Disciples: Liberation

Disciples: Liberation

Kaarl  [开发者] 2021 年 10 月 26 日 上午 6:30
THANK YOU – for all the support!
THANK YOU – for all the support!

Dear Disciples,

We are over the moon that Disciples: Liberation has received so much love and support from the community. Thus, we as a team would like to step forward from the backline to say: THANK YOU – for all the support, suggestions and constructive feedback; for each and every comment here in the forums and elsewhere that shows your dedication and commitment to this game – and to the wider Disciples universe. We read every single thread and take all of your feedback to heart – although we might not be able to react or comment on each contribution.

We now have a first rough overview of wishes, suggestions and issues – and we are working at full speed on a first hotfix, containing fixes for reported issues including the missing mana tree blueprint, quest and morale system fixes, as well as a fix for class selection not popping up.

Of course, we are also talking over other suggestions, like the highly requested option to change/raise the difficulty – and this is something we are discussing currently and will check back with you on soon.

Once again, thank you for your ongoing support and feedback, we in turn will continue to work to improve your experience in Nevendaar and continue to count on your honest feedback.

See you in Nevendaar,

your Kalypso and FRIMA team
最后由 Kaarl 编辑于; 2021 年 10 月 26 日 上午 6:30
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Kaarl  [开发者] 2021 年 10 月 26 日 上午 6:30 
DANKE – für all den Support!


wir sind begeistert, nein, eigentlich überwältigt, von eurer Unterstützung und dem Enthusiasmus für Disciples: Liberation. Deshalb treten wir als Team aus der Backline hervor und sagen von Herzen: DANKE – für all den Support, die Vorschläge und das konstruktive Feedback sowie jeden einzelnen Kommentar, der eure Hingabe und euer Engagement sowohl für dieses Game als auch für das Disciples-Universum zeigt. Wir lesen jeden einzelnen Thread und nehmen uns all euer Feedback zu Herzen – auch wenn wir nicht auf jeden Beitrag reagieren oder ihn kommentieren können.

Wir haben uns nun einen ersten groben Überblick über die Wünsche, Anregungen und Probleme verschafft und arbeiten mit Hochdruck an einem ersten Hotfix. Dieser wird das Problem mit dem fehlenden Manabaum-Blauplan beheben, einige Quest- und Moralsystem-Fixes beinhalten sowie eine Lösung für das Nicht-Auftauchen der Charakterklassen-Auswahl enthalten.

Natürlich werden wir auch andere Vorschläge diskutieren, wie z. B. die von euch häufig nachgefragte Option, den Schwierigkeitsgrad zu ändern/erhöhen – das evaluieren wir gerade und kommen dann wieder auf euch zu.

Wir bedanken uns nochmals für eure anhaltende Unterstützung und euer Feedback. Wir werden weiterhin daran arbeiten, euer Spielerlebnis zu verbessern und zählen auf euer ehrliches Feedback.

Wir sehen uns in Nevendaar,

Euer Kalypso und FRIMA Team
最后由 Kaarl 编辑于; 2021 年 10 月 26 日 上午 6:30
sandman25dcsss 2021 年 10 月 26 日 上午 6:40 
Nice. Thank you too!
redwitch 2021 年 10 月 26 日 上午 6:56 
thank you too, you have created a great game, though there is always room for improvement :-)
Homo_erectus 2021 年 10 月 26 日 上午 6:57 
Please be careful not to over-correct and make the default difficulty too hard. This game is a good introduction to this style of game for someone who is interested in strategy games like these but hasn't played one before. There just needs to be higher difficulty levels to keep the interest of the more experienced players and the players who want to play against a real challenge.

You've all done good work on this game. It's really fun and engaging.
darkzomelster 2021 年 10 月 26 日 上午 7:04 
Great game. But I miss the evolution of the units like in the old disciples. It was cooler part os the progression system, to look how your units evolve....
Kaarl  [开发者] 2021 年 10 月 26 日 上午 8:20 
引用自 Homo_erectus
Please be careful not to over-correct and make the default difficulty too hard. This game is a good introduction to this style of game for someone who is interested in strategy games like these but hasn't played one before. There just needs to be higher difficulty levels to keep the interest of the more experienced players and the players who want to play against a real challenge.

You've all done good work on this game. It's really fun and engaging.

Hi @Homo_erectus,

we hear both sides and will try to present the best solution possible for the option to change difficulty, but it is still being discussed as to how to implement this feature. Thank you so much for your feedback, input and your support <3

Holy Fool Sehrael 2021 年 10 月 26 日 上午 9:51 
Thank you for this wonderful game. I really love the characters. Each of them is unique and you've chosen well regarding the german voice acting. Be advised that staying closely in touch with the players, and to keep working on this game, will give both you and the players a great deal of enjoyment through the longevity of the franchise that follows. However, and I think that's clear as crystal to everyone, while trying to please most people, don't try too hard. There will always be shortcomings one way or the other, so always keep your head up and hands on. You did a good job overall, not that I'm qualified to judge from any other perspective than that of a player ^^

While we're at it; The subtitles for movies in the german localization need to be reworked since it's blatantly wrong to what is spoken at times. I'm sure you're aware of this already. Generally the localization needs some fixing but so far it was nothing I would remember specifically aside from the intro.

