Cult of the Lamb

Cult of the Lamb

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applekitty Aug 13, 2022 @ 3:16pm
Is a no-sacrifice run viable?
I don't want to kill any of my followers via sacrifice. I don't know what the benefits are, I don't care if they request it, I don't wanna.

Is it viable to have this sort of run on Hard? Am I missing something that's integral if I don't sacrifice followers?
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Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
Talon Aug 13, 2022 @ 3:18pm 
Far as I know you just lose out on their meat, bones and level up points if you don't sacrifice, otherwise you can either go a bury only/meat route or carving them once dead

Sacrificing just makes the others happy so I assume it can indeed be done
DaciValt Aug 13, 2022 @ 3:20pm 
Sacrificing gives alot of points towards your upgrades for better weapons etc (loyalty too if you have the doctrine.)

You can get there with sermons but it will be much more resource intensive and take many more days. Also means when they do pop their clogs you don't need a grave for them which is nice... they are gonna die anyway.

In other words you should get used to using followers as a resource and not something to babysit.
Last edited by DaciValt; Aug 13, 2022 @ 3:24pm
Likorys Aug 13, 2022 @ 3:22pm 
You can't go no-sacrifice if you wanna max out reources (Midas's Cave and the Night Dude).
You can't go no-killed either if you wanna beat bosses.
Slushie Aug 13, 2022 @ 3:30pm 
Luckily you can always resurrect those who are killed by the bosses/events in game.
Areola Grande Aug 13, 2022 @ 3:35pm 
I finished my first run through normal just now and avoided sacrificing my followers in a ritual. However if you want to unlock all the fleeces and such, you will need to sacrifice some followers in other places. If you're not too interested in 100%ing though, you can get by without sacrificing! There will still be follower-related deaths however, as some are unavoidable.
lordsteel166 Aug 13, 2022 @ 4:26pm 
So to answer ... yes you can get through the game with out feeding people to a elder thing, just takes a little while longer. You can Ascend followers which kinda acts like a sacrifice but doesn't hit your faith score and .... seems to provide some resources?
Cynn Aug 13, 2022 @ 4:42pm 
I really didn't wanna murder any of my followers whenever they turned against me by a bishop so the cheat i used was just running circles around them and when they're far enough just teleport back home lmao, it worked! I came back and it was like they weren't even pulled out of the town
TamanduaGirl Aug 13, 2022 @ 4:46pm 
Originally posted by Cynn:
I really didn't wanna murder any of my followers whenever they turned against me by a bishop so the cheat i used was just running circles around them and when they're far enough just teleport back home lmao, it worked! I came back and it was like they weren't even pulled out of the town

Oh I didn't think of that. I have that perk but I just tried running around for awhile before giving in and killing them. I mean I actually will sacrifice the old ones sometimes but sucked to waste killing young ones for no good.
👁 Aug 13, 2022 @ 4:47pm 
Personally I prefer to be a Benevolent Lambkins so instead of sacrificing them I wait until they're about to die then ascend them.

Then I resurrect the ones I want to keep.

jankowskij7 Aug 13, 2022 @ 4:58pm 
No-sacrifice is 100% viable, as long as you don't mind waiting a bit more for upgrades. That being said, sacrificing my elderly wife to get a second life during my 4th bishop fight was definitely the highlight of my playthrough.
Foxhood Aug 13, 2022 @ 5:28pm 
The actual Sacrifice ritual you get from The one who waits. Is purely optional. It just nets a lot of points towards empowering the crown, but you can ignore that altogether if you want. The number of sacrifices is tracked and referenced by The one who waits eventually.

Apparently said tracking only counts the sacrifice ritual. Other forms of sacrifices like say those for Fleece parts at Midas or to the Fox that hides in the darkness are not.
👁 Aug 13, 2022 @ 5:43pm 
If you take the resurrection ritual you can also do a sacrifice, make stew of the sacrificial victim (that's two achievements) then resurrect them and give everyone gifts and blessings until they're all happy again.
Getn Brains Aug 13, 2022 @ 5:44pm 
ive only sacrificed a few times when the NPC gets old but you could just wait till they die. Definitely possible
Magus Aug 13, 2022 @ 5:53pm 
It's totally doable but you'll have to be much more aware of your follower count. Elders live quite a while and getting new followers too early can make the management stuff take way longer. Plus you need pits or graves which can take up a lot of space over time. You either need to be very good at combat to finish quick or very thoughtful about how you run things.
Yes, its extremely doable.
You can also resurrect followers you want to keep and ascend those you don't.
The ascension ritual takes the follower to a higher plane of existence.
Which I think is rather nice.
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Date Posted: Aug 13, 2022 @ 3:16pm
Posts: 24