the Little Wing is opposite of each other. I am trying to make the philly layout and it does not work snake side
DrunkPunk Jun 3, 2022 @ 1:19am 
Originally posted by hotoku1141:
Love this game! I just can't state that enough. I only have one question differing from the others you have answered.

Is there a current repository like github that players save the json files to? This would be great for upcoming NXL events or local events.

Thank you again!!!

Hey, great to hear you're enjoying it!
Currently there isn't anywhere set up for layout sharing, but there is a branch in the Discord channel that no one ever uses haha:

Originally posted by hotoku1141:
One other item for an update is that the Little Wing is opposite of each other. I am trying to make the philly layout and it does not work snake side

I got a message about the mini wing over on the Discord as well:
It is a known issue, but unfortunately I'm between houses as I've just moved cities and I'm unable to do any dev work without my stuff set up! There is a workaround described in the thread on Discord to get the wings to work.

Thanks for your support!
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