Keep rollin' lads and lasses.
RPGGamer1812 2021 年 10 月 26 日 下午 5:30 
引用自 DDkiki
No thanks from CIS countries. We hate you.

this... so rude haha this user play legion of the damned
BigFish 2021 年 10 月 26 日 下午 6:06 
Dear developers,

Greetings. First of all, thank you for all your amazing works. I have played the game for 40+ hours and I like it, however, there are some bugs I want to report and some of my suggestions I want to share with you.

1. Elf building Mana tree is missing.
2. The morale of daemons is always negative after the map Veranto'or (Honored should be positive).
3. I have to defeat the undead dragon twice on the map of Wotan's grave (same dialogue and same battle after I have defeated it once)
4. Necromancer Jritimat, the NPC in Wotan's grave, should be dead after the quest is completed. However, she will be still in Avyana's team after the quest.
5. Sometimes, after conquering the enemy's resource point the continue button cannot be pressed.
6. After clicking an enemy's resource point on the map Verantoór I cannot interact with the map anymore (cannot talk to NPC, cannot click other resource points).
7. The Legend Sovereign shard of sorrow should +1 morale after defeating an enemy, however, it now -1 morale instead.

1. Just tell players they can build other buildings with the same race in the beginning.
2. Tell players they can go back to previous maps by using the world map.
3. Add a button to dismantle many armours at one time instead of dismantling them one by one.
4. I hope I can compare the currently equipped armour with the armour I want to equip.
5. Dexterity is the most useless attribute since around 100 points only add 1% of critical chance and a little initiative.
6. Make the camera rotate and zoom freely in the world map and dungeons.
7. Add load game or surrender option during the battle.
8. Too many units share the repeat models and animations. Classic Disciples should have unit upgrade trees. Hope they can be added in further DLCs. (A DLC that allows all current units transferred into different classes with different models and animations would be great.)
9. Add the hot-seat battle option in the main menu so that players can battle with their friends by using all units they like on the same computer.
10. I prefer to leave the crops of defeated units on the battle map which makes the battle feels more correct. I don't like the units petrified after being defeated. They should fall in their original colour if they are killed by physical attacks. The "petrified and then fall" animation could be used on the units defeated by primal damage.

Overall, I love the game. It is fantastic. Hope the bugs could be fixed asap. Thank you again for all your hard works!
ImNotAce 2021 年 10 月 26 日 下午 7:28 
Help im stuck!! Im currently playing Bagthal secondary mission, the one you are tasked to defeat Ziminiar and rescue Bagthal´s soldiers but at the start of the mission Bagthal leaves the group and when im to face the demon the game ask me to put Bagthal in formation tho hes not in my group anymore. Apart from that and some minor bugs im actually quite loving this game, thanks great work!!
TysonL 2021 年 10 月 26 日 下午 10:55 
i wish the romance scenes were "fade to black" rather than just text.
Godwin 2021 年 10 月 27 日 上午 5:51 
Thank you for the statement.
i2lazy 2021 年 10 月 27 日 上午 7:58 
If your taking opinions from the community on changes i think the main problem is avyanna being too strong. She has absolutely 0 limitations, no negative quirk to keep her from destroying everything. You can use all her spells regardless of your skill tree choices or if its on your spell wheel, they have no cool downs. The witch class can one shot the entire board, even tier IV mobs, without having to move avyanna. this makes her main, special, and ultimate ability useless as they are severely weaker than all her spells. The game was harder before you unlocked your class and as such its gets progressively easier instead of harder. This is the perspective from the witch class as i have not tried any others.

Items, damage, or both needs to be looked at because if you remove avyanna from this, even her companions can be a little strong sometimes because of it. The difference between the companions and avyanna though is that they have limits and cant spam their abilities. So that helps alot.

There should be level scaling for enemies to keep the game consistent becaue at some point you just level almost everything in the area making the game even more easy. If you set a criteria for using the "Conquer" option idk what it is because i can conquer almost everything. This shouldnt be used willy nilly.

Im sure you have seen people complaining about it already but yes the battle arenas are definitely too small for some of the fights, should be changed according to the specific battle.
i2lazy 2021 年 10 月 27 日 上午 8:00 

i also encountered this bug completely stopping you from finishing the game if you cannot go back to a previous save
最后由 i2lazy 编辑于; 2021 年 10 月 27 日 上午 8:00
Meadow 2021 年 10 月 27 日 上午 11:22 
And thank YOU for making this game! Certain things could make it better (like a higher difficulty), but I'm absolutely loving this game (so far, I have completed 2 1/2- 3 areas right now)! :)
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