Vagrus - The Riven Realms: Prologue

Vagrus - The Riven Realms: Prologue

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Lost Pilgrims  [developer] Jul 10, 2020 @ 8:07am
Hey Folks,

Since our main game app, Vagrus - The Riven Realms, is still in development, it is only natural that you will find things that are either bugs, areas we need to return to later on in the polishing phase, or features that are completely missing. Hence, the game might feel unbalanced or unfinished in certain areas.

The best way to log any of the issues is the in-game bug reporting tool you can use via the F1 button (you can also find a link there to our text issue tracker). On the other hand, if you wanted to point out a bug/glitch here on Steam, this is the thread for you. We will review and respond to things that appear here periodically.

Currently known issues, incomplete content, and features
  • Text size is not adjustable yet but we would like to add that option later on
  • UI not optimized for 4:3 or ultra-wide screens yet
  • Crew combat is only partially implemented
  • Button highlights (visual feedback upon hover & selection) are not yet implemented
  • Some Gear and Equipment provide only part of their bonuses
  • Some Leader Perks and Companion Combat Traits are not working yet
  • Companion Prowess window is going to be overhauled completely
  • Some Sound Effects are placeholders or are missing
  • Several tooltips are missing
Last edited by Lost Pilgrims; Jul 25, 2020 @ 12:47pm
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Showing 1-15 of 35 comments
Lost Pilgrims  [developer] Jul 10, 2020 @ 8:43am 
Tutorial Issues
Most of the matters raised previously were connected to players stuck on certain tutorial steps so we thought it might make sense to call out a few to confirm that those are not bugs.

Remember that you can always open the tutorial boxes back up with the ‘+’ sign to see if you have to take any actions in order to proceed. There are also pointers in each tutorial showing exactly where you needed to click or search for something.

Nothing happens after the Disclaimer page comes up. The game remains still.
You need to hold space or the left mouse button to proceed.

I am unable to select a choice on the third step of the first text-based event.
The tutorial requests you to click on one of the blue words to introduce the Codex, which is the in-game lore-book. Click on one of them, close the Codex, and you will be able to pick a choice afterward.

I bought all the scrap metal but I am still unable to leave the first settlement.
Besides the scrap metal, the tutorial also asks you to get supplies for the journey. Buy the required supplies too and you will see the next tutorial about the equipment come up, after which you will be able to leave the settlement.

Thanks for submitting glitches, keep them coming!
Last edited by Lost Pilgrims; Jul 10, 2020 @ 8:49am
coleislazy Jul 11, 2020 @ 6:43pm 
Seems pretty cool from the brief bit I could see, but a really annoying issue forced me to quit early on:

When scrolling text in an event, either via the UI arrows or mouse wheel, the text jerks slowly instead of scrolling smoothly. Even worse, it doesn't stop when it hits the ends but keeps slowing jerking in the last direction you tried to scroll. This makes reading anything quite literally a huge headache.
Lost Pilgrims  [developer] Jul 23, 2020 @ 3:32am 
Originally posted by coleislazy:
Seems pretty cool from the brief bit I could see, but a really annoying issue forced me to quit early on:

When scrolling text in an event, either via the UI arrows or mouse wheel, the text jerks slowly instead of scrolling smoothly. Even worse, it doesn't stop when it hits the ends but keeps slowing jerking in the last direction you tried to scroll. This makes reading anything quite literally a huge headache.

Hey, in the Main menu Options you can adjust the Event Scroll Speed or select instant scroll. Hopefully, you can find a good spot where it feels okay.
Baron Leichtsinn Jul 25, 2020 @ 12:35pm 
game just crashes. i had the same problem with the gog demo, when the unity logo appears it just freezes. my machine is not the best, but it seems to be up for all the minimum requirements. maybe the onboard graphic card is a problem?
Lost Pilgrims  [developer] Jul 25, 2020 @ 12:46pm 
Originally posted by Max.Aggropop:
game just crashes. i had the same problem with the gog demo, when the unity logo appears it just freezes. my machine is not the best, but it seems to be up for all the minimum requirements. maybe the onboard graphic card is a problem?

Hey, we have heard that on lower spec PCs it can take even more than a minute for the game to load. Have you left if loading for a long time?
We will be releasing a new version of the Prologue in a couple of weeks that will include a few performance related changes but not sure if it solves this issue. Nevertheless, you might want to check back to see if it does.
Last edited by Lost Pilgrims; Jul 25, 2020 @ 12:46pm
M0butu Oct 7, 2020 @ 4:53am 
I played through tutorial several times and the "Second chance" achievement does not trigger.
Btw I hope there will be one or more difficulty sliders in the final product, game is too EASY for experienced players. :steammocking: I ammassed 30 coins in tutorial on the first try.
uhoh_elmo Oct 13, 2020 @ 6:37am 
Originally posted by M0butu:
I played through tutorial several times and the "Second chance" achievement does not trigger.
Btw I hope there will be one or more difficulty sliders in the final product, game is too EASY for experienced players. :steammocking: I ammassed 30 coins in tutorial on the first try.

Just want to add this is happening for me as well. All other achievements triggered.
Justeer Oct 17, 2020 @ 9:01am 
Originally posted by uhoh_elmo:
Originally posted by M0butu:
I played through tutorial several times and the "Second chance" achievement does not trigger.
Btw I hope there will be one or more difficulty sliders in the final product, game is too EASY for experienced players. :steammocking: I ammassed 30 coins in tutorial on the first try.

Just want to add this is happening for me as well. All other achievements triggered.

Same here. The perfectionist in me is uncomfortable.

Lost Pilgrims  [developer] Oct 17, 2020 @ 9:38am 
Originally posted by Justeer:
Originally posted by uhoh_elmo:

Just want to add this is happening for me as well. All other achievements triggered.

Same here. The perfectionist in me is uncomfortable.

Hey Folks,

sorry about this. Not sure why it's happening to you. We just tried with a new account and it worked fine. Could you please submit a bug report via F1 so we can investigate what makes your cases different?
Be assured we will continue to update the Prologue and in a future patch will fix this once when we find the root cause. Luckily, it is not that deep in the game, so you will have the chance to complete it fairly quickly once we do.

Stay tuned, thanks,
The Lost Pilgrims Team
Justeer Oct 17, 2020 @ 10:51am 
Originally posted by Lost Pilgrims:
Originally posted by Justeer:

Same here. The perfectionist in me is uncomfortable.

Hey Folks,

sorry about this. Not sure why it's happening to you. We just tried with a new account and it worked fine. Could you please submit a bug report via F1 so we can investigate what makes your cases different?
Be assured we will continue to update the Prologue and in a future patch will fix this once when we find the root cause. Luckily, it is not that deep in the game, so you will have the chance to complete it fairly quickly once we do.

Stay tuned, thanks,
The Lost Pilgrims Team

Nice effort! I just submitted a bug report on the turn after leaving Scraphead. Hope it helps.
Last edited by Justeer; Oct 17, 2020 @ 10:52am
The Rabid Otter Oct 29, 2020 @ 10:27am 
I tried to write a review for the demo, but for some reason it was not accepted. It was thumbs up. I don't know if reviews are turned off for demos on STEAM, but here is mine:

I have only played the demo. You are a caravan operator in a hellish world. The world is akin to North Africa (based on the map) with Roman or Carthaginian social structure, though after the appearance, ravaging and fading away of Elder Gods. They brought the second apocalypse to strike the world; the first was its destruction and abandonment by its original gods, pissed as the were with the original empire. There is lots of backstory fleshing out the world.

The game itself involves travelling along pre-determined paths on a network map --- there are nodes connected by lines, with each line representing 2 or 3 units of movement. Most of the trip is linear in the demo. There is also another map which shows all the points of interest, but it is not clear to me how it is actually linked to this network map. Along the way you camp, visit locations, purchase goods and have encounters. The demo ends before I was able to sell anything.

Your caravan consists of guards, scouts, workers and slaves, plus what I will call primo NPCs. Giant lizards serve as beasts of burden. You can mount your guards on them, too. You need a minimum number of each to efficiently operate your caravan. I did not fall below any of the minimum levels, so I can't tell you how quickly a death spiral sets in once your casualties bring you beneath this floor. You can pay your non-slaves every day to improve their morale. You can free a slave to become a worker to improve slave morale. Food, forced marches and events on the road can also improve or reduce morale. When morale drops to one, your caravan apparently disintegrates into a 'Jeder fuer sich alleine!" situation where everyone ♥♥♥♥♥ off to do their own thing, though I don't know if that always happens.

Combat reminds me of Darkest Dungeon, though with a 2 deep and 3 wide combat space for each side instead of a 4 deep and 1 wide combat space. Your character can level up using Insight points, gathered during encounters. You can also spend your Insight points to level up some of your primo NPCs. You start out with a telepath, who struck me as a possible slashy love interest (assuming your character is male and you are into game fan fiction) and a demonkin scout (also fodder for fan fic romances, if that is your thing). These primo NPCs can be equipped with gear for combat. You, however, cannot enter combat.

There are loads of tutorials, though my ADD brain sometimes got lost in them. The tutorials could use some arrows pointing at the bits to select, though perhaps that doesn't work in this day and age with monitors of all sizes. I can't tell if the game is high- or low-fantasy, so perhaps it is best to call it middle-fantasy. Humans apparently live alongside demonkin and other races (based on the art and background information which mentions the ruins of a dwarven city, plus there are mutants due to some sort of magical corruption.

I'm hopefully that the rest of the game is as engaging as what I experienced. It is now on my Wish List.
Lost Pilgrims  [developer] Oct 29, 2020 @ 11:29am 
Originally posted by The Rabid Otter:
I'm hopefully that the rest of the game is as engaging as what I experienced. It is now on my Wish List.

Hey, thanks a lot! Great summary. It should allow you to post it after ~15 mins of gameplay. (This Prologue is different from the Summer Fest demo so might need to let it play a bit too.) In any case, hope you will have the chance to post it later, and eventually on the full game. :)

The chart becomes important in the open-world part of the game where it starts almost blank with a few major settlements only, and you fill it up as you explore the world.
Also, happy to confirm that we do plan to use pointers/highlights for the tutorial, though, we are going to add them only in the final polish phase when all the user-interface layouts are final.

Again, thanks for posting this, and hope you will enjoy the eventual final game too.
The Lost Pilgrims team
uhoh_elmo Oct 31, 2020 @ 10:22pm 
Originally posted by Lost Pilgrims:
Originally posted by Justeer:

Same here. The perfectionist in me is uncomfortable.

Hey Folks,

sorry about this. Not sure why it's happening to you. We just tried with a new account and it worked fine. Could you please submit a bug report via F1 so we can investigate what makes your cases different?
Be assured we will continue to update the Prologue and in a future patch will fix this once when we find the root cause. Luckily, it is not that deep in the game, so you will have the chance to complete it fairly quickly once we do.

Stay tuned, thanks,
The Lost Pilgrims Team

I just tried this again on a fresh install on a different computer. Achievement is still not ticking for me. I did submit the bug report in-game when I played the last time.
Lares Hill Nov 17, 2020 @ 2:40am 
Originally posted by uhoh_elmo:
Originally posted by Lost Pilgrims:

Hey Folks,

sorry about this. Not sure why it's happening to you. We just tried with a new account and it worked fine. Could you please submit a bug report via F1 so we can investigate what makes your cases different?
Be assured we will continue to update the Prologue and in a future patch will fix this once when we find the root cause. Luckily, it is not that deep in the game, so you will have the chance to complete it fairly quickly once we do.

Stay tuned, thanks,
The Lost Pilgrims Team

I just tried this again on a fresh install on a different computer. Achievement is still not ticking for me. I did submit the bug report in-game when I played the last time.

Fresh install on a different computer but same account, or did you open a new account? Knowin this might help to narrow down the possible cause of the bug.
DuckAndCower Mar 10, 2021 @ 8:14am 
Game fails to load. Sits at black screen after Unity logo, then eventually grays out with "Not responding" prompt. If I choose to close the application, Vagrus.exe continues running in the background. Attempting to terminate process results in denial due to insufficient privileges. After about a minute, system blue screens with something like "DRIVER_POWER_FAILURE." Happens every time, regardless of if I choose to end the application or not.
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